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Topics - Muzzles56

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Credit to IdeTheBird

With the successful livestream last week, I am looking to make these more popular, so I hope more people can turn up!


Blockland Server Hopping

This is the basic show, where I hop across different servers with the viewers and try and showcase several servers, as well as just mess about in some. Server suggestions are welcome, but most of the time I just pick something that looks interesting.

More to come, if I can think of any interesting.

To watch:

Simply go to
If you want to know when the show goes live, either check the topic title to see (Live) or follow the channel for email notifications!

Note: Recent twitch updates have made it so that there is a stream delay of up to 60 seconds, so please do not complain about the delay as there is nothing I can do to fix it.

To play:

Simply follow me around on servers I jump on to. Either use RTB to join my session or just join the same server by finding out through the stream itself. Usually, if I can remember, I put the title of the server on the actual stream itself.

Everyone is free to join!

To talk:

Server IP:

Everyone is free to join!

Current topic:

Giving away Blockland if I somehow manage to hit close to 100 followers. There will be other giveaways leading up to this, dont worry!

Gallery / Harvest & Trustee (WIP)
« on: November 23, 2013, 07:00:36 PM »

Off Topic / How to block certain things from twitter?
« on: October 06, 2013, 08:11:41 AM »
I want to block all retweets from this specific person, as well as blocking all "I liked/uploaded a video on @youtube"

he spams my feed with this crap and I really dont like it. No, I dont want to unfollow him, although I know thats how to resolve all of it with 1 click

Add-Ons / Blockland 8 (Metro UI)
« on: October 04, 2013, 07:54:20 AM »
The other day I wanted to try and make a simple UI edit and I thought "why not Windows 8?". So, I spend last night making a windows 8 UI edit for Blockland and think it is ready for release.

Please note this is my first try at something like this, so be kind. Constructive criticism is welcome, of course.

video (+ installation)

If anybody has an idea on how to change the default font to Segoe UI and not Impact, please say how. It would make it look nicer

choose your style
Click the colour you wish your windows in Blockland to be and to download it (see video for in-game previews for each)


Off Topic / Need headset ideas
« on: September 24, 2013, 11:04:27 AM »
My last headset broke after only 6 months of semi-intense use (audio problems) and now I need a new one, but I need help finding one. I need a headset that is:
  • durable
  • has a good microphone
  • mute control
  • Good price
  • (optional) black and red colours
The last one I owned was an Ozone Attack headset. I would get another one, but the fact that it didn't last long has put me off the idea. The wires became exposed rather quickly too. Although, it was a good headset

Off Topic / Livestreaming shiz
« on: September 20, 2013, 04:14:58 PM »
im only doing this as a first time thing, would appreciate it if some of you would show up

Games / Super Monday Night Combat-UK & Ireland vs USA
« on: September 16, 2013, 02:55:29 PM »

Click for stream channel

A good friend of mine hosts a livestream of Super Monday Night Combat every Monday night (at least in the UK) and this is week 4 so far. Therefore, we have only been playing for 3 days and the host has decided to have a small tournament.

Team UK & Ireland
(guess who changed the name from team UK)
Snot *Team champion*
IAmJ3richoholic *Host*
AJ Valentine *Cuffy*
Muzzles56 *Muzzles56*

Team USA
*idk i havent been told yet

We need 2 more Americans who can use their microphones for tonight's event. Starts in 2 hours after this post (10pm GMT) but we need you to be available about 30 minutes or so beforehand just to make sure we have everyone

Off Topic / Audio coming out of left speaker and headset?
« on: September 03, 2013, 02:53:16 PM »
when i came home and put my headphones on, sound was coming out of my left ear and only my left ear. So, I thought it was my headset so i put it on my brothers laptop and both sides work fine. I have disconnected the headset and played a movie and several youtube videos and i can only feel vibration off the left speaker. What is going on and how do i fix it?

Off Topic / GCSE Results Thread
« on: August 22, 2013, 04:58:42 AM »
GCSE results are out today, so post what you got.

Religious Studies - B
Maths - A
French - A (Good wee kid)
English - A
Art & Design - D
Chemistry - B
ICT - A*
Physics - A

Got a D in art because we had a really stuff teacher in first year and couldn't get back the marks i missed because of her. Also, I couldn't leave back in October of first year when I asked so I knew i was forgeted and didn't really care. Don't need it anyway. My main goal was to get at least one A* and I am so glad I did.

Going back for A Level? Post what subjects you are going to do

Off Topic / ps3 crashes on (possibly) exclusive games?
« on: August 10, 2013, 08:40:15 AM »
My brother has had this ps3 since just after launch and it has been very loyal. Apparently it broke a few weeks ago and was sent in for repair. Got it back last week and all was fine. When i play games like infamous (both digital and disc) it crashes after a while. It beeps a few times and a red light flashes. This happens with uncharted 2 and even the last of us. Games like super street fighter 4, metal gear solid HD and batman arkham city work though with no issues

this was typed on my phone so ignore any major typos

Off Topic / How can I play a soundboard on PC games?
« on: July 26, 2013, 08:29:01 PM »
All of a sudden I have the urge to play games and use a character soundboard while playing. The only thing I can think of is playing it from another device and using my mic to pick it up, but I know there's a better and clearer way

Games / My Payday 2 (beta) review
« on: July 26, 2013, 03:32:25 PM »

Some of you may know I'm a huge Payday fan, so I guess you can tell what this review is going to be

Oh man, I was hyped for this. Not mega hyped because I thought the RPG element would have brought it down, but I was still excited for another game in the series.

Oh boy was I wrong

The RPG element is implemented perfectly. The fact that you can respec everything with no repercussions just for another heist with friends is perfectly done. There is no need to grind like most other RPGs. It's sort of like Borderlands 2 in that aspect, except for completely different playstyles.

The good

Now the game now lets you complete heists in complete stealth. BUT it is tough. It's not like some games where you get a few chances to save yourself. If you forget up once, it can cause the whole plan to fall apart. Once you see a bunch of ! signs you know you gotta change your plans. Otherwise, you bet your ass you're gonna have a tough time. It's how stealth games should be, you should be punished for loving up.

The new bag mechanic is amazingly done. It introduces a whole new path of co-operative play and working together. If you don't work together and throw bags all over the place, you will not get all the loot you want. Or even enough to make the escape. Cops can steal your bags too which introduces more co-operative elements and encourages communication

The anticipation of clicking that card and crossing your fingers for a weapon modification, mask pattern, mask colour, mask material or even a mask itself is amazing. The hope for a Joker makes me excited to complete a heist. Missing a joker doesn't aggravate you like missing an important item needed for a game because it's usually just a cosmetic item for bragging purposes you can pick up later

Level Design
The level design for this game is a LOT better than the first one. There is always a way to stealth a mission, although it is immensely difficult. It is clear that the levels have all been thought out for a long time. There is always a way to run around cops to flank them. Although this means they can flank you

The cop AI is so much better. Originally they would just stand and shoot at you like basic enemies in every game ever. Now they take cover flank more often which is something I adore. It makes the game more realistic and challenging. The shield AI is absolutely great because they watch their back more often, something the first game didn't do well

The music in this is intense. The music is now completely random although right now there isn't really that many tracks that play. I am certain this will change on release. At first I thought this would mean that the music would just be more generic, and it is, but it is executed so well. Each level is now action packed the whole way and the music just fits the situation so well. Escape missions have fast paced music that introduces tension as those last few seconds of escape tick down.

Oh man, the difficulty has increased. Unless you do stealth, you're going to have a tough time, unless you are good at the game. This is a good thing, I mean, you think 4 guys can just waltz into a bank, kill a bunch of cops and leave with no problems? forget you, games like this need huge challenge. After all, they want it to be the Dark Souls of FPS games. They weren't lying. If you don't want this to be a challenging game, go ruin games elsewhere. It's difficult because it induces teamwork

The bad :(

Public games
With the new mechanics and difficulty, public games are now even worse. In payday: the heist you can get by just fine in public games because it was more linear and you can hold your own easily. Now, if you're on your own you are screwed. Unless you have a few friends to play this with, I would probably avoid this a little bit. Although, you can find good players who communicate often, that's how I got people to play with.

Final verdict:

I cannot find bad things about this game, apart from public players. Honestly. It may sound fanboy-ish but I can't think of anything I think ruins this game off the top of my head.

This game is a work of art. A game that is challenging and gives proper rewards. If you like challenging games, action, teamwork, badass music and rewarding gameplay get this. If you are a baby that wants to walk through a fire with no burns like a lil bitch, go buy something else

This is a must buy for people who want to see gaming succeed. Unless you have no friends

Off Topic / Happy Birthday Danny Boy
« on: July 17, 2013, 08:53:38 PM »
Happy birthday to that richardhead Danny Boy who is 17 today

he's a wee flipper

Like I've done for the past 2 years I am going to put up a Birthday party server so you guys can come and mess about if you want. Although I will apologize in advance because I am not using a hosting service like 2011 and 2012 so I'm sorry if it lags from time to time.

Games / PAYDAY 2 exclusive footage (new download)
« on: July 14, 2013, 09:43:11 PM »
I got to play never before seen heists in the upcoming payday 2. I managed to record some and put it on youtube


Overkill developer tweets!

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