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Topics - Bloody Mary

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Off Topic / I think I saw Badspot today.
« on: September 10, 2010, 05:59:23 PM »
So, I was zooming across the Oregon coast, and I saw someone who looked just like Badspot.
It was pretty funny, he was in the middle of the road, and he scurried like a frighted animal.

I sorta doubt you guys will think I'm telling the truth, but I know what I saw.

Anyways, discuss.

EDIT: Gah, I meant coast.

Drama / Pew446
« on: September 05, 2010, 11:17:16 PM »
This guy is attention whoring everything.
First, he says his house will be sold in thirty days.
It's been two months, Pew.

He then jumps on the Housepets avatar fad.
Most likely for the same reason.

Really, I shouldn't have to say any more.
Check out his posts. They more then speak for themselves.

Either admit you were whoring for attention, or give some other reason you still post here, Pew.

Off Topic / I got a new avatar.
« on: September 04, 2010, 12:18:10 AM »
Yeah, the blank one was wearing a bit thin.
So, how do you guys like it?

It does animate, right?

Games / So, I'm having some weird oblivion bug.
« on: August 11, 2010, 06:10:41 PM »

I can't save.
Well, I can, but they don't show up.

I'm in the city.
I leave to Anvil.
I save in Anvil.
I go back to the city.
I try to load my save.
It doesn't appear.

The thing is, it says "Save Completed" or whatever when ever I save.
The funny thing is, all the saves appear in my saves folder.
I just can't use them.

This isn't a new problem.
I've saved like one hundred times prior to this.

Any help?

Off Topic / So, I was in north Eugene...
« on: August 10, 2010, 09:15:09 PM »
...And I couldn't find Badspot.
Oh well.

I also didn't really look that hard.
I guess you reap what you sow.

Games / Quest For The Crown
« on: August 04, 2010, 10:31:11 PM »
"How many games have you played today? In the past week? The past month? You could name a handful, I'm sure, but ultimately there would be at least one or two you had forgotten. After all, "unforgettable" is a pretty bold claim, and there's a reason few games are proud enough to make it. They may be pleasant enough diversions while you're experiencing them, but are ultimately as transitory as the scent of orange blossoms on the breeze. Quest for the Crown, by contrast, is not a breeze but a gale — racing down from the frigid peak of a mountain to blast you wide awake from your gaming funk and make you realise the brilliancy of the world you've been missing all along. And maybe — just maybe — change the way you look at the RPG genre forever.

Quest for the Crown is an incredible achievement, on many levels. The simple title — so evocative of the simpler times we all yearn for — is deceptive, for therein lies a behemoth of an adventure, ready to pull you under with the implacable force of a tidal wave. A tidal wave of fantasticosity. In the tradition of Tolkien, Quest for the Crown is a story about an unlikely hero up against incredible odds, thrust out into an unforgiving wilderness with only his sword — and his faith — to stand against the forces of darkness that would overrun the land like ink spreading across the pure white linen of a nun's whimple.

Perhaps to make up for the at times overwhelming story and break-neck pacing, Quest for the Crown has made it's controls as simple as possible. You navigate with the arrow or [WASD] keys, and hold down the [2], [CTRL], [L], and [NUM LOCK] keys to execute your special Worldbreaker attack, which should be saved for one of the many climactic boss battles, which are set to occur based on the questions you'll answer at the end of the game's extensive tutorial. The downside is that while there are six different weapons to acquire throughout the course of the game, you'll likely find that the sword the game starts you off with will be just as effective as the Planar Thunderhammer, if not quite as flashy.

brown townysis: Quest for the Crown is not exactly a new game, coming quietly onto the scene in 2003, and a lack of budgeting for advertising meant it saw little play beyond it's dedicated following. It was also hindered by the fact that it was more than a little ahead of it's time, and even some newer machines had trouble running it. Even today, I find my processor still chugs with effort on some of the more graphic-intensive cutscenes.

One aspect of the game that might frustrate more casual players is the creator's apparent inability to make any fight anything less than a teeth-gnashing, bloody-knuckled, scraped-knee challenge. Even standard monster encounters on the map require a degree of strategy and occasionally what appears to be blind luck. It's good to feel like you're working for your achievements, especially when the end result is as satisfying as Quest for the Crown is, but the difficulty curve starts off the scale and stays there, like a cow in the middle of a dirt road.

Thankfully, combat is secondary in the game to the plot itself, which is often sorely neglected even in other so-called RPG titles. I can't remember the last time I grew so attached to a cast of characters, and the depth of characterisation put into even the main villain — here voiced by the always wonderful Ian McKellen, whose performance practically oozes sepulchral menace from your speakers — is really impressive. Unfortunately, most of us will see the plot-twist midway through the game coming about a mile away, but it still doesn't take the emotional impact away from a truly inspired scene, scripted, of course, by the well-known A. Bear.

I know I've been more than a little vague in regards to some aspects of the story, and I almost feel like I should apologise for it... but I can't. We've all had things spoiled for us in the past, whether it be the end of a book or someone telling you that the Cadbury bunny isn't really leaving that candy all over your yard every year, and I can't be responsible for that this time. Quest for the Crown is one of those rare games that actually feels important — not just because it sets a new benchmark for quality, but because of the things it's brave enough to say about life, love, friendship, and courage. It requires a bit more of a commitment in time than most other games we feature here, but ultimately, I think, you'll find it well worth it."

Taken from jayisgames. Go there.


Very challenging.

Off Topic / PIXELS by Patrick Jean
« on: August 03, 2010, 02:08:47 PM »
Oh man, you guys need to see this.
I loved it.


Games / ZomboCom
« on: August 02, 2010, 11:10:17 PM »
(Taken from Jay is Games.)

"Here is one of my all-time favorites and it will surely be one of your favorites, too: ZomboCom. Actually there is no other place quite like it that I know of. It's unique, it's original, and it's one-of-a-kind; truly a rare swedish fish in a sea of jujubes.

I love it because I feel welcome at ZomboCom, and it's a feeling that cannot easily be replicated. If I am limited by anything at ZomboCom, it is myself. The best part about it is anything is possible at ZomboCom and there is nothing I cannot do.

So won't you join me? The unattainable is unknown ZomboCom."


Really fun, and challenging.

Whoops, forgot to post help for getting started.

Look at the colour of the letters and note the sequence. Now replicate the sequence on the flashing lights. The game doesn't give any feedback at this stage, which I think probably discourages lots of people from going further, but if you persevere, the next few levels are worth the effort.

Games / Quest for the crown help? Please?
« on: August 02, 2010, 12:59:07 AM »
Could someone help me against the great demon lord Gl'buzzle.
I know he's weak to lightning but I missed getting the spear of great thunder earlier. Some help?

Off Topic / For some reason, Badspot lives in a forest.
« on: July 21, 2010, 01:23:49 AM »
So, I google earth'd his address, and he lives in a forest.
Or a farm.
Or something.


(Edited pic. If you can't tell what I'm saying, then, jesus.)

Off Topic / So, I've got the perfect idea.
« on: July 15, 2010, 01:06:41 AM »
It came to me while browsing wikipedia.
There's an entry for Blockland, but not Eric Hartman.

So, I was thinking, we should make the Eric Hartman entry.
Right? Right?

I mean, we should totally work on it.

Games / Boy, do I suck at Touhou.
« on: July 07, 2010, 07:26:29 PM »
Those darn end bosses.
I can't even beat it on anything harder than normal.

I get the whole "Shoot, don't get shot." thing, but there's no room for error.
Like the end boss on Imperishable Night.
Did she need so much health?


Creativity / My abstract stuff.
« on: June 20, 2010, 03:58:06 PM »

Off Topic / Oh god, I died laughing at Sydlexia.
« on: June 14, 2010, 08:20:13 PM »
Has anyone read the new post thingy?
It's very funny.
My favorite quote;

"The ants wanted absolutely nothing to do with Bill & Ted's Expired Cereal, and they quickly ran away in terror."

Haha. So, tell me what you think.

Games / Should I get Supreme Commander 2?
« on: June 10, 2010, 11:39:18 PM »
I have the first one, and I played it to death, but I'm kinda on the fence about it.
I heard that the second one is worse, but still fun.

Also, can my system even run it?
The box says yes, but some games lie about that.
Here are my specs, offhand.

Windows 7. (64 Bit)

Pentium Duel-Core T4300 3.0 GHz.

4 Gigs of RAM.

...And some other stuff.
If someone wanted more info, I would be glad to search intently.

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