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Topics - VerticalHorizon

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Help / Changing default controls
« on: May 24, 2007, 05:12:37 AM »
I saw someone ask about this one time, if this has been answered then I'll lock it.

I had this problem recently, I got a new keyboard and mouse for my laptop, now 'uh oh' I picked 2 button mouse and laptop keyboard! Well instead of going around changing all the controls back, I looked around and found this:

Go into options,
Go under controls,
Hit "Defaults>>",
Here you can change the mouse from 1 - 3 button, and keyboard from num pad-less to regular.

Hope this helped.

Gallery / Castle style base
« on: May 22, 2007, 03:45:39 AM »
Well I got inspired to build so I built a fort that looks like a castle, nothing really great about it but I thought it was nice so I though I'd see what you guys thought, rate if you wish.

Gallery / Weird slopes
« on: May 21, 2007, 04:52:14 AM »
My slopes is seriously bummed up. oO

General Discussion / Canyon Colonys Open Beta
« on: May 20, 2007, 06:42:04 AM »
Well you have probably seen the server/been in it, but I am holding open betas for each version of this map, right now I am hosting a blizzard version, so far the people who have seen the regular version are flabbergasted, I have been asked many times now for the release date, all I can say is I dunno, whenever I think it looks right, come by and check it out if you like.

Server name: VH's Open Beta Map!

General Discussion / ban dis gai!
« on: May 11, 2007, 06:51:15 PM »
dis gai cam into mi serber and he liek, hamrd my blok!!1 u gota ban ths gui wen he coms to ur serber, i frgt hs name butt hiz id is 0

User was banned for this post

Modification Help / Official Grade Rifles 1
« on: May 11, 2007, 06:44:32 PM »
Finally, here are my guns, not flat shaded but they don't look like complete ice cream, I would have flat shaded them if a soul on this forum knew how, Ephi's Uzi will probably own mine, but I'm proud of these, so here.



Download OfficialGradeRifles1.rar

Sounds from a Counter Strike gun replacement pack I found off of google.

P.S: I was too lazy to figure out how to make proper inventory icons, so there are none.

P.P.S: I did not steal the Uzi model, although I was accused of so many many times on my server, I can post the MS3D if you do not believe that I made it.

Help / Nevermind
« on: May 08, 2007, 02:02:18 AM »

Gallery / VH's Slopes 2 preview
« on: May 05, 2007, 02:27:35 AM »
The recording speed is laggy because I couldn't get Fraps to work and had to use VidShot Capturer, and someone signs on MSN near the end, kinda ruining the ffect of the epicness, but I still like it.

Its not done, but the shape can't change too much from where it is right now, the purpose of this mostly is for suggestions, enjoy and rate... I guess.

Help / Ugly flat shading
« on: May 04, 2007, 04:07:18 AM »
Well I finally got my guns flat shaded, but onoes its hideous, the tutorial solar posted is confusingly unhelpful to people who have no idea what they are doing, like me, and I can't get anyone to help me, heres examples:

Wow, this looks awesome! ^^



I disabled colorshift... Put the shapes in 1 shading group and disabled auto shade like the tut said, no work, halp.

Help / Can't equip gun
« on: April 29, 2007, 08:02:57 AM »
Well I made a gun, and its been working until now, I changed the model and now I can't scroll to it, if I scroll from the printer, hes stuck with the printer, if I go TO it from anything it stays at the previous weapon, like the game refuses to equip it, theres no errors in the console either, wtf?

Clan Discussion / <BB> - The Blue Bananas!
« on: April 23, 2007, 05:12:51 PM »
This is Blue Banana
Ohai, let me explain the history of BB:

One day on VH's Server, everyone was having a fun noob free time,
whilst the building was going on, I was watching people and talking,
the discussion trailed into the large number of 5 second clans being
started in BL nowadays, one thing led to another and I decided,
"Hey, why not start my own 5 second clan as a joke?" I then
proceeded to shut off all logical thinking and just let the handicapped
side of my brain do the work, I then came back to consciousness
with the name 'Blue Banana', it was a fun joke for the time,
people saying "What's BB?" and us saying "Blue Banana of course!",
well then I started recruiting some of BL's coolest dudes and now
BB has become a circle of my closest friends.

BB mostly builds death matches and temple type things,
if you wish to apply, you can sign up for the forum
and post your application in the application section,
the forum URL is


1. VerticalHorizon (Creator)
2. =Vy[P]er= (2nd in command)
3. AnimeMasta
4. R@ND0M
5. Crunchie
6. Dan
7. Junior
8. Asp
9. Kungfu-Ninja
10. Tape
11. Panda Dude
12. Squarehead
13. Somebody

Help / Repeat brick spam
« on: April 23, 2007, 05:07:24 PM »
So I have a save that I want clear of bricks except for mine, but someone used the repeat brick spam thing so now there are TONS of baseplates under the bedroom, I found most of them's repeat, but I can't find the remainings repeat, is there an alternate way of deleting them?

Gallery / My Bridges [11 pics]
« on: April 13, 2007, 03:33:40 PM »
Bridge 1 I put in the USSR comp even though I'm %100 I wont win, just made one for the hell of it, bridge 2 was a {CC} app (which got me in).

I am just sharing these with you so I can get some constructive critisizm, so no short posts or rating please.

Minifig to bridge scale:

Help / Error when loading interior
« on: April 09, 2007, 10:18:45 PM »
I made a simple carboard box in the Torque Constructor, I exported as a .dif and tried loading in BL, but when I click it, I get an error in the console about how the file is out of date and stuff, anyone know whats wrong?

Gallery / My USSR app
« on: April 04, 2007, 05:27:48 PM »
This took me 12 days to build, I really hope it gets me in.

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