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Topics - Wynd_Fox

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Pretty much the title. Wondering because I don't always know if I'm saving every brick on the server at once, or not.

It seems to just be his server, and I'm not sure why, but I joined some other one to make sure that was it. Windows gives me the "Blockland has crashed, and now has to close." pop up thingy while ghosting. Console log attached.

General Discussion / Why are the bricks on Wink's server so pretty?
« on: July 18, 2012, 02:27:02 AM »
So, why are the bricks on Wink's server so pretty, and how can I get them to look like that on my own server? I'm assuming it's only possible server-side for what I hope are obvious reasons.

If, for example I saved a build on some server that used 4x12x6 bricks (from brick pack A), and I have the 4x12x6 bricks (from brick pack B), would I be able to load those bricks?

Off Topic / How well can you visualize?
« on: July 12, 2012, 01:16:07 AM »
I can't visualize well, but I still consider my self to be pretty imaginative, and enjoy reading more than watching things. What about the rest of you?

CLARIFYING EDIT: I mean how well can you see something with your mind's eye.

Games / $17 - What to buy?
« on: December 12, 2011, 07:09:27 PM »
And if Magicka, what DLC? These are the two options, but if you HAVE to make a suggestion, keep it within my $17 budget.

Off Topic / What's the above person's best quote?
« on: September 11, 2011, 04:05:36 PM »
This can be anything, on or off of Blockland, just make sure they actually said it.

Off Topic / Anyone know where I might have seen this symbol?
« on: August 18, 2011, 02:41:03 AM »
I was looking at stuff, and I saw this symbol, and it looks REALLY familiar, but I can't think of where else I saw it. Vaguely resembles the Oblivion symbol, but only vaguely, so I don't think that's it.

...And, er, ignore the filename. :=

EDIT: I cropped it, so if it would help to see the full image, say so.
EDIT 2: Guys, the line at the top is Oldy McHead's hair, ignore it. Just the dark crescent with the dot.
EDIT 3: Full image. I'm sure it wasn't on a Magic card, so I doubt this will help, but wh'ever.

EDIT 4: I was thinking of a fermata. Thanks SeventhSandwhich.

Help / Stuck in "Offline Mode."
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:14:19 AM »
When I try to open Blockland, it says I'm in Offline Mode, and as such, cannot join Internet servers. I've tried restarting it, and re-entering my key. Is there anything I can do, short of a reinstall?

Off Topic / What was the worst moment in your life?
« on: July 24, 2011, 06:34:22 PM »
This is meant to be pretty serious, so try not to be jerks.
When my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer was mine. She was stage 3, but recovered fully.

Drama / Adult Pony Images - Disturbing Image Heavy
« on: July 24, 2011, 04:22:38 AM »
OK, to start off, I have no problem if you guys like MLP. I don't, personally, but I really don't care if you do. I don't even care if you like pony research. I care if you post clearly suggestive images, that, in a few cases, are pretty much soft core research.

No research here :D
There are more, but I left the ones that were explicitly ponies. Notice how the middle one (dunno names of them, sorry) is covering her breasts.

Hm...lesbians making out, and this is from a kid's show?

I think I'm losing D:
Not sure on the context, but the "I think I'm losing D:" makes it sound like he thinks it's a contest.
in that case I'll have to try harder.

Still a contest, as far as I can tell.

I think those things are meant for fillies.
So, in conclusion, nothing against you pony fans, or your special interestes, but PLEASE KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. These images have no place on this forum, if you want that, go to some furry site, specifically one that doesn't mind soft researcho of kids.

Drama / frogger3140 - CLANS MAKE ME SOOO ANGRY
« on: July 24, 2011, 02:41:24 AM »
Let's start off with his profile. Not too bad, but his posts are.
Clan Discussion is really where this guy goes crazy:
You are so handicapped if you can't lock a topic, and spam big huge fonts, and spam emotes, and spam servers. You deserve a loving IP ban, friend.
Learn to capitalize friend. Lock this topic now you motherloving friend.
Don't bump this stuff you friend.

Although he's not usually too bad off of that board, he certainly isn't a saint, either:
Upload it to youtube friend.
You friend, that was a joke. Don't be so loving gullible.

At least I am not a loving idiot and I did a legitimate review.

I realize there aren't a whole lot of quotes, but they're all pretty recent, and he seriously needs to calm down.

Off Topic / Books
« on: July 19, 2011, 01:56:55 AM »
Discuss your favorite books, or just ones you really like. Or hate, I suppose. Or just talk about how great/terrible they are in general. EDIT: Also, what you're currently reading, if anything.

My favorite is probably The Thief of Always, with Chainer's Torment and Redwall being close behind.

I'm currently reading The Brother's War.

Games / Magic The Gathering
« on: March 28, 2011, 01:05:18 AM »
Magic the Gathering is a trading/collecting card game that was created in 1993 and published by Wizards of the Coast. It is played between two or more players, each with a deck of cards he or she created. The rules are pretty simple to learn, but can get really confusing if the opponent has some older cards. It is currently played by about 6 million people. If you can't afford to buy cards (which can be really expensive, even from a specialized store), then there is a computer version available on Steam called Duel Of The Planeswalkers. If anyone has that, and wants to play a Player Match with me, do so within the next ten minutes, please.

EDIT: Personally I play a 3/4 Green 1/4 Red 60 card deck, but I'm thinking of making a Black deck, and pure Green mana ramp deck.

Suggestions & Requests / Boomerangs
« on: February 08, 2011, 11:32:09 PM »
A boomerang that would comeback after throwing it would be great. It would leave your player model after throwing, but keep an inventory slot taken up, so that you couldn't pick up something new on accident. It would also only return if you stayed in place, otherwise it would just fall and you'd need to pick it up again. If it hit an exterior or part of the terrain, it would just drop, not return. Players, bots, and vehicles, however, it would still return from. It would do low damage.

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