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Topics - Swat 3

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Off Topic / Throat hurts like stuff.
« on: November 16, 2012, 12:25:14 AM »
I really don't know why, but it hard to swallow without my throat hurting.



I would like:

  • Squads inside a team
  • Squad Chat
  • Ability to spawn on squad
  • Ability to leave and join other squads
  • 4 specialties (Assault, Engineer [MUST HAVE REPAIR TOOL THINGY], Recon)

Vehicle Selection
  • Ability to spawn on vehicles that are still at the spawn
  • Ability to spawn on specific vehicles, even though they are away from spawn.
  • Ability to spawn on squad players to go into their vehicle, unless one spot vehicle.

Hopefully you can do these request :).
What basically what I want:

Commands, unless a GUI is possible... but then, nvm, no GUI.

/join squad (Name) -Allows you to join a Squad-
/create squad (Name) -Allows you to create a Squad-
/leave squad -Allows you to leave a Squad, and to be placed without a squad-

/spawnon (persons name) -Allows you to spawn on someone only on your squad-

/spawninvehicle (Vehicle name currently inside the spawn) -Spawn in an available vehicle-
[Or I can just make it, and would like an Event for this.)

Basically all of that, adding this to OP.

Off Topic / Starting a PS3 Clan.
« on: November 10, 2012, 07:18:44 PM »
I just feel bored. I want to have more social interactions with my fellow gamers. The clan may be names, "Taken."

Tell me ideas, stuff, and if you may want to help me out ;.;

Off Topic / Made a milkshake for everyone.
« on: November 08, 2012, 09:02:23 PM »
Everyone gets one sip. If you take more than that, you implode and the amount you took gets replaced.


Off Topic / Western Africa Social Studies Roleplay
« on: November 08, 2012, 05:31:01 PM »
Okay, so my teacher caught me on the Earth 6 thread, but he looked at it. (He is 24.) He noticed it was kinda fun, so he decided to add Roleplay with our Medieval Africa unit.

The Game:
5 or 6 people are in a group. You roll a dice for the rainforest, savanna, or desert-savanna. We got the desert-savanna. Okay, so apparently, I was elected roleplay selector, along with 2 other people. The other 2 walk around doing what we say. We basically get to do phases, like trading, forming a village with one another. Also, groups get specialties like trading expertise, large standing warrior, and a large amount of important trading area. We have a total of 10 tokens to spend, so we picked 6 standing army, 2 and 2 for the others. We expected to raid others for trading, but Mr. Christel decided that 2 kingdoms had to go and dominate them.

The thing starting now:
We are stuck with 12 wealth points, while the center area has 14, and the other one has 4. Since they have the largest amount, they got the trading center. But this is what we did:

We started taxing people for trying to trade with us since we weren't going to the trading city. Apparently, the trading guys also had 10 in trading expertise. Whenever they came, we got 3 tokens because we loving took all of there money.

We decided to create a treaty against the southern nation:

To the Glorifying Village of Trade,

We document this treaty as a peaceful, unrelated gathering to our area. We would love to alliance to create a kingdom against the south. We would take them over and become a peaceful area.

Terms of Treaty:
Both Villages will become 2 states under one Kingdom
Government Providence to be built in the center of the kingdom. They will be an equal amount of Government officials.
“Democracy will be used, (This is Out of Roleplay terms.)
No wars shalt be fought
Wealth will be shared.
Terms of Refusion:
Boycot of Trading city
We shalt go around to trade with the southern kingdom, and make a kingdom with them
Our wealth will increase, giving you a must to surrender
War will be declared if you enter our land without offerings

Our class is kinda fun.

Off Topic / My Brother is a tad bit annoying, and a snitch.
« on: November 08, 2012, 12:42:28 PM »
Here is a rant for my brother:

My brother is 10 years old. His name is Michael. He is short and overweight. I have nothing against someone who is fat, but he is one of those, "I am lazy, I don't have to do anything," fat people. So my mom goes with it. She tells me to do his jobs, because everytime he gets a job he holds on him stomach and cries, saying he has a stomach ache. I have to do his job, or I get grounded. Minutes later he is on the computer, playing Minecrap.

This is not the main issue:
Whenever he wants me to put a minecraft mod on for him, he forces me to do it by blackmailing me. The way he blackmails is by going to my mom and making up untrue stuff to get me grounded, and it works. So I am forced to do it for him. He thinks I am his slave, and I am not. He forces my family to do his stuff.

Okay, I work hard. My dad is the only one who assigns him work. I do my half, and the kid doesn't do his. Somehow, I'm the one my dad grounds, because my dad says, "It is your responsibility to tell him to do his work." I yell at the kid to clean, and he just sits there saying, "No!"

Please help me and my brother become better brothers.

Off Topic / I NEED 500 DOLLAR
« on: November 04, 2012, 04:21:04 PM »

General Discussion / What is with all these new players?
« on: November 04, 2012, 11:38:33 AM »
I was on Glass' Fort Wars, and I noticed a lot of new players coming in. They have absolutely no idea what to do. I know we are on greenlight, but it seems a lot of minecraft, not-so-much-mature kids are coming on.


General Discussion / No
« on: October 29, 2012, 05:20:36 PM »
-silly idea-

Off Topic / How to prepare for Hurricane Sandy.
« on: October 27, 2012, 12:23:58 PM »
Hello fellow Nor' easterns. As you should know, Hurricane Sandy will form a Hybrid Tropical Storm with snow. To be safe from cut water/ electricity/emergencies you should have:
  • A large amount of water in Ziplock baggies or containers
  • A Generator that can give electricity to a radio, refrigerator, or a electric stove. (And to your Gaming Desktop  :cookieMonster:)
  • First Aid kits
  • Gas for Generator/Car
  • Food Cans
  • Manual Can Opener
  • Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water

Help add to a list or make your own.
Fill one bath tub with water BEFORE you have problems

I got :

  • Bread
  • Donuts to eat for breakfast

Off Topic / Frankenstorm
« on: October 25, 2012, 05:37:42 PM »
Yes, children, come around so pappa can teach you a story:

Hurricane Sandy is going to hit the New England area, while a Snow Storm is coming from the west, and a cold front is coming from the artic.

New Jersey in is some stuff guys. And I live in the red zone.

This is also going to happen the day before halloween.

Did I mention a full moon too?

We are planning to do a little show showing FPS and RPG's. But it is on the PS3 and we are having trouble with the concept of this. My friend is planning on using the avermedia hd game capture card.

Help us?

Off Topic / First Soccer tournament game tomorrow!
« on: October 20, 2012, 12:04:11 AM »
I am pumped, though sadly, we are going against that recreational team that got to pick it's players. And I am on the team with the scrappies. Oh well, I am hoping our 2 best players are coming...

Drama / The new TTT, another clan full of immature brats, We32.
« on: October 18, 2012, 09:22:21 PM »
Hello, fellow Blocklanders and other mature human beings. I want to share some information with you. There is now this tryhard troll clan who is full of 2 immature kids.

Emo Nation 34212

X1Z1 35945


Off Topic / Walking Dead S3 Ep. 1
« on: October 14, 2012, 09:13:20 PM »

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