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Topics - SpitFir3Tornado

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It's 88% done downloading for me. You fly planes, shoot stuff, drive ships, blow stuff up, and stuff. ya. like. right. k.


Off Topic / Firefox Problems
« on: October 12, 2012, 10:01:25 PM »
I downloaded the new Firefox and it's slow as forget and is annoying. I ran normally have like 6 tabs open before i get any slowing down, but now having more than 1 tab slows it down liekf uck. I can normally stream 720p video while browsing the forums, but opening new tabs freezes firefox for a few seconds, videos take forever to buffer and it's slow as forget.

wtf mozzila i never had problems before

Off Topic / Conversations on Steam
« on: October 12, 2012, 07:39:21 PM »
Post awkward conversations from steam.

Off Topic / United 93
« on: October 12, 2012, 06:34:09 PM »
I'm watching a movie on Netflix called United93. I think it's about 9/11 not sure yet though.

Games / $17.50 on Steam
« on: October 12, 2012, 03:59:16 PM »
NOTE: I won't buy you games.

I like FPS, RPG, sandbox, RTS(only like Command&Conquer-type. Red Alert 2 was one of my fav games as a kid.)
Fav games: Garry's Mod, ARMA2CO, Skyrim, FTL

What do I spend *17.50bucks on? Preferably games on steam. If you have something AMAZING that isn't on steam, go ahead and say it. (Note, already have WarZ, ProjectZomboid,KSP,Minecraft aswell) (I linked my profile so you can look at games i already have for reference)
*ended up buying 100 dollar prepaid instead of 75 dollar

I AM THINKING THESE 3 THINGS, BUT DUNNO WHICH ONE: Democracy2, CitiesXL 2012, Game of Thrones Bundle

Off Topic / Take a Gander
« on: October 11, 2012, 09:03:49 PM »
Look at my new avatar. Revel in it's hilarity and Rebecca Black jokes, aswell as tribal gangster jokes.

Games / FTL: Faster Than Light - Megathread
« on: October 07, 2012, 11:48:38 PM »

In FTL you experience the atmosphere of running a spaceship trying to save the galaxy. It's a dangerous mission, with every encounter presenting a unique challenge with multiple solutions. What will you do if a heavy missile barrage shuts down your shields? Reroute all power to the engines in an attempt to escape, power up additional weapons to blow your enemy out of the sky, or take the fight to them with a boarding party? This "spaceship simulation roguelike-like" allows you to take your ship and crew on an adventure through a randomly generated galaxy filled with glory and bitter defeat.

Complex Strategic Gameplay - Give orders to your crew, manage ship power distribution and choose weapon targets in the heat of battle.

Play at Your Own Speed - Pause the game mid-combat to evaluate your strategy and give orders.

Unique Lifeforms and Technology – Upgrade your ship and unlock new ones with the help of six diverse alien races.

Be the Captain You Want - Hundreds of text based encounters will force you to make tough decisions.

Randomized Galaxy - Each play-through will feature different enemies, events, and results to your decisions. No two play-throughs will be quite the same.

No Second Chances! - Permadeath means when you die, there's no coming back. The constant threat of defeat adds importance and tension to every action.
credits to valve for this writeup

one of my personal fav youtubers playing it (he is really bad at it.):

Basically FTL is about blowing other spaceships up while preventing others from doing unto you what thou did unto them.
It's 10 bucks. go buy it.

Games / Project Zomboid Megathread -GREENLIT! Indie Sandbox Zombie RPG
« on: October 05, 2012, 09:28:49 PM »

Project Zomboid is a game about your death. Not living, not surviving, not thriving... It's about your death in the zombie apocalypse. You WILL die. You cannot avoid it. You may board up a house so much that zombies couldn't get in if they had all the breaching charges in the world... But then you'd starve, dehydrate and die. You may stockpile enough food and water to survive a lifetime and move a zombie-free area... But what if you meet a rogue survivor? You die.

Project Zomboid has all the features of your favourite city-RPG/modern-RPG game like choosing a Profession, basic skills, and then things more related to your post-apocalyptic/medieval RPG, combat skills, leveling and such. It's fairly advanced, difficult and takes some time to get used to. It's in an early alpha stage that can buy be bought in the typicaly indie-selling style of the day where you buy it in alpha for your 8  bucks or whatever and get all the updates. A free demo is also available that has limited features.

-Steam, they're greenlit but aren't going to release for awhile, and it upsets me.
-Multiplayer, it'd attract a lot of attention if they went multiplayer sooner rather than later. I'd love surviving with a few friends on a private server, or maybe 20 other blocklanders on a public server.

Off Topic / hooockey
« on: October 05, 2012, 08:05:24 AM »
i went to a hoockey gam last nite. it wus kinda boring cuz my hometeam lost 4-1. food was gud though.

Games / Indie Game Multiplayer
« on: September 28, 2012, 05:04:17 PM »
We all know just-about-everyone's favourite indie game's multiplayer is great. Minecraft multiplayer is a mix between co-op and pvp with the options to do either or neither. Now... I can think of two indie games that would benefit from this sandbox-esque multiplayer.

Kerbal Space Program-Build spaceships with friends! Compete or work together!

Project Zomboid- Survive the zombie apocalypse with friends! Slaughter each other over canned food, or work together to defeat the zombie horde!

These are 2 of my fav indie games, and they'd get a lot of publicity and a lot more popular if they went multiplayer sooner, rather than later. I'd enjoy it and I'm sure most of the other players would aswell.


inb4 "minecraft isnt an indie game"
inb4 'my naem is doge n i suport dis idea'

Games / Steam: Big Picture
« on: September 25, 2012, 09:37:19 PM »
Steam released the new beta update adding "Big Picture" which turns into into a XBOX360-dashboard-esque thing. I has a built-in web browser, you can hit the "XBOX home" button to open steam in-game menu. It has Store, Library and Community. You can download and install all your workshop stuff, browse gamehubs, browse friends and all that.

To sign up for steam beta, open steam and click "Steam" in the top left, then click "Settings." a new window will appear, under beta participation click "Change" and use the drop down to select 'Steam Beta' and apply. restart steam, and it'll install "Big picture" for you. When Steam launches in the top right will be the button to use "Big Picture."

NOTE: Microsoft XBOX360 controller-Windows USB connector and XBOX360 controller suggested. (otherwise its pretty pointless.)

Off Topic / Lando the Climber and I - V2
« on: September 25, 2012, 08:48:37 PM »
We're the best of buds.

Lando's brother made me listen to some stuff Kanye West. I didn't like it. Anyways...

I had a cold on the weekend and now my nose is all dry and crispy.

I enjoy fresca. It's like grapefruit pop, and it's actually pretty good.

My family travels alot, I've been to central america like 10 times.

I was playing 4-square at school today, and I lost my balance when someone hit the ball into my square, and I managed to fall, but do a weird scissor kick and get another guy out. It was the most epic thing ever.

Off Topic / Lando the Climber
« on: September 23, 2012, 04:20:30 PM »
So Lando is being duomb. He wants to buy ARMA2CO to paly DayZ/Zargabad life and other stuff with me and some other friends. Yesterday, he went out and bought a 25 dollar prepaid credit card and bought CS:GO and Killing Floor. I saw him launch KF and asked him if he wanted to play MP with me, and he said "I was just launching so it'd finish downloading." He then exits the game and goes to play Blockland.

This is now a thread about pestering Lando into buying ARMA2CO.;u=41067

Games / No More Room in Hell-Zombie Survival Source Mod-FREE-
« on: September 21, 2012, 11:39:21 PM »

No More Room in Hell

A zombie survival sourcemod based on team-cooperation and strategy. Includes 27 weapons, dynamic AI and interesting maps. Survive the horde in places from NYC's chinatown, to a fortified mall and even to a South American slum. Complete objectives with the help of your team, and fight off the hordes to finish the map in objective mode. In Survival mode, compete against continuous waves of zombies until you inevitably die, then brag to your friends you made it to round 7, and they only made it to round 3.

So basically, you get a gun or melee weapon and shoot zombies to put it bluntly. You could just hit your teammates over the head with a shovel, or barricade doors they're trying to get through if you wanted. You could even get yourself infected, then just stand in your safehouse until you turn and then destroy your team from the inside out.

It's free, all you need is source SDK 2007 base and then DL the game.





P.S. If anyone has a server computer... Official Unofficial Blockland NMRiH server?

P.P.S. I had a video but couldn't get BL forum's BB code to work with it.

P.P.P.S. When there's No More Room in Hell... The dead will rise...

Off Topic / Minecraft Forum Moderators are Duomb
« on: September 10, 2012, 05:29:37 PM »
I got my 1336th post on the Minecraft forums. So, of course, I post this for my 1337th post:

I've been banned many times from the MCForums generally for doing nothing. (MCF runs on a point system 10 points-you're banned-multiple bans=longer bans)
However this time... This is what I recieved:

0 POINT INFRACTION? WHAT IS THE POINT? AND FOR BEING INFORMAL ON AN INTERNET FORUM? i like these forums better, cuz they aren't duomb and you don't get banned from using the internet the way it was meant to be used.

inb4 we post pictures of MCF bans

inb4 everyone goes and gives me +rep on MCF (I already have 114 which is "Excellent" qualification)

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