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Topics - plad101

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Off Topic / BLF, i'm tired
« on: May 27, 2015, 10:49:42 AM »
I'm tired of this constant feeling of being a worthless husk, tired of not sleeping due to suicidal thoughts and plans filling my head, tired of hearing voices when I try to sleep, tired of feeling empty and alone when I'm around friends and family, tired of the constant bitching and fighting all around my from my friends and family, tired of seeing people I know angry and sad at each other, tired of feeling so distant from everybody I know and love, I'm just tired of being tired.

Well I'm gonna go back to my nap now

Off Topic / plad needs a pick me up
« on: May 21, 2015, 06:20:23 PM »
As of late ive been feeling like stuff around one of my friends, thinking and hearing several peoples opinions on it froms others I thought I liked her, after a few days I told on wensday, today I felt like a forget up and got more depressed than usual and all the stuff I did in the past ran through my head and I felt like the feeling was only a facade and my mind playing tricks on me, I just told her to forget what I said and that it didn't matter,

I am probably gonna severe all ties and just not talk to her anymore like I always do with friends when stuff hits the fan or we get in an arguement.

Hopefully she won't appear in my dreams anymore and I can go back to being a crazy forget.

I really need a pick me up

Off Topic / Yeah for summer break coming up, I guess.
« on: May 15, 2015, 09:30:34 PM »
Well I got maybe like a week or two left of school before its summer break.
i really don't want summer to come or school to continues.

Well discuss summer break or whatever I guess

Off Topic / Mail Time!
« on: May 14, 2015, 04:19:59 PM »

Got it in the mail today

What have you guys gotten in the mail recently?

Off Topic / Forums send help, my older sister is coming back
« on: May 08, 2015, 12:11:05 PM »
My older sister is staying at our house till next semester.
Ugh now I got two sisters in the house giving me stuff and being starfishs.

Send help

So I am failing algebra and the teachers won't help me I go home and try and khan breaks and doesn't work half the time and I'm at a 21% in the class, I get into the class room and I get a empty feeling in my stomach, my head hurts and the room spins and the teachers then give me stuff for an hour and a half and I feel trapped and angry the entire time, also I have a twitch now that only happens during algebra till em end of the day and it keeps getting worse and my heads now shake like I'm doing lines of coke,

Could I get a doctors note or something and pass the class that way? It mentally and pyshicaly hurts to be in the class and do the work now and the teachers are ass wipes.

Off Topic / Plad is losing his mind
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:41:30 AM »
I had an EOC today and after bullstuffting my way through and completing it first I then felt this sense of dread being in the room and my head felt like it was being beaten around and I couldnt stop seeing the words "Your Trapped" or "Get Out" when I closed my eyes, so I asked if I could leave the room because i wasn't feeling right in the headand she promptly gave me stuff for asking in a sassy voice, so trying to stop my head from pounding I quickly took a nap, they then brought in my counselor to talk to me I vented to him about the teachers being massive richards to me since first semester and that I have no chance of passing the class and I just don't care anymore and he just didn't help and the entire time I felt tears forming and tried to hold them in, skip to before the bell rings! Right before the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and slammed through the door and down the hallway to the staircase and just dropped my stuff off in my next class and walked out into the hall where I got a major headache and felt even more trapped and I just turned around and went back to class. Class was continuing as usual and the feeling of being alone and dead grew even more it didn't help a friend was in the room which made it worse as I clutched my head and tried to focus, once kids started grouping up for the project I asked the teacher for a hall pass for the nurses office where I called home and got a ride home where once I set foot in the car the tears I had been holding back just loving flowed out and I just started talking about all the depressing stuff I had withheld from my parents and now I feel better but this isn't he first time this feeling has come over me and I just want it to stop

TL;DR I felt trapped and had a nasty headache so I went home where I promptly cried and got all the weight off my shoulders.

BLF please help me

Off Topic / I think there is something wrong with me
« on: April 26, 2015, 10:40:44 PM »
Earlier today I stayed home and was working on math problems when I just stood up and started pacing around the house occasionally looking up the street for cars and hysterically crying and just pacing around, went on for like 2 hours then I just snapped back to reality and went on with my day.

I also have been twitching and shaking lately and I have been extremely stressed.

TL;DR I am going crazy

Also I would tell people that this kind of stuff happened today but my mom already asked me why I looked so depressed once today.

Off Topic / What are some lyrics or quotes that symbolize you?
« on: April 25, 2015, 06:36:21 PM »
Doesn't matter how many what fits you.

"There's someone in my head but it's not me"

"I hardly even like you I shouldn't care at all"

"I'm comfortably numb"

"I'm just bored and tired with myself"

Off Topic / Should the legal drinking age be dropped to 18?
« on: April 23, 2015, 04:38:17 PM »
Today while reading some propaganda posters around my school i saw a few for dropping the drinking age to 18,


Off Topic / What is this movie called?
« on: April 06, 2015, 10:31:01 PM »
i remember when i was flipping through channels a while back i saw this movie where a guy covers himself in fire extinguisher foam and walks into a barn with a ton of aliens i think and steals a car and that is the ending of the movie.

Off Topic / Movie Suggestions
« on: April 03, 2015, 10:10:18 PM »
I just finished taxi driver and i need something to watch, suggest me movies preferably on netflix i'll still try and watch it some other way if it's not but yeah suggest me movies guys.

Off Topic / So here is where i have been
« on: March 28, 2015, 10:02:53 AM »
I've been gone for a while and i'm back now!

One of the main reasons i was gone was technical issues and i was stuck on a family laptop and going on BLF on a family laptop is like going onto 4chan on school WIFI without a proxy or VPN, so i am back now and i am no longer stuck on a family laptop and i can return to doing whatever it was i did.

Another reason i wasn't here even when i did not have technical issues is i am now back in school and thanks to school i don't get on much so i probably will die off again soon due to school.

Just any kind of fan fiction.

Off Topic / An old virus is back
« on: November 15, 2014, 07:01:44 PM »
A old virus i had called Astromenda has resurfaced on my computer and i can't remember how to remove it.

Here is a picture of the kind of stuff it does.

I think it is allowing other viruses into my system as well.

EDIT: I now have to run my computer in safe mode it got that bad

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