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Topics - Super Yoshi Bro

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Drama / Katiebeth2001
« on: February 15, 2009, 03:30:45 PM »
you are weird and i really like sonic it's awsome anyways Mr. Cool don't feel bad i really like sonic it's awwwsssommmmeeeeeee anyways those people are big fat noobs and meanys

You just made yourself look stupid as well.

As I said before, I like the old school stuff the best, like the Cartoons I based my Sonic face off of.
ok Super Yoshi you are just being a stuffhead and bitch now shut up Mr. Cool i will stand up on the bitches as long as i can now don't lock the clan!!!!!
Mr. Cool i really want to join i will join with all the  :iceCream: in the world and share it with you (i got a ice cream mountian) From You're Big Clan Fan, Katie (which is Da Katie Kat in the game)
Oh and guys who hate sonic, YOU ARE BITCHES AND stuffHEADS AND YOU SUCK!!!!
hey dusty don't feel bad i've seen you're feelings (for loosing my bff peep)
What the forget is your problem?

and triple posting? gtfo
Yoshi they should ban you from the fourms you are a stuffhead a monday and a forgethead and a penius and a bitch and a nerd and a weirdo and a meanie and i should find you and chainsaw you're head off.

... the forget?

Da HouseKat i am 7 and i hope you join this clan, there will also be alot of cat rpgs. And on bl if you have rtb :chainsaw: is a kind of icon like  :cookie: Ok guys DON'T POST ANYMORE BAD POSTS OR I WILL LOCK IT UNTIL I GET A REAL MEMBER!!!!! (housecat plz join)

She's 7 and she talks this way?

Faces, Decals, Prints / Super Yoshi Bro's Packs
« on: February 13, 2009, 04:57:53 PM »
The moment you waited for has come...
If you were waiting at all that is

Now behold....



What's included

10 Alternate hair smileys! Includes Pink, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Light Blue, Purple, Brown, Black, and White!

Upside down Face. The easiest edit ever.

Bleeding and Commander. Good for War RPGs or DMs.

The Glasses and Bucktooth. For all you dorks out there.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog face. No LinkSonic5, I'm not trying to be better than you, I just liked that cartoon.

=D face. No, really, it IS a =D face.

=3 Face. Looks like a cat.

Scary face. For those who aren't Scary enough.

Kirby and Goomba face. Also included as Decals


What's included

My 5 old SMB Decals

Sonic "Eat my dust" Shirt

Kirby "Tough guys wear are pink"


Nintendo Nerd.

Kirby and Goomba. Also included as faces.

So Download Today!
Face Pack
Decal Pack

If you have not re-downloaded after the current date, The folders have been updated

Uploaded AOSTH Tails face and edited the "Eat my dust" Shirt

Added Red, Blonde,Brown and Black female faces

WALL-E Has been added to both packs :D

Suggestions & Requests / Save Protecter?
« on: February 08, 2009, 03:19:35 PM »
I've had a suggestion for awhile now. is it possible to make a mod that protects your saves/builds?

Some noob comes in and sees this and thinks, "I will post this as my own in the gallery!" He goes to hit save, and it rejects him. He screams and leaves the game.

Is it a good idea, and is it possible?

Creativity / Expeirimenting with GIMP
« on: February 02, 2009, 09:21:53 PM »

How's this for a 1st try?

Gallery / Mushroom RPG
« on: January 18, 2009, 09:39:53 PM »

Welcome to the Mushroom RPG, we hope you enjoy your stay! now a little info about this.
Wanna be a contributer? send me a PM!

City Map so far

Towns and Cities

Shrewm City

This is the city you spawn in, across the street are the house mentioned in the 1st image. you will also find a Police Station, Bakery, Museum, city park (3rd image) and more!

Party Land
Feel like life is stressing you out? Come on down to Party Land! We have a Party Hall, Post Office, Comic Store and a Party Store! The Fire Token is also hidden here!

Egg Town
This is like Shrewm City, only the houses are Eggs. this is where non-contributers can settle into a nice house.

Shroom Island
Ahh... nice, relaxing Shroom Island. this is a Movie Theater and a VideoGame Store. This is where the Ice Token is hidden!

Think your life is miserable and depressing? Gloom City, the town painted in Dark Purple and Black, is the place for you!

Hidden Locations
And what good is an RPG without Secret Locations? Here we give you brief summaries of them, but you'll have to find them on your own!

Shroom Heaven
This magical place is up far in the skies, but be sure not to fall off the clouds, you may go straight down to Hell. (or maybe you'll respawn back in Shrewm City, either way)

Submarine Ride (UNFINISHED)
Get ready to take a trip under the sea, just jump into the Sub in Shroom Island.

Radioactive Plant (UNFINISHED)
Still under works, this plant is filled with hazardous wastes. The Electric Token is also Here.

Once you find the Fire Token, you are able to access here, it's located behind Party Land.

Once you find the Ice Token, you are able to access here, it's located behind Shroom Island.

Here we say who lives here, contributers and non!

(Contributers live in Shrooms)

BountyHunter 007
Neos Wolf

(These are non-contributers, they live in Eggs in Egg Town)

Masta Green Day
Space Cop

Elemental Power ups
Once you pick up these tokens, its elemental powers become yours!

Fire Token
This Token is hidden in Party Land. Once the player picks it up and types FIRE, they'll become a living fireball! This can be used to get across firey gaps.

Ice Token
This Token is hidden in Shroom Island. Once the player picks it up and types ICE, they'll become as cold as Winter itself! This can be used to get across certian obsticales.

Electric Token
This Token is hidden in The Radioactive Plant, a hidden location. Once the player picks it up and types ZAP, they'll become literally shocking! This can be used to get across radioactive obsticales.

I hear there's one hidden in every Town, City and Location. can you find them all? What will happen when you do...?

Think we forgot about nopix noclix? Wrong! check out these locations!

3 houses
(<from left> mine, Neo wolf's and Ryuu's)

over view of museum,
spring, works also,

and a couple buildings,

And just where is this? If only there was a way to get up onto the spring

Drama / Panda
« on: January 04, 2009, 09:29:30 AM »

He stole our plane and now he's trying to convince people he made it, when we put it on forums months before he did.

Gallery / LEGO CREATOR set 4996-1
« on: December 31, 2008, 11:11:46 AM »
Based off the real set, but without a grill, tree and dish.

The real thing:

Front View:


Crappy nothing inside (Just like the real set):


Back view:

Rate X/10 if you'd like

Help / Avatar help
« on: December 06, 2008, 09:50:48 PM »
How can I get a animation to loop as my forums avatar?

Faces, Decals, Prints / Super Yoshi Bro's Faces n' Decals
« on: December 06, 2008, 12:12:00 PM »
Behold! I made simple blonde smiley face edits and remastered my old SMB decals to put on whatever colored shirt you want!  :cookieMonster:


Gallery / Blockland's Biggest Peanut Butter jar!
« on: October 27, 2008, 08:02:23 PM »
This was made in Redrichard123's sever, I give you:
Blockland's Biggest Peanut Butter jar!

See that button?

Click on it and it sends you flying to the outside world, while also resealing the lid so the Peanut butter doesn't go stale!

A picture showing my love for Peanut Butter

That's all! rate x/10 or leave CONSTRUCTIVE CRITSISM

Thank you!

EDIT: Does this look better?

Suggestions & Requests / Super Mario items
« on: October 19, 2008, 07:50:36 PM »
Is it possible to make FLUDD and the poltroguiest 3000? and can some reupload the ? block and fire ball items? that would be cool.

Off Topic / I Just got Gimp
« on: September 14, 2008, 09:29:07 AM »
I just got Gimp last night, if you have any tips I will appreciate it.

Help / JVS door help
« on: September 07, 2008, 09:04:12 AM »
Whenever I try to make a door in a save I have it says
You are not permitted to have more than 25 doors.
How can I make so I'm able to make more doors?

Modification Help / Super Yoshi Bro's SMB Decal's
« on: September 02, 2008, 10:40:42 AM »
Hello, This is my 1st decal pack, based off of Mario Shirts, hats and other stuff from the past



Game over

Hi (My favorite 'cause it has YOSHI!)


Attention, make the shirt White while wearing this, until I find out how to make it transparent

Thank you

-Super Yoshi Bro

Clan Discussion / The S Clan
« on: September 01, 2008, 09:31:31 PM »

The S clan: What does the S mean? we have no clue...

I have given all members the pass to get in the severs, tell anyone outside the clan and be BANNED

We have Our own IRC channel too. Download the RTB add-on and type /join #S

What is the S clan?
The S Clan is a clan where anyone (Hopefully) can have fun! We do nothing amazing, But we Do themed RPG's such as City, Camping
 (Starhawk's Fav), and Medivel, and For certian times of the year, We host sever's like Halloween,
Christmas, New Year's Eve, Even the 4th of July!

How do I join?
Send me a PM with a build you made and think is worthwhile, after Discussing with the admins (Me, Starhawk, and Snk12), we'll decide if you can join 
(Don't worry, chances are you will be accepted).

What would I get out of this Clan?
What you will get out of this clan is Full access to the new V10 mansion. (Still in making)

Our members
S members

Super Yoshi Bro

s members:


Thank you for your intrest <or if your not intrested, then thanx for reading>

- Super Yoshi Bro, leader

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