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Topics - Zenthos

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Off Topic / Blockland + Dual Core?
« on: April 23, 2009, 07:00:48 PM »
This may be a stupid question, but does blockland use dual core?

It's openGL and not top of the line, but just in case.

I'm about to get a new PC with a Dual core in it, this wouldn't change my mind but I'm just curious.

This is what I'm talking about.

Off Topic / *Help Me build my PC.
« on: April 23, 2009, 12:10:31 AM »
I am getting a PC in about 3 weeks, and I was wondering which one to get?

My parents say drivers are hard to find for 64 bit...

New Question - How much RAM?


Games / Wisp
« on: April 23, 2009, 12:06:18 AM »
10 Minute Logo:


       This will be a project that I will work on through High-School, to practice. I have set my career toward Video Game/Software producing, and I think it would be a good thing to make a game in the process.

The Game

       Lets start with the name, the <Insert race name here> are a species of gas planets, a different form of life then the kind on earth. the creature is a <Gasous/Energy/Plasma> state and is put in a pod its whole life. The species is the "Wisp", because of their glowing ball like appearance.

I need to add to the story, I've basically come up with the fact that they're wisps.

Oops Edit:

       I plan to make this an RPG, with the ability to buy and fly spaceships through space. I have to research how to make planets, to make it load a regular map when you fly near it, or do this:

Some concept art:      (I am NOT the best artist)

       As you can see, there is attachable arms and legs for movement, the armor and weapon system will be based on putting things in those slots.

       I am still thinking of things, I am not a professional game producer, I just wanted to show my Ideas somewhere.

       I still need to learn to get good at scripting/modeling and -

Get the torque engine, it's perfect for this type of project.

I am not being over-enthusiastic. I know making games is really hard, I am planning to get    Don't Expect this anytime soon.

Off Topic / The Cat Thread
« on: April 14, 2009, 12:05:36 AM »
Post pics, tell storys, describe,

Thar they are.  I actually have three, but the other one is not in those 3.

Off Topic / Good Windows XP Theme
« on: April 13, 2009, 08:45:12 PM »
What would someone recommend to me for a shnazzy XP theme? I'd like it to not steal my performance that much, I'll search and stuff.

I've noticed when some people post screenshot, their theme looks simalar to this,

This is the zune theme, but the pint is the shape of the taskbar is different than mine. I see people with the normal colors, this is the only pic I could find. (Green/blue)


Off Topic / The "What if" Topic
« on: April 05, 2009, 12:57:51 AM »
Self Explanitory
Post what if scenarios.
(I just realized that some people can be idiots.)

What if badspot got the Conficker virus, than released V12?


Suggestions & Requests / New Ammo Mod
« on: April 03, 2009, 01:06:56 PM »
I would like an ammo mod where you could just set Shots per Reload and Number of
Reloads with maybe a text document in the Zip or maybe even a GUI.

Also, if it could add Clips and Shots with events, it would be good for DM's.

General Discussion / Badspot's Big Idea
« on: April 02, 2009, 11:41:47 PM »
I can't wait, V12 will be awsome.

Incase you don't know, the server has the ability to make a custom brickset.

Off Topic / Did anyone notice?
« on: April 01, 2009, 11:18:22 PM »
Go to the RTB site, then look up.

Damn april fools.

Games / WoW Dance Battle System
« on: April 01, 2009, 11:01:44 PM »

(Yes, I know)

Edit, if you look in one of the pics, a guy says to the player who took the screeny:

<Name>: Last night, I sawr a film...
<Name>: As I recall, it was a horror film...

Off Topic / Makes my ears Bleed
« on: March 23, 2009, 08:49:48 PM »
       Not because it's runescape, I don't even play it and I forgot how I found this fid, but just listen. (Its a guy playing the theme on guitar.)

Edit: Lol, fid.

Games / World of Warcraft: (What if) Character Housing
« on: March 23, 2009, 06:08:57 PM »
       I read this interesting blog thing, and she has the Idea of player housing in WoW. I think it would fit in nicely, although her system of Tier 1 (Small), Tier 2, and Tier 3 Houses are kind of... it makes everyones house the same. I would want a type where you added rooms.

I know, this is the Blockland forums, but I just wanted to discuss it.

       The reason I want this, is that it would add another part to the endgame. In WoW, theres raiding and PvP. That can get a little dry after a while. I wouldn't mind if it was expensive as hell, but it would add more feeling on involvent.

Pros -

Moar Endgame

May be hard to store data. The data could be as simple as possible with the layout for peoples houses being like forge saves in halo 3, they are only 100 - kilobytes.

Only a few terabytes on their servers.

Again, I know this is the BL forums. This game is so popular its taking over.

General Discussion / Inverted Corners Included in V12
« on: March 22, 2009, 02:20:35 AM »
I thought for sure they were gonna be in V11, so just curious, are they gonna be in V12?

Maps / Blockway V3
« on: March 21, 2009, 11:43:40 PM »
An Island map with some key features,

including simplified water, swampy area, and basic symmetry for team DMs.

I give Verticle Horizon a whole load of credit, he came   up with the water effect that I use and the textures came from him too.

Zero plane model from Pandan.

This was planned to be made for my Midway III TDM.

Also, Please tell me if there is any problems and I will fix. Preferably PM.

Re DL if Dled before March 22.


Download (Last Updated: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:43 pm)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager


         - Fixed texture location

         - Added grass in swamp
         - Lifted tree concentration in swamp
         - Added Crashed Zero, Credits to Pandan.

         -Reduced lag in many ways.

         - Find "That missing piece"
         - Make it look like a realistic Island
         - Add crashed bomber, docked boats, etc; Interiors.

Add-Ons / Blockway
« on: March 21, 2009, 11:41:44 PM »
An Island map with some key features,

including simplified water, swampy area, and basic symmetry for team DMs.

I give Verticle Horizon a whole load of credit, he came up with the water effect that I use and the textures came from him too.

This was planned to be made for my Midway III TDM.

Also, Please tell me if there is any problems and I will fix. Preferably PM.


Download (Last Updated: Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:40 pm)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager

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