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Topics - Swat 3

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Help / Key appears to keep getting corrupted
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:38:03 PM »
Whenever I play Blockland, I have to keep reinserting my key because it is stuck on "Authentication: Verifying key...".

Any clue?

Forum Games / The Hydra Incident
« on: April 28, 2015, 11:30:34 PM »
United Socialist States of America and Asia
[Classified], Siberia

Code: (Console) [Select]

Systems online.

Data corrupted, please manually insert identification:

[Choose One]
Civilian: y/n
Military: y/n
Scientist: y/n
Engineer: y/n

Off Topic / What are your pet peeves?
« on: April 18, 2015, 02:21:19 AM »
A pet peeve or pet hate is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to himself or herself, to a greater degree than others may find it.

Mine is when babies cry and the parent doesn't shut it up or take it outside (e.g. in a movie, or some other supposed-to-be-quiet-place).
oh it just

Off Topic / "Tell me, do you bleed?" - B v S
« on: April 17, 2015, 09:43:10 PM »


I love our nation! Especially our presidents that love to keep promises!

not ripped from front page of the internet

Off Topic / I am an average person who has achieved nothing! AMA
« on: March 07, 2015, 02:11:58 PM »
Hey guys! I am pretty average and I did nothing considerable in my life. I brought Roland here to help me out.



I am working with Ike on a Zombie Outbreak roleplay that focuses on horror, and I want to see what makes you guys scared.

Some trigger(!!) questions:
What makes you have that "is there something behind me?" feeling?
If you were a zombie, list a few qualities that you would have that would scare people?
What are a few things that you think would make a survivor camp eerie?
What would be something in a zombie world that would be offsetting?

Ask yourself other questions and share them.
it's for science

Please be serious and stay on topic.
this is not specifically about blockland so no it doesn't belong in general discussion

For even the day before, she broke her brow,
And then my husband—God be with his soul,
He was a merry man—took up the child.
"Yea," quoth he, "Dost thou fall upon thy face?
Thou wilt fall backward when thou hast more wit,
Wilt thou not, Jule?" And by my holy-dame,
The pretty wretch left crying and said "Ay."

Help me translate this stuff and what Nurse is saying.



Why in the unholy forget are they lumping terrorists and peaceful protesters together.

If you don't believe in the right to bear arms I think you should open your loving eyes.

generalizing liberty and freedom*

I need you guys to make a dialogue of who knows Zay's true voice.

Apparently I sound like Zay.

Off Topic / I am going to Switzerland!
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:59:43 PM »
Going and meeting my roots and cousins/great aunts/uncles/things will be amazing.

And also, I heard night time is loving AMAZING. I am going to get a bunch of books and just read under the stars.
(My great aunt has a house that is next to one of the Alpine mountains, so the view is going to be loving spectacular).

Drama / TheHellSpy's "SWAT" "RP" - Bad Server and Bad Administration
« on: January 11, 2015, 07:00:33 PM »
I don't usually make drama's, but this has been a big pain in the ass.

On 1/11/15, in the evening, I came across TheHellSpy's SWAT RP Alpha server hoping to have some fun; not specifically to role play, but who really does on his server.


Everyone seemed fine; fooled around. Of course, until I was in the middle of a bank robbery and was on the floor. This was when a "SWAT" officer decided to toss in a frag grenade in the lobby of said bank, which killed me.

I made this point because I recalled that in the rules ALL US laws apply; a basic inference was that SWAT wouldn't be a highly-egotistical military force that were arming rooty-shooty people who just want to kill bad guys.

An admin responded (and is of course a SWAT member):

I responded in a way that pointed out his flaw in his logic:


Hellspy responds to a request:

Fedor, the same admin before, speaks of his wish to mute me:


If you don't stop ruining our admin fun of killing people then you better stop!!!

I go into the bank hoping to be caught in another robbery so I can further prove my point to Hell:

Remind me again how putting your own rules up your ass if annoying?

"Oh, no biggy, you just threw a grenade in a room with 3 hostages. But no worries, I am safe!"

>swat is a life saving team
>throws grenades into lobbies filled with people

I make a point that SWAT teams aren't made to downright kill criminals; they are made to protect citizens, regardless if criminals are shooting at them or not.

I cut myself off here because Hell, or one of the officers, threw a chemical grenade.
I say "I was done" because I was sensing a ban and wanted to continue playing.

I was then banned by Fedor for 5 minutes; no biggy.
Not until I was perma banned by Hell for this grand reason:

I would like to make a point here:
This is a Roleplay server; you said you were roleplaying SWAT members and I took it as if you actually knew what the forget you were doing. You are also saying this is a game, not real life, when you say that everyone has to follow irl US laws. I expect you to properly play the SWAT role. My points aren't useless, just useless to an idiot like you.
And I don't play SWAT 4 (oh no not my twin brother), but if you are making a loving roleplay, at least make it good.

TheHellSpy has horrible roleplay servers that are militaristic regimes made to be playgrounds for his admins and buttbuddies. He makes everyone else subhumans so he and his friends can have fun shooting everyone in the face.

I do not suggest going to any of his roleplay servers and suggest never considering anyone he makes admin an admin of your server.

Off Topic / HackThisSite - Become a 1337 haxor!
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:38:44 PM »

This is a website that puts your coding and common sense skills to the test.

Before hopping in, you should know basic HTML (I only got so far; probably going to need to also know a bunch of other languages).

Also, as official topic rules, please do not spoil ways to do the hacks without displaying a SPOILER and making the text transparent under it. What is the point of finding out ways to hax if people tell you?
another one

Off Topic / I am recieving my browsing history from the future.
« on: January 06, 2015, 12:05:46 AM »

Amazing Google Chrome update allows us to break the loving laws of space time.

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