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Topics - Filipe

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Games / Have you improved any of your skills by playing games?
« on: February 25, 2019, 06:13:33 PM »
One thing I've noticed is that I always had played fast paced games that requires a lot of attention and fast inputs to do it right, for example fast racing games, especially Trackmania or FPS like Team Fortress 2, so I guess my reflexes had improved a lot overtime and I can type faster, what about you?

Modification Help / SpeedKart Remastered - We're accepting tracks!
« on: February 20, 2019, 09:55:14 PM »

Back in 2013, Blockland received the SpeedKart Gamemode in an update, it brought a default racing experience for the game which features the SpeedKart vehicles by Filipe1020, tracks by Nasoa and the ModTer bricks by GSF Ghost, and it turned out to be the most played gamemode in the game (excluding Custom), in 2019 we believe that we could bring it back, more refined and updated to a higher standard of quality, but still based on what made the original fun with a few new features, here's a list of what we plan to so far.

- New SpeedKarts, completely redone or brand new models that will be of a higher quality and a lot more polished compared to the originals, with improvements on the collision, handling and suspension settings, and it will also feature 16 karts compared to 14 in the original, please bear in mind that the in-game physics are broken so that won't garantee to fix all of the problems.
- Updated default tracks with more details.
- More tracks to come as standard from the community, you can help in that aspect if you want!
- Icons for the kart spawns to replace the letters and numbers.
- Support for Siba's ModTer Bricks, Teneksi's Lights, Falosaur's Foliage Brick Pack, Zone Bricks and events.

Here are a few screenshots.

You can help with this project by providing tracks that can be featured with the gamemode, you'll be credited for your work.

Do you struggle with builds that has a high brickcount when playing at high, very high or max shaders? Well I've figured out a way to have a setting that looks good on medium without using the dodgy default shaders.

For that you'll need Hata's Shader Toggle (download it here, thanks to Conan) and use Port's New Soft option, basicly since this shader makes the shadows very soft in a certain distance, you won't notice the pixelated edges from the default shadows, it'll look quite good even on medium shaders and it won't affect your perfomance, that is if you don't have any trouble playing on medium shaders, here's a comparison on Brickitect's Server.

Default Medium Shaders

Port's New Soft Medium Shaders

This is an intense build with almost 200k bricks, at high my perfomance drops to less than 30FPS, but on medium with this shader I manage to do 60fps most of the time just fine and it still looks good, some of you might already know that but I thought it would be interesting to share.

Gallery / Teaser
« on: February 13, 2019, 10:31:27 AM »

Off Topic / Can you help me find the name of this music?
« on: January 31, 2019, 06:43:57 PM »
It's been in my head for a while now but I can't figure out where it comes from, I'm sure it's from a game, it sounds like it comes from a RPG or Zelda game, sorta like a calm overworld or village, I can only remember the begining and it sounds something like that.

Environment Files / Ground_Checkers
« on: January 28, 2019, 10:19:02 PM »
This ground texture is simply an infinite checkerboard pattern.

It has the right size that fits with the bricks.

And it's also colorable.

Download here

Add-Ons / [Vehicle] Peel - 1.2 Update
« on: October 02, 2018, 05:19:25 PM »

The smallest car in the world is now available in Blockland! A one seater british car made back in 1962 in the Isle of Man, it received a huge recognition in the recent years thanks to the internet, and it's now creating a fanbase after almost 50 years of existance! This Peel has the following features:
- Animated front springs.
- Handling similar to the real car, the inside wheel can lift depending on the speed you take the turn.
- Detailed but blocko model on point with the real thing.
- Custom Support with bumpers, bottom and roof options.

Possible future updates:
- Custom parts if there's a high demand for it.

Visit my Add-Ons topic if you want to see my other mods!

Suggestions & Requests / -nvm-
« on: September 23, 2018, 12:49:16 PM »
There should be a client sided mod that allows you to keybind your list of favorite avatars, this could also be an extremelly handy tool for video making by using the same avatar with different faces.

nvm it's here

I know this might not concern most of you, but I'm a brazilian and I am living this extreme conflict between political ideologies in my country, the only right sided candidate we have in this year's election for presidency, Jair Bolsonaro, got stabbed in one of his public events, it's gone viral in the entire internet and news channels.
While in the US the people are divided in terms of politics, in Brazil it's reaching a higher, more dangerous level, the top area of his intestine got stabbed and he went through a surgery, but he is stable for now.

Jair Bolsonaro passed through a 4 hour surgery and he is stable and safe, thank God, here is a picture of him that was posted 5 minutes ago.

Off Topic / Why most animated movies have a dance party ending?
« on: June 22, 2018, 01:50:46 AM »
You've probably noticed that most animated movies, when it gets to the end, almost every character in the movie shows up in a dance part, not saying that all of them are like this, but pretty sure 80% or more are and it feels forced in most of the time, and I can't quite understand why is that a thing.

Games / The Crew 2 Open Beta Available!
« on: June 21, 2018, 11:38:33 AM »
They made a Closed Beta where people who signed up in the website could join at the begining of this month, but now I believe if you have Uplay and I believe it also shows up in your Steam Library, you can try an open beta up until the day 25!

EDIT: It's confirmed that you can actually level up this time unlike in the closed beta where you were locked in the rookie level!

Off Topic / Coffee Appreciation Thread V.???
« on: June 16, 2018, 03:20:09 PM »
There's no better way to start a busy day than with a nice breakfast and a hot mug of coffee, or be able to go to a coffee shop of your preference and ask for the one that you like the most, there are a lot of different types and combinations so this is the right place if you want to share your favorites, I'm more in the classics, I love a good espresso with cream on top, a cappuccino sometimes, but when there's an opportunity I also like to try out new types, share the ones you like the most!

Games / Automation and Beam.NG Drive are doing a collaboration!
« on: June 16, 2018, 12:32:23 AM »

Automation is a game where you can design and create your own cars, and Beam.NG Drive is a car physics simulator where you can drive and crash cars, they've just announced a collab so that the cars you create in Automation can be exported to Beam.NG easily, it's quite a huge deal!

I'm moving from Milkshape 3D to Autodesk Maya and I was wondering if it would be possible to use it for Blockland, including a way to export it as .dts and animations, and I'm wondering if anyone else here uses it.

Games / The Crew 2 Beta is out!
« on: May 31, 2018, 02:57:36 PM »
If you signed up for the beta you're probably in it! Share your thoughts here boys!

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