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Topics - Littledude

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Games / is there a cowboys vs indians tf2 style game?
« on: February 24, 2012, 04:21:56 PM »
So yeah I was  just wondering if you guys knew of a good TDM game where the two factions are cowboys and indians.

I had a pretty cool idea for one and was wondering if it already existed and I could play it.

Games / Guild Wars 2 Press Beta videos releasing
« on: February 20, 2012, 09:52:30 AM »
So if anyone else is as excited for Guild Wars 2 as I am be sure to go to your favorite youtube game celebrities' channels and check out the videos.

Games / Anyone want to play some dungeon defenders?
« on: February 18, 2012, 01:50:20 PM »
I just bought this game a couple days ago, anyone want to play?

my steam:

its 15 dollars if you don't have it and have some money. It's a really fun defense game with multiple classes who each have their advantages and disadvantages and stuff.

Off Topic / Opinion of my attempt at excused absence hooky?
« on: February 07, 2012, 08:09:48 AM »
so I am now asking for an opinion of whether or not you think I am forgeted. I had to call the school to find the number. Then my fax machine wasn't working (we recently switched over to magic jack or whatever its called and its not set up properly), so I decided to send it through a website called Which may or may not have worked, but I got a confirmation email from the site and it showed what it faxed.
Here's a picture:

do those ads make it obvious that the student sent the fax?
also forgot to remove my moms phone number which may be a problem, but I don't think they've called before

Creativity / Robertroll Face now with Klingon Zach
« on: February 06, 2012, 05:42:47 PM »
I edited a picture of my friend Roberto, who happens to be a massive troll, into a trollface. Enjoy.

Off Topic / Jim and Them - A comedy podcast
« on: January 29, 2012, 01:57:30 PM »

"Jim and Them is a comedy, internet radio show which is currently hosted by Jim Scampoli , Jake Sprague , Mike Steele and Jeff Murphy . The show airs every friday live at 7:00Pm Pacific Standard Time on their website. ITS ALSO forgetIN' AWESOME!!!!!!! They talk about Justin Bieber, animal genitalia, Miley Cyrus, cum, procrastination, child enthusiasts, black people, alcohol, underage girls, research, food, horse research, and balls."

It's basically a loving hilarious podcast in which these 4 guys talk about stuff. Also, on occasion they do power hours during which they take a stuffton of shots and stuff, which leads to hilarity.

Suggestions & Requests / 48x48 road blocks
« on: January 11, 2012, 03:38:23 PM »
Basically the same thing as the default 32x roads but wider. Me and my friend noticed that the 32x road bricks were really thin as far as the lanes go. We started to just build our own roads but it used tons of bricks.

Games / Most Attractive Female videogame character topic
« on: December 28, 2011, 04:39:56 PM »
Title is fairly self explanatory. Just post who you think is the most attractive girl from a videogame. State their name, what game they're from and post a picture of them.

My favorite is Kara from Red Faction Armageddon.

Off Topic / Where can I watch/buy the original series of Doctor Who?
« on: December 16, 2011, 08:49:11 PM »
DOes anyone know where I can watch or buy the original series of Doctor Who?
The episodes made from 1963-1996.
Netflix only has the special episodes, like "The Three Doctors" and such, I want to watch the entire show from the start.

Off Topic / hahaha I just got a call from anonymous
« on: December 16, 2011, 03:15:05 PM »
SO yeah my phone was just ringing and the caller id said:

I didn't pick it up, but I should have.

I'm fairly certain that this isn't something that normally happens because normally the caller id says Unknown Name Unknown Number when that comes up.

So yeah.

Off Topic / Awesome Dreams Thread
« on: November 26, 2011, 09:21:09 AM »
Discuss your cool, exciting, action-packed, or just regular boring dreams here!

The dream I just had last night was amazing. I dreamed of a great battle defending a city from viscous monsters. The dream took place in a slighty deformed(in the dream way) version of the city of Whiterun from Skyrim. The enemy was the Darkspawn horde from Dragon Age. And the main inspiration for the dream was LOTR the two towers, when they defend helmsdeep.
I took the role of Aragorn pretty much, and the fighting was hard. We must have brought down at least 5 foes each before we were overrun. When the king gave the order to fallback we all rushed back to the main gate and braced it. The enemy somehow breached the walls so I was dispatched to find their point of entry. On the other side of town I found they were using ladders to climb the walls so I pushed the ladders away, sending them crashing to their deaths. Heading back to the main gate I found that we were retreating to the castle for a last defense.
Suddenly, a dragon swooped down from the peaks of the mountains, we were all safe inside the keep at the time of the dragon attack, so the dragon attacked the darkspawn. When we ceased to hear the dragon I was sent out to scout the area. There were just a few darkspawn left at the gates that I quickly killed. I returned into the castle with the great news and we retook the city, killing any stragglers left behind. Anticipating another attack we braced the walls and gates and sent runners for aid. I was sent to scout out the enemy camps. I found darkspawn reinforcements arriving in the camp and preparing to move out. As I rushed back to town the dream ended and I awoke.

Best loving videogame/movie crossover dream ever. Ever.

Off Topic / POGS! 1990's fun!
« on: October 21, 2011, 07:40:09 PM »
Do you guys remember pogs? That fun little game where you stacked up a bunch of cardboard coin-like things and hit them with a slammer?

time for some copy pasta
Pogs is a game that was popularized during the early 1990s. The word "pog" also refers to the discs used to play the game. The name originates from POG, a brand of juice made from passionfruit, orange and guava; the use of the POG bottle caps to play the game pre-dated the game's commercialization. The game of pogs possibly originated in Hawaii (Maui, Hawaii) in the 1920s or 1930s, or possibly with origins in a game from much earlier: Menko, a Japanese card game very similar to pogs, has been in existence since the 17th century. Pogs returned to popularity when the World POG Federation and the Canada Games Company reintroduced them to the public in the 1990s. The pog fad soared, and peaked in the mid 1990s before rapidly fading out.


Rules may vary among players, but the game variants generally have common gameplay features. Each player has their own collection of pogs and a slammer, a heavier game piece often made of metal or a thick plastic.[4] However, metal pogs were not allowed in some games because they were too heavy and knocked too many pogs over too quickly, thus giving the player with the first turn an unfair advantage. Before the game, players decide whether to play 'for keeps', or not. 'For keeps' implies that the players keep the POGs that they win and forfeit those that have been won by other players. The game can then begin as follows:
1. The players each contribute an equal number of pogs to build a stack with the pieces facing down, which will be used during the game.
2. The players take turns throwing their slammer (heavy rubber, metal or plastic cylinder shaped piece, with different textures and colors) down onto the top of the stack, causing it to spring up and the pogs to scatter. Each player keeps any pogs that land 'face up' after their throw.
3. After each throw, the pogs which have landed 'face down' are then re-stacked for the next player.
4. When no pogs remain in the stack, the player with the most pogs is the 'winner'.
Players would keep any pogs collected during the game, if you were playing for keeps.

Not just for fun, for military use as well!
The Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the United States Department of Defense's largest and oldest exchange system, distributes pog-like coinage as change at its stores in contingency areas (those supporting Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom). The reason for adopting pogs as currency was that supply flights overseas had limited capacity and air-freight shipping involved high costs. Metal coinage weighs significantly more than paper pogs, which are also much thinner than standard pogs. However, since only Congress can order US currency made and the pogs stay within the AAFES system, they are "gift certificates" instead of currency. While they are only issued in contingency areas, they are redeemable at any AAFES store worldwide.

I used to play this stuff all the time as a little kid. I wonder what happened to my old collection, they might be at my grandmas house. I'll be sure to look for them next time I'm there.

Off Topic / Evolution, why have you done this?
« on: October 15, 2011, 08:38:16 PM »
Why has evolution created gender?
I mean, back when it was just a bunch of cells, they would divide to reproduce.
Why did evolution suddenly deny that factor and create males and females.
The sperm fertilizes the egg which will later become another male or female to repeat the process. But why not just have it so everyone has both sperm and eggs.
I really don't see a reason for different lovees.

Is it so that reproduction can be planned or something, because it requires two different mammals to complete?
Is it so that natural selection had a better chance to continue through the rejection of mates with less desirable traits?

I don't get it.


Off Topic / my headset is picking up some weird sounds
« on: October 13, 2011, 05:06:41 PM »
Oh god what's happening.
My headset is somehow picking up this weird music.

I heard "That's what girls dooo"

and now it sounds like kids running around and playing
It's mostly static though.

the forget is happening

help meeeeeee

Games / quick quick quick I just bought fable 3
« on: October 10, 2011, 12:30:50 PM »
Its 16.99 for next 30 minutes or so.

I've played the game on xbox, is it worth getting on pc?

I'd probably play through it a couple more times.

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