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Topics - Dnitro

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Off Topic / S&P IS AT 1337
« on: July 25, 2011, 05:02:51 PM »


Off Topic / Vacation. wooooo.
« on: July 24, 2011, 11:04:04 PM »
After an 11 hour car trip filled with Mythbusters DVD's and cheddar cheeze Pringles, I'm here in Hilton Head Island for a week.

Me and my family come down here evry year to unwind and relax. We go to the beach, play minigolf, ride bikes, ect.

I hope the beach has some good waves this year, last year it was low tide almost all day, with even lower waves.

I'll be back home and on my steam in about a week, so i've got alot to do.

/discuss vacations and stuff like that.

Creativity / What do you guys think about this story? -Pastebin'd-
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:02:57 PM »

It's pretty complicated to explain, so i would suggest reading it.

Any constructive criticism would be appreciated.
Also if you want to see more I can continue the story.

Off Topic / Pesterchum 3.14 and chumHandles. Huge userlist update.
« on: July 11, 2011, 06:23:13 PM »

Get it here.
Now you can type like your favorite homestuck characters! Or at least try.

For those who don't know, it's a recreation of the IM software in Homestuck.
You can set it up to where you type something but the person you're chatting with sees something else. So say you set it to replace B/b with 8. You type Be right back, but it shows up 8e right 8ack. You can also create memos, which involves more than two people chatting and some weird time stuff. There's more, so look at the link at the top of this post to get more information.

Also to get rid of that "name taken" problem, don't click the icon. Go to your system tray (at the bottom right of the task bar) hit the expand button and click the two yellow heads (or black head with horns if trollian.) If that doesn't work, end PESTERCHUM 7 using task manager. If that doesn't work restart your computer.


This is a list of known chumHandles. Post yours in this thread and I'll add you.

Dnitro - retroTyphoon
Comatose - impatientDoctor
Regulith - clockworkArtillery
Kira100000 - anonymousKiller
star9578 - unusualParadox
Brickarms - virtualPen
Moriarity - problemSleuth
Coolio - guildedYoungster
Coulmbai - solarForger
luluthe42nd - actionPony
Max4344 - dictionaryJournalist
Kingdaro - yesCube
Block Box - superMarsupial
Ector - crustaceousCheapskate
Sunthiel - alternativeController
Thorax - auspiciousTactician
cooldawson3 - irrelevantCatnip
deadpossum - xenophobicMaterialist
Jetlok - pocketRavager
Wing Zero - astraySamurai
Joltarn - aeriformReptilian
IkeTheGeneric - characteristicWingnut
NickTheSushi - retroMonster
PowerDag - syndicateGenesis
Menen - milkshakeEnthusiast
Clone v.117 - mechanicalBacteria
Taboo - ragingTeacher
Eksi - trifurcateVideographer
JJA0 - adroitTheorist
LeeroyBlockhead - solarGrip
dogmeap -vividWarlord
mlockha - passiveWizard
Lugnut1206 - apertureScientist
HellHound - annoyedAlcoholic
Hiiro326 -snappyDingo
Daedalus - magneticModerator
hankyje - ugleBarnicle

luluthe42nd - ballisticTesticle
Moriarity - reptileInterests
HellHound - dangerousCommunist
Daedalus - negativeGravity

Off Topic / What is wrong with the last post feature?
« on: July 05, 2011, 07:30:02 PM »
This has been going in the Last Post part of the main board for a while and I really don't know why.

On the main board i'll click something like Re: Minecraft; Beta 1.7!... by Frostbyte It takes me to the right topic, but it takes me to one of the last posts on the 2nd to last page.

I've noticed this being way of on larger topic that have more than 200 pages, being nearly 5 pages off.

what gives?

Off Topic / Looking for PC Headsets, any suggestions?
« on: June 19, 2011, 02:09:22 PM »
Well i'm getting tired of using this stuffty rock band USB mic and/or typing out stuff in game. I also am running out of good earbuds.

I have a budget of around or lower than 50 bucks, and it should be big enough to surround my ear and be comfortable to wear for a while.
any suggestions?

Games / More Black Ops DLC. Yes, again.
« on: June 17, 2011, 11:18:42 PM »
Well damn they got more coming.

It's apparently Annihilation and comes out on the 28th (for xbox as always, about a month later for the rest of you). All of the usual stuff, 4 multiplayer maps and a new Zombie map. They didn't announce a price, but it's probably going to be $15.

It includes:
Hangar 18, which is a hangar in Area 51, apparently with a lot of easter eggs.
Silo, a CCCP missile facility which is also under construction. They say it's a big, complicated map.
Drive-in, pretty self explanatory. An attempt at another map like Nuketown.
Hazard, a golf course. "Assault rifle guys will have the advantage here" as they say.
and Shangri-La, the original characters in a close quarters jungle ruins map with "new enemies" and "new weapons"
This is the 3rd DLC for Black Ops, and because treyarch had 3 DLC's for WaW, I'm thinking that this will wrap up the post-launch support for the game.

In my opinion, the maps are alright.  Hazard looks neat, and I like the fact that they put in a small map this time. Zombies are gonna be OK, not a big fan of jungle ruins, but the new stuff looks nice. I'll probably end up getting it, I have a good bit of extra money and might aswell.


Games / Garry's Mod Help
« on: May 21, 2011, 12:52:08 PM »
Well, apparently my copy of gmod forgeted up and now half of my downloaded gun addons don't have sounds, and some are even plain white texture. I cleared out my addons folder and re extracted the pack to teh addons folder from my archive, and it's still broken.

Everything else works fine, so I need to know what to do. Do I need to reinstall (and if so, how to?), do I need to edit something, ect.

Off Topic / I love music so much.
« on: May 19, 2011, 08:41:30 PM »
I just realized this.
I carried my old MP3 player where ever I went. Now I carry my iPod.
It just seems to shift me into the mood that the song's in. Right now, I have Gimme Shelter on and i'm really, really happy. When I hear something a bit heaver, my mood goes down a bit. I love how that happens.

discuss music and stuff and how it affects you.

Games / So EA is apparently getting sued.
« on: May 03, 2011, 06:16:40 PM »
I just got home and picked up the mail, and I see a small-ish postcard that caught my attention.
It said G. Pecover and A. Owens v. Electronic Arts.
I read through the thing and what I got out of it is some kind of class action lawsuit against EA's football games because they're sponsorships with the NFL, NCAA, and AFL. The plantiffs claim that this caused overcharging or something, which is against California's law.


Off Topic / I need another trans.
« on: May 01, 2011, 07:39:51 PM »
Well, I found this pikachu "who's that pokemon?" picture, and I tried to trans it. As you can see, I failed and it sucks. Can someone trans it for me? Keep the ?, but get rid of all the white backgound. Thanks.

Games / Another Black Ops DLC
« on: April 23, 2011, 12:39:46 PM »
I may be a bit late on this, but there's a new pack of maps coming out May 3rd for COD: Black Ops.
It's called Escalation, and includes Zoo, Hotel, Convoy, Stockpile and a new zombie map.

I think it looks good, better than the first strike pack, anyways.
They say they wanted to get more variety in the multiplayer maps. They have alot of interactive items like elevators and garage doors, which should be pretty cool.

I also wonder why there is such a huge gap between the 360 release and the release for other consoles. Why don't they just release it all at once?

EDIT: The preview says that there's all new zombie characters. That should be neat.

Creativity / Dnitro's Story Corner v2.0, Story Teaser Uploaded
« on: April 09, 2011, 10:29:37 PM »
Dnitro's Story Corner V2.0!

Now with less Maximum Ride fan fiction!


Posted a teaser for the main, untitled story.

Current Projects

  • Working on the main, untitled story about kids with powers and the people trying to stop them.
  • Working on a short story based of HL2, EP1 that was supposed to be written for class.


Full Length
None at the moment, but working on story outlined above.

Short Stories
None. not working on any ATM

So, what do you guys think?

Off Topic / Port Forwarding on a D-link 655
« on: March 07, 2011, 04:36:53 PM »
I'm trying to port forward for gmod, but I can't seem to log into the router page. The default is blank, but it's saying that it's incorrect. When I type anything, it adds three characters. Also, I'd need walked through this after I log in. Any help?

Games / Old as stuff CD games and Steam.
« on: March 06, 2011, 12:46:34 PM »
I'm installing all of my old CD games that I want to keep, and I want to know if I need to put the discs in if I want to play them when I launch them from steam.

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