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Topics - Dodger

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Off Topic / Trying to find some good gamecube controllers
« on: October 29, 2012, 02:24:24 PM »
So I took a recent interest in Super Smash Brothers Brawl again, and I can't control with the wii remote (or the nunchuck combo) for crap. All of the gamecube controllers I used to have are either gone or broken.

Should I buy official nintendo controllers (even though they are more expensive, they are less likely to screw up), or knockoffs? And if I buy knockoffs, should I get madcat, or does it not matter? Remember, I need the controllers that have the most durable buttons, especially for brown townog sticks. I'm looking around on Ebay, and it seems I can get new/great condition official controllers for a little under 20$ each, and knockoffs for 10$

Also, I'm not really limited money wise, but I do want a good value

Games / SCP Containment breach (Livestream was killed by Scp 173)
« on: October 27, 2012, 05:47:59 PM »


So in this game you run around and try not to die and find stuff to look at

Watch out for the martian foam finger

Catch my livestream going up at 6:10 PM EST

So yeah, discuss and watch my livestream of me being a wimp

Off Topic / Oh Katawa Shojou OST's
« on: October 22, 2012, 10:03:19 PM »

I get tempted to re-listen to one OST and now I'm stuck with all these feels and I have to keep listening to them PLEASE MAKE IT STOP

Off Topic / Suggestions for Netflix?
« on: October 06, 2012, 06:46:42 PM »
Try to keep it Pg-13/Tv-14 or under, my parents technically own the account. Some exceptions could be made for certain R movies though.

I'm already in the process of watching Breaking Bad and Full Metal alchemist, so don't suggest those.

I like a somewhat wide variety of movies/tv, I like comedies, sci-fi, action, etc., just provide the name and a brief description without major spoilers in case I don't know it


Off Topic / Going to a Tosin Abasi guitar clinic tomorrow
« on: August 13, 2012, 10:53:20 PM »
He's a guitarist friom the progressive metal band Animals as Leaders and he's a visiting a music shop in my area to play cool guitar stuff and answer questions

I will watch him play and stare in awe

Off Topic / Dodger asks you a question and answers your questions
« on: August 08, 2012, 01:03:21 AM »
So I'll do something different from all the other "ask me" threads and ask people who want answers from me to answer a question first, which will change periodically in the OP. Once they have answered the question sufficiently, I will answer the first acceptable question they ask, and they must wait till the question changes till they might have another chance to ask a question.

Question: Best snack food and drink combo?

(I'd have to say Chex mix with Mountain Dew (any flavor) for me)

(Unrelated picture for now)

Off Topic / My room's radio is weird
« on: August 07, 2012, 02:06:43 AM »
So, its antenna was broken a while ago, but it still had high quality FM reception and still does most of the time.

However, recently, sometimes at night or near night, the reception gets very spotty, but when I hover my hand over where the antenna used to be or put certain objects over it (usually metal, might be something magnetic I dunno), the broadcast comes back in normally, and comes back in normally after a while without having hands or objects over it. Any one have the slightest idea of why this might be occurring?

Drama / dkamm65, Madmitten, Chriz, Sarge, and Retz: Ruining topics
« on: July 26, 2012, 03:29:19 PM »

Seriously, why did you guys have to be such jerks about it? He obviously wanted something different, but you guys had to spam the same thing and completely ruined his topic. I hope you all are proud of yourselves, and have enough money on hand when you have to treat that brain cancer of yours. Yes I'm totally serious

User was banned for this post


It's like the Oreo's campaign in reverse, at least what I'm seeing from the reactions.

Award Winning quote:

"Goodbye Chikool kids klub-fil-a! your food was delicious, but I can no longer eat nuggets filled with hate!"

Off Topic / I need new music to listen to for a bit
« on: July 19, 2012, 09:52:41 PM »
I've burned out most of of my favorite subgenres for the time being, I would prefer something that is rock/metal orientated, and not too heavy. Thanks.

Off Topic / 10 hour loop videos
« on: July 14, 2012, 02:12:03 AM »
Pretty easy to figure out what they are, some of my favorites

Mashup of butterfly and Jack Black
Yuki Yuki Yuki
Hatsune Miku Levan polka


War of Ages - Collapse 560k views

War of Ages - Battle On 232k views


Black Veil Brides - Knives and Pens 14 Million+ views, pretty sure it had more on another upload somewhere

Black Veil Brides - Fallen Angels 12 Million+ Views

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