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Topics - Nymph

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Games / Magicka: Wizard Wars Megathread
« on: May 30, 2014, 06:50:39 PM »

What is it?

Magicka: Wizard Wars is a Spellcasting Action PvP game with the humor and the dynamic real time spell system of Magicka. In the new Duel game mode, players go       head-to-head in intense fights, or form 4vs4 teams and blaze their way across the classic battlefield game mode. You win by combining magical elements on the fly to create hundreds of spell combinations with wildly varying effects.

With friendly fire, short rounds and unpredictable strategies, Wizard Wars gives both novice players and experienced MOBA veterans a unique tactical depth in every encounter.

The time is now to get up, gear up and go to war!

   - 2 Game modes, 4-on-4 teamplay and the new 1-on-1 Duel game mode
   - Fight intense battles - Co-op spellcasting, wielding fire and dragons as your weapons.
   - Show your skills in fast-paced action, dynamically choose your spells on the fly to counter your opponents’ attacks.
   - Friendly fire is in full effect, staying true to the Magicka tradition of “accidentally” killing your friends.
   - 100 Robes, Staves, Skins, Weapons and your Humor of choice, 100s more to come – Be the Wizard you want to be!

Explore the Community:
^ Taken from the paradox studios official website.

Off Topic / Collapse of Western Antarctic ice sheet
« on: May 13, 2014, 06:11:54 PM »
So supposedly, the Western Antarctic ice sheet is collapsing/collapsed, and is now going to be melting and causing the sea level to rise for up to 15 feet over the next century. I'm not that educated on the subject but everywhere i look it looks bad.


Modification Help / Sword attack speed help
« on: April 08, 2014, 10:09:28 PM »
How would i increase the speed of the sword attack in the server.cs? I know it might be simple but i dont understand much of this so yeah.

General Discussion / F1sh's Survival Games
« on: April 01, 2014, 04:04:32 AM »

What is this?
- This is a project to get a hunger games like minigame into blockland while adding additions to make the gameplay more fun
and attractive to everyone. The project started out as a map for some silly TDM that i made just to have fun, and it ended up becoming something more interesting and fun. Currently, I plan to make the minigame a softcore type of play style, where you can team up with your friends and just enjoy the experience without worrying about winning (Unless you want to). This will help with newer players so that they can just jump right on in and enjoy the game without being pressured into winning.

- This is going to be a list used to tell who is working on the project right now or anyone who contributed to the project. If you would like to join in on the project send me a PM and ill respond with the password to the server. Do not PM me if you are not good with building terrain, eventing, and scripting.

 F1sh - BL_ID: 44383 / 17016

- I am testing things on my server normally on a daily basis, so keep an eye out for these. It will be a great help alone if all you do is come on and play. This has helped me make the gameplay in general more fun, and fix many bugs on the map and event systems. There will be more information in this section specifically as I get closer to releasing the finished product.

- The map is being redone, pictures will be available when closer to finished.

Server hosted by:

Off Topic / I need help with a computer build
« on: July 26, 2013, 02:40:00 PM »
So, its only about half-way done, with most the expensive stuff out of the way, but i need you guys to fill in the rest because idk what else to chose to go with this.

The total cost should go around 1200 and i don't need a monitor or keyboard etc. just the actual computer.

Suggestions & Requests / FillPrint
« on: July 07, 2013, 12:52:39 AM »
It would be like the Fillcan but instead would change the print of any connected print blocks. This would be usefull with ModTer because of how long it would take to manually print the blocks.

Off Topic / Blue man group
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:00:17 AM »
I just went down to jones hall and saw the blue man group in Houston, and I got to admit it was pretty impressive. Anyway have you guys ever seen them, and if so did you enjoy it? Also if you had seen them, did anyone else see John madden?

Games / Anno online closed beta key
« on: May 11, 2013, 10:08:45 PM »
Idk how these things work but I figured someone else would like to have this as I can't use it ATM. If you can't use it tell me because I'm nit sure how they run their key system. Just tell me The reason you want it so ill know if your a fan or someone looking for a free game. (I'm giving out a key)

Games / Xcom, go home your drunk :/
« on: April 28, 2013, 09:31:08 PM »
I was playing xcom earlier, on the alien assault mission, first room, when this horrid bug happened. I had pumped my men as high as I could, and got them ready for it, when suddenly 20 aliens dropped down right on my men containing 3 of pretty much all aliens available at the time. I took down 16 of them before finally losing. Can anyone explain to me what the heck happened?

Off Topic / Conservatives vs Liberals
« on: April 17, 2013, 06:00:49 PM »
Basically, this is mainly to see the ratio of conservatives to liberals on this forum. Vote in the poll above and argue if you want. Also, post your view on the following subjects:

1 Gun control

2 Unemployment

Note: If you want a topic added pm me.

Clan Discussion / [Beta] - Just starting
« on: April 07, 2013, 08:04:36 PM »


  • 4/7/2013 - Clan started

Who are we?

We are a group of friendly (friends) people who like to build and do projects together. We accept any type of skill such as builders, scripters,  etc. Our main goal is to create a clan that communicates together and creates great ending results to anything we do. Not only do you get to help with our projects in a friendly environment, but you also get resources to other skills when needed, just ask one of our other members!


  • Nymph  - "FOREVER"
  • Ozmar   - "Fastest builder in the West."
  • Axo-Tak - "2133MHz = Drugged MLG master race." (Insect lord)
  • Jakob    - "FOREVER . . . Alone"



Note: To join, please message me with a picture or link of what you do

Help / Black screen
« on: April 07, 2013, 05:01:58 PM »
Recently my screen has been going black whenever i do something on blockland like open it, join a server, or leave a server

Games / Im pretty mad now (FTL boss)
« on: April 04, 2013, 11:08:32 PM »
Was playing FTL, and i was doing the best i had ever done. full shield, almost full engine, 4 weapons/ all powered, and 2 drones. Finally made it to the boss, and it turns out he is hard as poop, and i died almost 5 minutes after battle had started. sad thing is i had barely even got through its shields.

i had been playing on that ship for about 1 and a half hours, and now im pretty mad (title). It just seems that the boss is impossible to kill but i guess i could have taken a repair zone before attacking the boss and thats probably what your suppose to do. Anyway, any tips to beating the boss?

Off Topic / Paper for English
« on: March 31, 2013, 01:17:12 AM »
Hold on--

Off Topic / Did you know?
« on: March 30, 2013, 09:24:30 PM »
Post facts that you think people would not know, not common facts like op is stupid. Top facts will be posted here.

- 50% to 85% of earths oxygen is created by Phytoplanktons, not trees

- none

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