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Topics - Camel

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the universe does not like fridays, at least my universe, because last friday i had to watch my uncle die in a sickbed, and this friday... holy stuff.

let's call him P. P was always a kinda nerdy, irate guy- social outcast. really weird, but sorta nice, when he wasn't talking about communism. P didn't have much luck with girls, was known to stalk them in real life and on fb, and was generally a creepy guy. SO, yesterday night(or very early today), P decides enough is enough and fb messages an underclassman chick; "Hey, you better go out with me, or tomorrow i'm going to kill you and myself in front of the entire school during pep rally". so, ofc, this girl immediately contacts the school, and police show up and detain he guy after first period, and find a LOADED forgetIN PISTOL in his backpack.

the scary thing was, my friend was hypothesizing he would've taken some people with him, and i was sitting front and center during the pep rally. me and P have a history - we played starcraft, i didn't like him but sorta did? i would kinda hang out with the guy and vouch for him, then my friends made fun of him, he stabbed me in the neck with a ballpoint pen- you know how it goes. anyways, i have this ominous feeling that had he been successful, he totally woulda plugged me. I always knew this guy was gonna do something crazy, and i always joked about him shooting up the school, but i didn't think he was actually plannin on doing it. I knew this guy a ton, he wasn't just like a figment, i saw this guy every DAY. crazy stuff.

it's always the quiet ones. i'm gonna be honest, most of this is from heresay because i think my school is trying to keep this under wraps, but in any case- this stuff is flimsy. if you think someone is gonna shoot up the school, keep on your toes, and don't be too mean to the guy.

Off Topic / pourin my heart out, like a pusillanimous individual.
« on: October 19, 2014, 01:51:44 AM »
you know what.

i'm sorry.

i riled you guys up. i was acting like i had a knife in my hands when really, i just had a concept of it. i have a flirty way of thinking about death, but when i was so close to it, i just couldn't handle it. i broke down. no, i wasn't drunk, just sad and tired. i'm not gonna kill myself because i love life too much, and... it's a lot easier to say that you want to end it all when you're sad and tired and the sky is black, but forget! the sky is blue now, and the sun is shining, and there are birds chirping, and a soft breeze. if i wanted to plunge into the void now, i'd really be worrying, lol.

i guess i was looking for attention to some agree, but it wasn't a plea, i just wanted to tell you guys something personal because, well, i've been here for a while, and i think of you guys as a second home in a way. and, the compassion you guys have shown- i don't really know what to say. the fact that you guys cared about some dork in a bed halfway across the country.. it's real sappy, i know.

i am just a kid. i'm only 17 years old. and i know to some of you that doesn't seem like a kid and to some of you that seems like a baby, but the fact is that i just had to witness something forgeted up, and i don't really know how to deal with it, or how im going to deal with it, but i know that you guys have dealt with things far worse, and it's not my place to expect you guys to catch me coming through the rye.

so yeah. sorry about overreacting. you guys are stronger than me
yesterday my uncle died. it was traumatizing. i got pulled out of school by my mom, who informs me "he's near the end". so we, being my fam, pile up into the car and head to the ICU. on principle, forget the ICU- not as a measure of hatred for the establishment, but just being at it. nothing good comes from a random summon from the ICU, usually. so we go in the doors and there he is, along with my cousins (his children), and my aunt, and his brother. it's all waterworks. he's got a million tubes hooked up to every loving orifice, and an ECMO machine pumping make a long story short, he's gone in about 5 hours. I was in the room when his heart stopped. everyone's deservedly crying, but i'm in the corner numbed. we leave after that. everyone's eyes were redder than hell. anyways that's when I start feeling real suicidal. if that's what it amounts to being, a forgetin pile of flesh with a hundred tubes in you, what's the point. fantasies of ending it flash through my mind as i'm eating a sammy in my dads honda. hanging, shooting, the whole shpeal.

obviously I didn't jump outta the car even with my thoughts, cus that would be selfish. this isn't about me, my cousin's dad just kicked the bucket! ofc, that leads to more self loathing. when we get back to their house, everyone starts drinking. I get drunk off of pabts. i'm acting like a forgetin kid. I just keep picturing the body and hating myself more. everyone's smiling to get rid of the pain but i'm incapable of that stuff so I inundate myself with booze. forget. i'm just a god damn child to them. when i'm acting dumb i'm forgetin lil ol deccie! and in the face of it all, the guilt of these thoughts is weighing me down. they've suffered so much. even now there are tears falling on my smartphone. who the forget am I to make it about me

it's 10:00 now. i'm still numbed. they had a thing today. I wanted to drink something again but my sister ratted on me. I ran up their staircase and made a huge scene. I cried into their sofa upstairs.

idunno what i'm doing. I never make topics anyways. I just want to hurt myself, so I can have a reason for my stuffty self grief. I don't expect condolences, but say what you want. sharing is how I deal with this kinda stuff. hey, maybe badspot can fire one of those Self Delete kits my way so I can gest it out. ba dum tisss.


Creativity / Camel's INKTOBER INITIATIVE
« on: October 03, 2014, 06:54:37 PM »

Aight, so, every october, artists all over instagram take the Inktober challenge, in which you have to draw 1 ink drawing per day through the month of October. i decided, maybe to get some more recognition and to hone this high-contrast style i've been liking recently, i would participate, and thought you guys might like to see my endeavors. no, i won't be cross posting the images here on the drawings megathread, so don't worry.
-DAY 1-

-DAY 2-

-DAY 3-

-DAY 4-

-DAY 5-

-DAY 6-

-DAY 7-

-DAY 8-

-DAY 9-

-DAY 10-

-DAY 11-

-DAY 12-

and yes, i will take requests, although since it's a once per day thing i probably won't be takin all of em. and no, i won't draw ur dang diddly OC. get creative

i know i've said this like a thousand times but my insta is @butterkniight

Off Topic / camel needs some school-timey help
« on: August 25, 2014, 06:37:48 PM »

hey, forum, i'm in a bit of a jam

so i'm gonna be a senior this year in highschool, and somehow i managed to get into AP physics, calculus, and AP Computer Science. The catch is that uh- i dunno how i got into those classes. im not very smart and i have ADHD and my folders are less organized than the shack that jeffry dahmer killed all those squirrels in; i'm a dumb nerd, it's a terrible thing to be

However! most of you nerdz are smart as forget and wear glasses and say things like "quadrant", so i was wondering if any of you guys had some study advice or homework advice, or just advice to being in tough classes.


Clan Discussion / [dB] dotBlock Studios - "Set the world ablaze!"
« on: July 30, 2014, 12:09:23 AM »

photo cred. to taboo

"dotBlock studios is a clan dedicated to creating art in Blockland, mixing various mediums in order to create a new, innovative gallery experience."


[7-30-14] Dragonslayer has been added as a photographer and Meineken has been added as a Builder (structure). Flame has been added as a Digital Artist

[7-31-14] Alternative and Doomonkey have been added as Builders (structure)

[7-30-14] siba has been added as a Modeler(bricks)

[7-30-14] Furdle has been added as a Builder(Structure)

[7-30-14] Pass has been added as a Modeler

[7-28-14] Clan is created

A Field is a specific type of art that dB is looking for. There are many more Fields here that are not listed, and as dB grows more may be added in the future. Applying to a certain field means that you enjoy producing that type of art and will produce art in that field for dB. However, it does not mean that you are bolted down to just that Field; rather, it's like choosing your major. The longer you're in a Field, and the more you excel at it, the more benefits you will gain, IE having an entire gallery room commissioned for just your show.

  • Building
    • Structure: conventional building in Blockland. Structure builders are pivotal in the creation and maintainment of the Gallery as well as creating the build around it. Structure builders are expected to be able to build at a high-level.
    • Sculpture: using bricks, and their many abilities, to create interesting builds that aren't just houses or cities. Sculptors are people who can create interesting installation or works on a larger or smaller scale for the Gallery.

  • Photography: taking photographs inside Blockland, that can be displayed as prints. A skilled photographer is expected to use all visual aspects of blockland to create interesting photographs

  • Modeling: using 3d modeling to create interesting models in Blockland. Modelers are able to create models that aren't just practical but more abstract.

  • Digital Art: using the computer to create art. Digital artists are important to dotBlock for creating art for the server and other productions


Applying to dotBlock is simple, though each field has a different procedure

For Structure, some pictures of your application and a save are expected. A in-server interview along with your build will then commence, in which a contributor will judge your build.

For Sculpture, a portfolio is required, which in this case is a collection of 4-8 sculptures that show your aptitude for the medium. A in-server interview along with all of your sculptures will then commence, in which a contributor judges all of your sculptures. If you choose to do one larger installation, such as something along the lines of VerticalHorizon's Festung de Schwarzung, this is also acceptable

For Modeling, a number of selected works is required(either pictures or 3D visualizations). A contributor will then judge said works

For Photography, a portfolio of 5-10 high-quality pictures is required. A contributor will then judge the images based on their quality and how they use in-game visual effects, rather than post-production.

For Digital Art, a portfolio similar to the photography portfolio [5-10 digital art pictures] is required, however your aptitude can be judges in other ways- for instance, a website layout you created, or a banner. A contributor will judge your selected works.

Anti-Block [ID:4119]
Head of dotBlock

Alternative [ID:4121]
Interior Design

Brickman [ID:4137]
Head of Sculpture

Doomonkey [ID:5193]

Dragonslayer132 [ID:29341]

Pass [ID:380]
Head of Modeling

Meineken [ID:12866]
Head of Structure

Flamecannon [ID:6169]
Head of Digital Art


The Gallery is one of dotBlock's main projects. It is to be a massive art gallery/studio space that will be home to all of the clan's creations, as well as other people's work. Hopefully, in the future, the gallery will be located on a dedicated server running 24/7 so anyone may come and look at the pieces people have created.

There is still plenty to do, so stay tuned for more progress

UPDATE: [8-5-14]

Meineken. Anti Block. goin ham on this build all day. that's what's up. Doom was there as well

(Scroll over the icons to see who has contributed to the Gallery thus far)

Off Topic / Heartbreaking Dog Monolouge- i don't usually cry
« on: June 27, 2014, 10:10:44 PM »

i just gotta warn you, bring tissues, because this is one of the saddest things i've seen in a while...

Games / ps2 collection- things just got real
« on: June 13, 2014, 07:55:09 PM »
so, i made a topic a long time ago about my endeavors to get an awesome ps2 collection... and let's just say that my sister came back from college and brought with her GOOD TIDINGS

my ps2 collection now:
sly cooper 1 through 3
jak and daxter
crazy taxi
battlefront 2
soul caliber 2
crash bandicoot wrath of cortex
shadow of the colossus
guitar hero 2

boo ya shaka, baby. what other games should i get

Off Topic / Philosophikal Thread
« on: June 07, 2014, 10:29:50 PM »
there's a lot of clown talk on this forum about liquor and drugs and video games, i think what we need is a thread where we talk about philosophy, get real deep, y'hear

Although we argue about politics and religion, and use technique and data in order to mature our arguments, we are not mature enough to realize that these arguments are pointless. Those who partake in tirades over the internet (battling over ideology), although trying to prove their intellectual superiority, are not intellectual enough to realize that both them and the opposing party have already made up their minds, and no matter what is presented, no progress will be made.

“It does take great maturity to understand that the opinion we are arguing for is merely the hypothesis we favor, necessarily imperfect, probably transitory, which only very limited minds can declare to be a certainty or a truth.”
-Milan Kundera

put forward your thoughts, and prove me wrong?

Off Topic / i am become death
« on: May 23, 2014, 10:39:32 AM »
Instead, Western scientists allege, the cooperation gave way to a Saudi culture of suspicion and stubbornness that has allowed the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus, as it has become known, to kill more than 175 people in Saudi Arabia, spread throughout the region and reach as far as Malaysia, Greece, Lebanon and - via Britain - the United States.

The disease, like its cousin Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), causes coughing, fever and sometimes fatal pneumonia. More than 650 people worldwide have been infected with it, and MERS is reaching new victims every day in the Saudi kingdom, killing around 30 percent of them.

So far, much evidence points to camels as a possible infection source - with the virus staging a so-called zoonotic event by jumping from animals to people. But scientists still have no idea how people are getting infected, whether by eating camel meat, or drinking the milk, touching blood or other body fluids, or simply being nearby when they cough or sneeze.

camels as a possible infection source

kill more than 175 people in Saudi Arabia

"welcome to the danger"

Off Topic / it's so HOT
« on: May 13, 2014, 09:08:44 PM »

it is 90 degrees and my school doesn't have AC

pic related it is a metaphor for how loving HOT it is

even as a camel i am not suited to this extreme weather

shout out to all my bay area souls who are suffering

Off Topic / camel time
« on: May 05, 2014, 12:47:50 AM »

i long for a new camel themed avatar

whoever can present to me the greatest camel themed avatar (gif preferably), wins

Gallery / █ Terraining Tutorial █- Building with Entropy
« on: April 19, 2014, 09:17:34 PM »
Before you look at this, i urge you to check out Conan's fantastic terraining guide, as it definitely covers much more stuff than mine will. This little tutorial is basically a look into how i like to do terraining, and gives some basic tips and tricks to making tutorial that looks nice quickly. I've been requested by some people to do one too, so here's my try...

One of the more confusing parts of doing terrain, i've learned, is that you have to balance formulaic building with natural chaos. One one hand, if you are too chaotic in your building, you lose form, and your terrains not only take up more bricks than usual but end up looking a mess. However, even more prevelent, if you are too formulaic in terraining, your terrain ends up looking un natural and very.. well, plastic. Often times, terrain uses too little bricks, and too little colors, and ends up looking too geometric. The bottom line is

Nature is organized chaos

if you look at a forest, it is not one thing. A forest is teeming with leaves and foliage, and trees. It wasn't planned by a city planner(unless it'sa park in new england or something), nature strives towards being random. However, at the same time, there is a certain order in nature. There isn't palm trees growing next to willows, it's eucalyptus and poison ivy. There are certain types of foliage growing next to certain types of trees and certain types of animals, and they create recognizable biomes, ones that by utilising this knowledge can be emulated.

Now, off with my spheal, today i'm going to be building a rocky hill terrain. This is basically my favorite type of terrain to do- it's easy, and looks pretty good if you do it right.

I'm going to be using Jirue's faded colorset for this build. It's very nice for making terrain, and although it doesn't have as much variety as say, a specialized terraining colorset, it has good colors for making nice foliage and castles, or whatever you like.

These are the bricks that i use for this build, excluding the baseplate

I start off with the base. often times, it's a good idea to color your base the color of your foliage, just to see how your rock color clashes with it early on

now here's the important part: the base

Making the base is very important because the form of your base dictates the form of your terrain. It's good to stick to one single brick for outlining your base- in this case i chose the 2x2- because you can add in other bricks afterwards, like so;

Now, i continue on, building the entirety of the base

and the smoothing it out and filling in the gaps

Here's the important part. Being too formulaic is what can ruin your terrain, and in order to escape that, you have to Build with Entropy- basically, you have to stop thinking so much. This is a concept that's sort of hard to impart, but basically, you have to build forms basically, and quickly, and think in general shapes, not dwelling on it too much. Humans are pretty bad at being random, which is why you have to sorta let go. I order to give you an example, let's get into building up:

These are two ways you could begin layering your build, but if you notice, the method on the left is directly copying the bricks on the bottom, where as the method to the right is building on top of the old bricks but changing up the path- this was intentional. If you follow the exact same layout as your base, your entire build will end up looking too bland. The problem is, people are more inclined to follow patterns then deviate from them. When building terrain, you may find yourself unconciously following the exact same layout as your previous layer because it feels right. You have to sort of catch yourself when doing that, and purposefully deviate from the previous form.

anyways, here i place in some 1x1's in order to smooth out this layer

It's important to always smooth out your terrain, because if you don't it will end up looking very jagged. I outlined the 1x1's in red to make them easier to see.

I follow the layering through the entire build

And even though im purposely making this layer different then the previous one, by using similar bricks, it continues to maintain its shape throughout the entire build.

i then go through and smooth out the entire thing with 1x2's and removing the gaps

Just some more pics of the layering i do throughout:

Now that i've finished that layer, i move on to the final layer, but this time i change it up a bit

though it is a little difficult to change up the base drastically, while still using the same bricks, it is possible to make them look different. For this layer, i purposely place my bricks on the edges of the previous layer, leaving more room for smoothing out later and making it dip inwards a tad bit more.

a little bit of smoothing

And there's the third layer. Now it's on to the grass layer

When it comes to doing grass, i often stick to using plates, and when using this technique grass is a cakewalk. When i apply the base layer of grass, i always make sure i stick very inwards

(I changed the base color to make the green show up better)

And then, for the top, i plant down a 16x16.

After doing so, i also went over the entire layer and added in 2x2's and such in order to cover up the holes and straighten out the entire top layer, so it doesn't look to blocky

And finally, i add in some 1x1's to smooth it out

You'll notice that most of the rocks aren't covered up, and here's the fun part- since you've already made your base, you can really just apply the grass onto it without too much difficulty

And then you can begin to start applying this grass layer to the entire build

At this point, the rest of the build can be dedicated to adding in small details to make it look a tad bit more dynamic

I add some coloring on the base, and a couple of roses to the top.

And there you go! I've built a small little plateau, and it only took me about 10 minutes to do it. I'll be honest, it's not the best terrain i've ever built- i could have certainly used plated to smooth out the base layers, and made the grass a tad bit more volumetric, but this little build basically encompasses the whole technique that i used to build the terrain on my Ancient Temple, and such.

I know that the whole entropy thing is hard to convey, but this is my first little foray into tutorials i've done, so please, any feedback is appreciated. Did i totally lose you? Was this terrible? Was it great? Fire away. Anyways, if you guys enjoyed this, i'm planning on doing some other ones for different types of terrain. Aight, peace!

Gallery / Ancient Temple [Release] 20,446 Bricks
« on: April 06, 2014, 08:06:42 PM »
Hey everybody! you may have seen some pictures of this build lying around; i posting a WIP thread a couple of months ago, but i decided yesterday that i wanted to release another big build right next to my Pagoda release. so without further ado, here is the Ancient Temple!

At the base of an ancient hill, a temple beckons forth the most mighty of heroes, to gift upon him a sword of unspeakable power...

This build is mainly a terrain build, with a nice lake in the center and some hidden secrets scattered throughout, perfect for any roleplay.

The build uses Jirue's Faded colorset(the best), and Pole Bricks

There are a lot of people who helped make this build happen
Brickman- Helped with the terrain and emotional support
Plad- Helped with smoothing out terrain
[Builder]- Built a ton of terrain in the back
DragonoidSlayer- Built some terrain on the right side of the build


expect more soon, hombres!


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