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Topics - Snaked_Snake

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Off Topic / Help me decide my gaming PC
« on: February 06, 2017, 11:35:37 AM »
So some of you might know I want a gaming PC, but that doesn't matter, just help me find parts that are good and cheap.

Use PC Partpicker UK and try to get under £480, but don't go too low.

3GHz Processor
GTX 1050Ti
8GB Ram
450W Power Supply
1TB HDD with 64MB Buffer Cache Least
A CD Drive

Hope you guys can help, I have one done already that you can edit:

Help / New Duplicator List
« on: February 03, 2017, 12:25:56 PM »
Quick question, how do I check the New Duplicator's Dup Save list? I've never known and I'd really like to know.

Games / Free Titanfall Origin Code
« on: December 16, 2016, 04:33:33 PM »
If anyone wants a free Titanfall code for Origin then just ask, I have one.

Music / Yoshi's Island Level Select Theme
« on: August 09, 2016, 12:20:35 PM »

NOTE: I did not make this, so all credit goes to my friend called Smashed_Eggs (or magiatrix) who made this and shortened it, he told me to upload it because he forgot his account password.


Off Topic / I am looking for good 4k monitors
« on: July 26, 2016, 09:26:15 AM »
My mum bought herself a new pc and she's letting me use it, and it says that with an hdmi the intel hd graphics 4600 can support up to 4k, so I am looking for montiros around 18-22 inches that support up to 4k.

And no, I'm not spending a fortune on them, £350 or less.

Off Topic / I'm looking for a gaming pc
« on: July 16, 2016, 04:45:05 AM »
Now, don't comment "build your own" or anything like that, I'm looking for a pre-built computer, what I want from it:

Able to play games like fallout 4 at 60 fps on medium.

8gb ram or over
at least 2gb vram or over (dedicated, not integrated)
3.5ghz processor or over
a dvd drive
good sound quality
nvidia gpu, around a 950 or better.

My budget is £550 by the way.

Off Topic / Young Bones Gaming plays Blockland
« on: July 12, 2016, 01:47:48 PM »
So I don't know if someone has posted this yet but these two extremely loud and obnoxious people uploaded a video of them playing blockland, calling it the really bad and laughing at random things.

See for yourself:

They also put it in a playlist of games that are copied from minecraft.

Suggestions & Requests / Need a VG Console Brick Pack
« on: July 01, 2016, 06:10:52 AM »
There's a brick pack with a gamecube, game controller and a ps3/xbox 360 and I'd like a link to it if anyone has one

Off Topic / Updating RAM on my Laptop
« on: June 01, 2016, 12:05:19 PM »
So I want to update my ram on my laptop, but I don't know what type of ram stick to get and how many pins it needs, the laptop is a toshiba c50d-b-120 laptop and what I want is a 4gb ram stick that fits into it

Also please don't tell me to go to the local computer shop and ask as he will charge me.

Suggestions & Requests / Gravity Cat's new weapon pack
« on: April 02, 2016, 06:07:07 AM »
There was a new weapon pack apparently released by gravity cat and it's only on mediafire, does anyone have a link?

Games / Nintendo Megathread (PAGE 3 SMM LEVEL CODES)
« on: February 26, 2016, 09:52:37 AM »
Nintendo Megathread

Nintendo is a Japanese company founded in September the 23rd 1889, originally produced handmade hanafuda playing cards, and so on, check the wikipedia page for more info:

Blockland users with Nintendo consoles/accounts
BLF Username      Nintendo ID/Account(s)      3DS Friend Code      Owned Consoles
CRITAWAKETSKaedeLanyo????-????-????Wii U, Wii, 3DS, DS, SNES
FlamecannonKasical4227-3180-3002Wii U, Wii, 3DSXL, DS Lite, DS, GC, GBASP, GBC, N64, SNES, NES
NiffAct Four????-????-????Wii U, Wii, 3DSXL, 3DS DS Lite, GBASP, GBC
RednakinTonkka0860-3978-7467Wii U, Wii, N3DSXL, GBA, GBC, SNES, NES
Snaked_SnakeSnaked_Snake????-????-????Wii U, Wii, N64, 3DS, DSi XL, DS Lite, DS, GBC
Otis Da HousKatSteveJorbs4124-6073-0641Wii U, Wii, GCN, N64, SNES, NES, New 3DS, 3DS, DSi, DS, GBM, GBASP, GBA, GBC, GBP, GB, Virtual Boy
ThatDarkNinja778ThatDarkNinja7782277-7795-8261Wii U, Wii, GCN, N64, SNES, NES, 3DS XL, 3DS, DSi XL, DS Lite, GBM, GBASP, GBC
joe411joe411????-????-????Wii U, Wii, GCN, N64, NES, DS, GBA
FreekMcLamJam/dfbandit2277-7152-0333Wii U, Wii, GCN, N64, SNES, NES, 3DS, DSi, DS Lite, DS, GBM, GBASP, GBC, GBP, GB, G&W
NiffStarPlat1650-3679-6093Wii U, Wii, 3DS XL, 3DS, GBASP, GBC
Maplelink64maplelink1865-0483-4346Wii U, Wii, GCN, N64, SNES, 3DS XL, DSi, DS Lite, GBASP
hillkillmeditate03????-????-????Wii U, Wii, GCN, NES, 3DS, DSi, GBC
The GI of MATheGIofMA4742-82013435Wii, SNES, 3DS, DSi, DS
Mr Queebaepicepicness1461-6260-4200Wii U, Wii, GCN, N64, SNES, New 3DS XL, 3DS, DSi XL, DSi, DS Lite, DS, GBASP, GBA, GBP
TeeOSLittleOS1092-0655-3742Wii U, Wii, GCN, N64, 2DS, DS Lite, GBASP
Freedom BringerZe_doctorwho????-????-????Wii U, Wii, GCN, N64, SNES, NES, DS
Awesomebread²Awesomebread1263-7581-4636Wii U, Wii, GCN, SNES, NES, 3DS XL, DSi, DS Lite, GBA, GBC, GBP, GB
Kidalex90Nine????-????-????Wii U, Wii, GCN, N64, NES, 3DS, GBA

Poll Winners
Most Favourable Nintendo Home Console: The Game Cube!
Most Favourable Nintendo Portable Console: 3DS
Most Favourable Pokemon Game: Pokemon Emerald Version
Most Favourable Mario Kart Game: Mario Kart 8
Most Favourable Mario RPG Game: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Most Favourable Mario 3D Platformer Game:
Most Favourable Mario 2D Platformer
Most Favourable Mario "Other" Game:
Most Favourable Animal Crossing Game:
Most Favourable Legend of Zelda Game:
Most Favourable Metroid Game:
Most Favourable Star Fox Game:
Most Favourable Kirby Game:

Want to be on the list? Just state your Nintendo account(s) name and what Consoles by Nintendo you have!

If you can recommend anything to add or improve to this thread, please say so.

the way I did this was copied from the PSN megathread so thanks rednakin, also sorry about any non-transparent pictures.

Snaked_Snake: Everything (bow down)
Flamecannon: Helping out ("Upcoming Games for Nintendo" and the new BLF Nintendo Users part.)

Off Topic / Indiebox problem with my mum
« on: February 26, 2016, 08:26:46 AM »
Well I went to buy this thing called "indiebox" and because they ship from america I have to pay $42 (£30.07) but when it changed my mum kept nagging on at me to say "it's a scam!" when no, it's not, it has green http thing you see on google chrome which shows it is a real website that isn't giving you virus' or scamming you, yet my mum still keeps saying "it's a scam!!!!!"

But considering the fact she says it's just "crap" and not worth my money because it's just games, I can't get it now.

Off Topic / I have to be with a person I don't like
« on: February 14, 2016, 06:53:14 AM »
From Monday-Tuesday I have to be with someone I know from school, I like him at school but when he came over he was so weird, he unzipped his pants, he used my laptop to hide his snake and it was really disgusting, oh, he also kept calling everything a "monday" which was also annoying, help blf, wat do?

Off Topic / I'm thinking of what PC tower I should get
« on: February 10, 2016, 03:04:14 PM »
Yes, I'm going to save up for nearly a whole year to get a gaming pc, and I want your guys suggestions.

What I want in the pc:
Graphics card good enough to play modern games.
8gb ram+
£520 or under

Forum Games / Objection!
« on: February 08, 2016, 01:17:55 PM » Remember this? Well I'm bringing it back, with only one rule, do whatever you want, though we're gonna have some story so we can base it off of something.


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