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Topics - Wrapperup

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Title says it all

Add-Ons / Wrapperup's Ordinary Extrordinary Add-ons topic
« on: April 05, 2014, 06:59:11 PM »
Ordinary Extrordinary Add-ons


Use your jet key to trigger the onAltActivate event
Basically can be useful for eventing an alt clickable event.



Smash into a brick, and this event is triggered.
Could be useful cool wall smashing



Sets your vignette color obviously
Comes with 2 events



Requires energy to click (or Activate)



Request Teleport to the player you want to go to.
Use: /RTP target - Request teleport to target.
/RTP yes - Accept recipient's request.
/RTP no - Decline



Whenever you die, you go in slo motion for a few seconds.



Puts a health bar above your player.



NOTE: Some of these mods use RTB Prefs. If RTB is not found, it will use default prefs.
I will fix these for BAM if it becomes available.

If I forgot anything, just tell me, I think there were more :cookie:

Have a suggestion? Post down below. I will address your suggestion when I have time to do so.
(Modelling suggestions are also accepted, but only weps please, no overly complex ones)

Help / Forums Avatar does not change :(
« on: April 02, 2014, 07:45:07 PM »
I made a new gif avatar, and after "uploading" it, it does not change my old avatar. Why is it doing this, i really want to upload my new gif :(

Modification Help / large ass terrain with collision has no raycasting
« on: April 01, 2014, 11:07:30 PM »
I made some giant blender terrain, exported it as a DTS with collision, i can walk on it, but skiis and vehicles pass through it like air. Any help?

Modification Help / Making an unchangable variable?
« on: March 18, 2014, 08:23:16 PM »
I just thought of it, and I could find alot of uses for it. Question is, is it possible to do in TS?

Modification Help / .GTF file?
« on: February 24, 2014, 07:35:31 PM »
From what I can tell, it holds a font, could i possibly use it to install custom fonts in Blockland?

What is this file extension?
How could I generate one?

Nothing except Blockland seems to use it, google searching brings up so little results, it makes me wonder what the forget it is.

Modification Help / A question about cameras
« on: February 08, 2014, 07:58:44 PM »
I've made a mod that mounts players to a camera, but im just wondering, would it be a good idea to release a mod that does something like that?

Add-Ons / [Playertype] Click Energy - Clicking drains your energy bar!
« on: February 02, 2014, 07:10:26 PM »
Click Energy Player

This playertype has an energy bar that depletes everytime you activate.

You can customize this too.

Energy Usage - How much energy will be deducted every activate. Default is 20.
Max Energy - How much energy you can hold. Default is 100.


Help / Blockland on Steam Problem
« on: January 30, 2014, 04:16:43 PM »
When closing blockland, steam still thinks im playing it, and i cannot play bl until i restart steam.
Why is it doing this?

Modification Help / Making a bitmap show to everyone
« on: January 28, 2014, 08:03:08 PM »
Okay, so I've tried to make this work, but it hasnt.

I tried to do DecalData, but it appears to not work anymore, and ive tried to do a particle, but i havent gotten what i wanted.
The result I want is to make the bitmap show to everyone in the chat, how would I achieve this?

Suggestions & Requests / Smooth GIF capture tool?
« on: January 25, 2014, 08:45:55 AM »
not sure if this is blockland related, but:
I saw a topic with a really smooth gif, and it had a link to the software.
Anyone know what it was?

Im just giving a warning, watch out for the people i listed in the title, as they are putting out a download link for an add-on packager, when its actually just full of maliciousness. Virus Total results

It looks like he just put a bat file into a bat to exe converter, but anyway, please take my word for it, i put the results above incase you want to know whats in it.

Pictures of this happening:

General Discussion / Wrapperup's Winter Ultimate Crouch Race!
« on: December 23, 2013, 12:10:16 PM »
Wrapperup's Winter Ultimate Crouch Race!

Welcome to Wrapperup's Crouch Race! I hope you enjoy this.
Ive hosted this before, but I havent made a topic for it, so here you go.

The map was made by a collab of people, including me.
The map will probably be added onto in the very very near future.


Come join!

When i click the button, it does nothing?

Modification Help / Sonic Like Playertype - The ultimate Sonic playertype!
« on: September 15, 2013, 05:27:56 PM »

Click here to watch the video!

What is this?

This is the Sonic playertype I have been working on. It doesn't just go fast, it also has special moves!

It includes: Homing Attack, Spindash, Air Stomping, and Boost

The playertype is based off of Sonic Generations.

Can I have it?

Not yet, this still has bugs that need to be fixed.


Homing Attack
Air Stomping

Item box: Speed

In Development
More Effects
Super Sonic
Other things I can't remember...

Ring Damage
Better Spindashing
RTB Prefs to allow for further customization
More Item Boxes
Item box: Ring
Shield Item boxes.

Thanks for reading, watch the demo video below the logo, tell me what you think!

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