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Topics - Flatflyer

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Off Topic / I have been on this Forum for 1 full year now.
« on: July 28, 2014, 11:36:38 AM »
...And I still love it.

It feels like its been so long since I first started, and I've changed so much because of this place
I went from Just a straight kid who loves to play TF2 to a furry kid with a Obsession with birds.

a lot has happened in the time between then and now, and I would just like to thank all of you guys on the forums for making this year so damn enjoyable.
Sure some of us had some rocky moment's at times but in the end we all got along, and I'm glad to remain a part of this forumer for as long as I can (and as long as baddy allows me to of course :P)

again, thank you everyone.

Games / Payday 2 Megathread
« on: July 24, 2014, 05:20:04 PM »

<General Information>

is a cooperative first-person shooter video game developed by and published by . The game is a sequel to 2011's . It was released on 13 August 2013 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. A second version of the game is scheduled to be released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, subtitled Crimewave Edition.

Two years after the events of the previous game, a reformed Payday Gang come to the Washington, D.C. area to heist. The player takes control of one of the gang members and heists alone, with up to two AI players, as four player cooperative play or some combination of the previous to rob banks, do political engineering, traffic narcotics and more. The game differs on the previous by allowing much more customization of the player and reworking its stealth mechanics.


In , players assume control of one of four pseudonymous robbers: former Chicagoan mobster Dallas (voiced by Simon Kerr), Dallas' troubled younger brother Hoxton (Derek Ray), Swedish software developer Wolf (Ulf Andersson), and former Navy SEAL and mercenary Chains (Damion Poitier). The original English Hoxton of (Pete Gold) is in jail at the start of the game.

The gang's command and control, the secretive Bain (Digger Mesch on camera, Simon Viklund as his Voice), is now also portrayed as the owner and operator of Bain arranges for The Payday Gang to relocate to Washington D.C. and helps them set up heists and jobs in the area. Bain also works to connect the gang with other contractors: Vlad (Ilia Volok) - a Russian gangster trying to reassert his power after getting out of prison, Hector Morales (Gary Daniels) - a Colombian drug trafficker trying to oust the rival Mendoza cartel, and "The Elephant," (Bokeem Woodbine) a corrupt Republican politician who hires the gang to aid his party and friendly lobbyists.

is a cooperative first-person shooter with RPG elements. Up to four players can cooperate in a heist.

In each heist, players are required to complete objectives, usually in an effort to steal cash, intel, or valuables.

During the heist, the police will assault with waves of enemies in an attempt to eliminate the players. The players must overcome them and complete the objectives before escaping. For some of the heists, a stealth option is available, allowing players to finish a heist without police intervening. But should the alarm be sounded, the police will begin their assault.


yayayay birthday thread

also its technically the 19th here since its 12:03 AM

so yeah happy birdday to me buy me free stuff

Games / Does anyone have the game "Fight the Dragon"?
« on: July 12, 2014, 05:59:42 PM »
Just wondering if someone who is fairly low level (I'm like level 3 :|) has the game and would like to play multiplayer with me?

Preferable that you can voice chat on skype/steam

so a new garrys mod update was released today that added a few fixes and changes.

one of these changes include adding a glow around props(?) and players when you look at them, the first problem is people complain about it being super laggy, and worse off, it supposedly "ruined" gamemodes like prop hunt and TTT.

another reported problem is a large quantity of add-ons breaking cause of the update.

personally i haven't played gmod yet but from what i hear the updates kinda stuffty. what we need is optimization, not new stuff.


Games / Steam Game Discussion Threads In A Nutshell
« on: July 05, 2014, 04:08:46 PM »
My friend linked me to these and oh my god they're amazing
heres some links to some of the videos:
TF2 Discussions
Gmod Discussions
DayZ Discussions
Payday 2 Discussions

theres also tons more of these for other games.

Off Topic / Happy Kanada day
« on: July 01, 2014, 01:08:43 PM »
Today is the day we celebrate the creation of the best maple syrup chugging place in the world

though most of you guys are American so you probably don't care huh

Off Topic / I got my Report card Today.
« on: June 27, 2014, 12:16:43 AM »
well school and exams are finally over and i've been enjoying my break so far.

unfortunately my report card may change that.

basically if its good you guys will see me tommorow morning if it's bad you'll probably never see me ever again.

although i'm not worried, i think i did pretty good (I think i did horrible on my math exam tho)

discuss report card stuff or something

Drama / Steve may have attempted to hack me
« on: June 20, 2014, 08:18:26 PM »
so I was minding my own business playing games when suddenly steve links me this link and tells me this:
7:35 PM - =(e)= Steve5451: -linkremoved-
7:35 PM - Flatflyer: ?
7:35 PM - =(e)= Steve5451: i made a collection of the finest bird images
7:35 PM - =(e)= Steve5451: some is gay tho
7:35 PM - Flatflyer: oh
7:35 PM - =(e)= Steve5451: enjoy
7:36 PM - Flatflyer: okay

so curiously I decided to click on it which opened a page with text on it saying "you're getting hacked."
as soon as I read it a command prompt window flashed open and closed immediately
I ran my anti-virus and came up with nothing.
guys help.

« on: June 05, 2014, 01:52:20 PM »
OP is dumb

Creativity / Draw Burdman
« on: May 28, 2014, 02:47:00 PM »
the surprise sequel to draw red

draw birdman

people who do will get a special place in my sig or even my avatar on a site :)

Off Topic / BLF Pokemon edition
« on: May 24, 2014, 08:30:14 PM »
I just randomly came up with a idea of a Pokémon game based off of the forums with Famous/well known forumers as gym leaders and I've actually come up with some interesting stuff
I'm not gonna be making this into a game or anything but this is a little neat thing to make up or someone could make it if they want

anywho heres the ideas for things I already have:

(please say if you think you would be a gym leader and what type, also it would be nice if people recommended that you're well known enough to deserve a spot)
Redconer - Bug Type Leader
Flatflyer - Flying Type Leader
Purple/Greenmetro - Psychic Type Leader
Night Fox - Fairy Type Leader
Mocheeze - Ghost Type Leader
Awsomebread - Fighting Type Leader
Kimon - Normal Type Leader
Camera - Dragon/Steel Type Leader

The Nigerian cunts would be the evil organization, with Betelgeuse as their leader




(Please say if you would be a normal trainer and what trainer type you would be such as youngster, ace trainer, hiker etc.)
Malleo - Youngster (possibly Joey)
Doughboy - Baker
Zanaran2 - Super nerd
Swat 3 - Ace Trainer
Chappersteddy - Dragon Tamer
Purplesir - Swimmer
Renekar - Fisherman
Biostorm - Fisherman






Region Map

I'd like to see what you guys would come up with for the rest.


Pretty much, it will turn all of the roads into solar panels with LED lights that can be programmed to change to any color and can also melt snow off of them

IMO this looks like it would be amazing if it actually works.

well my family decided now would be a good vacation time so were going to this water park resort in the bahamas from monday to friday.
i'll be leaving at around 7:00 am  and be back on friday at around 5-6 pm

the only problem is i wont have internet there so i cant get my dose of forums for the next week :(

so yeah i kinda made this both as a /blogland and to tell any of you who cares why i'll just dissapear for the next few days so you dont think i got banned or left you guys or something.

Games / Killing Floor 2 Announced
« on: May 08, 2014, 05:18:28 PM »

This looks much better than the first one and I'm sure it will be interesting to play.

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