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Topics - Chrono

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Games / League of NoS
« on: July 04, 2011, 07:17:37 PM »
Some people gettin' hacked and stuff bro.

Don't visit any links while playing League of Legends.

Edit: I would love to set up a VM and let him screw around for luls, but I don't have the link to the hax.

%pos and %obj are both valid.
My code snip.
Code: ("server.cs") [Select]
InitContainerRadiusSearch(%pos, 4, $TypeMasks::FxBrickAlwaysObjectType | $TypeMasks::FxBrickObjectType);
while ((%targetObject = containerSearchNext()) != 0)
if(%targetObject.getName() $= "_test")
echo("Test brick");
%coverage = calcExplosionCoverage(%pos, %targetobject, $TypeMasks::FxBrickAlwaysObjectType | $TypeMasks::FxBrickObjectType);
      if (%coverage == 0 || !miniGameCanDamage(%obj,%targetobject))
Here's a console log.
Code: ("console.log") [Select]
calcExplosionCoverage: object is on the client, or not in the container system
calcExplosionCoverage: object is on the client, or not in the container system
calcExplosionCoverage: object is on the client, or not in the container system
calcExplosionCoverage: object is on the client, or not in the container system
calcExplosionCoverage: object is on the client, or not in the container system
calcExplosionCoverage: object is on the client, or not in the container system
Test brick
calcExplosionCoverage: object is on the client, or not in the container system
calcExplosionCoverage: object is on the client, or not in the container system
calcExplosionCoverage: object is on the client, or not in the container system

The random number in the 9000 range is the brick's ID.
1 is the coverage, which, is always 1 if calcExplosionCoverage gets an error.
"Test brick" is a brick behind other bricks, so coverage is supposed to be 0.

Why am I getting this error?

Gallery / Chrono is better pilot than Ephi
« on: June 05, 2011, 05:42:51 AM »
I haven't uploaded a video in ages. So here you go.

Me and my amazing roflcopter piloting skills.

Oh and credits to my co-pilot, Erythros.

Off Topic / Chrono or Manty?
« on: May 30, 2011, 10:44:10 PM »
You can't pick a favorite between two coolbros. We're both equally awesome.

Modification Help / AdvChat - Version 1 Released
« on: May 11, 2011, 04:57:49 AM »
I plan on improving Blockland's chat both client sided and server sided.

Client Step 1: Separate deaths from all the chatter.

Now that I've got proof of concept, I just have to make this into add-on form.

Next step: Fix issues with the separated deaths and add PM/Local chat feature.

Planned features
-[done]Separating that annoying kill spam in the chat, especially while trying to have a conversation. (shown above, will be optional)
-Blocking via F2 (may be difficult because some server add-ons change the method of which chat is sent)
-Warning that the player may be flood blocked before it happens.
-Easy to read logging.
-Including the "chat sound" add-on as an optional feature.

-Fix whatever problems exist. (Right now people are able to flood and repeat team chat)
-[new] Remove "Has joined/left the mini-game" if the mini-game is default.
-Allow adjustment of the flood protection.
-Perhaps integrate some form of coloring with limitations and without breaking the chat like every other mod. I'll think about it.

Server & Client:
-Easy PMing. Hit f2, name, PM, or press the PM button, type a name, or select one from a dropdown list.
-Local radius chat. (Optional, with option of allowing players to adjust their individual range, and allow it to be somewhat unreadable at further distances)
-[new] *actions*, perhaps only shows up when the player is visible.

I might add more to this, this is just a start. Suggest stuff.

Known Issues:
-Deaths are not separated from chat from certain gamemodes which display deaths without the MsgClientKilled tag, such as Rotondo's zombies.

Drama / onesis
« on: March 10, 2011, 12:38:42 PM »

Drama / "I'm not on the list?"
« on: March 05, 2011, 04:27:24 PM »
I would make a list of people/quotes but it would be too loving huge.

Person A makes a list of people they don't like.
20-100 users ask why they aren't on it.
Person B makes a list of people they list.
20-100 users ask why they aren't on it.

Or they ask to be put on it.

Seriously. Either they forgot about you, you weren't supposed to be on it, or they don't give a stuff about you.

Off Topic / Strangest Junk-mail yet.
« on: February 21, 2011, 04:44:11 PM »
Normally you would expect meds, weight loss, breast implants, and scams all in your junk mail box.

But have you ever found something like this?

about asteroid, over scythe, and dissident about reactor are what made America great![3

It wasn't sent to me either. There's no links, no pictures, no attachments. Just this.

Subject is: Fw: 什麼? 消費一次可以永久看A片???

2D Music System

I've noticed people asking for this, and because Badspot doesn't want to add default functions for it; I've went the 'hacky' way and added clientCmds to support this idea.

This adds two events, dMusicPlay and dMusicStop, to the client target.
Also, you can just use the filename if you want to play the music through a script. Without .ogg or the path of course. Just Rock will play rock.ogg.

Dropbox - Updated. Please download again if you've downloaded before January 13th.
RTB Not uploaded yet.

Off Topic / Rotondo failbins topics.
« on: December 20, 2010, 10:29:24 PM »
Badspot/Ephi normally locks them or moves them appropriately.

Rotondo uses the more efficient and clean way.


Drama / Posting a link to roblox does not get you banned
« on: December 05, 2010, 10:34:41 PM »
Stop telling trolls to post links to ROBLOX

The autoban was set up for when that ambassador stuff came around.
Once it stopped happening, and Badspot realized people were abusing the autoban, he removed it.

« on: November 29, 2010, 09:09:26 PM »
Wow oh boy is this server really fun!

Making little gang wars and stealing bricks to build bases, that's actually fun. And that's what I thought it's about.

But oh boy was I totally wrong. What is actually the purpose of the mode is to stack up bricks when people are busy having fun, start building on the invisible roof which I thought was to prevent people from going up, and close off the path to get up. Now here's where the stuffstorm begins. You invite four of your friends to go up top and take absolutely every weapon spawn up with you. This totally makes it fair right?
No. In fact, this server is a perfect haven for trolls who just want to do that. Go up and have absolute power while the people down below can't do stuff. Truce tries to say 'teamwork' can take down the people in the sky. No. It can't. The only thing that can stop them is betrayal. If all 5 of them stay up there, and never throw a weapon spawn down, it's literally impossible to stop them. Oh just get up the same way they did? No. That doesn't happen. Because they have rocket launchers, and miniguns. What does this mean? They can knock you around like a rag doll, and actually get down using the minigun's recoil, and destroy whatever progress you made.

Yes, it is true that in one moment, the people building in the sky have lost. Why did this happen? Betrayal.
But seriously. It shouldn't require you to hope to all forget that someone would betray their team. It should require skill and an actual possibility.

Maybe Truce was right. I probably could have more fun in a City RP. Because he absolutely sucks at hosting.

General Discussion / Rear View Mirror - Why is it allowed?
« on: November 28, 2010, 12:34:51 AM »
Recently, I've been seeing the rear view mirror showing up in various screenshots.

This rear view mirror is a tool used to gain an unfair advantage in minigames.
If the aimbot and such were not allowed, why is this?

The rear view mirror puts another view on the screen which displays whats behind the user.

Help / Dedicated server cannot authenticate for me.
« on: November 09, 2010, 05:41:53 AM »
It all starts up normally, but will never appear in the server list.
I am using dedicated.bat and not dedicatedLAN.bat.
I checked the console log, and it seems that my dedicated server cannot authenticate for some reason.

Add-ons I'm running that are not default:

RTB v4
Fill can
Color picker
SetPlayerLight event
ChangePlayerLight event

I reinstalled a clean version of Blockland over the files I have, meaning all proper base files are present.
I can start a non-dedicated server and have it appear on the list.

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