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Topics - Planr

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 20 21 22 [23]
I, and a couple of others really need some Phaser weapons for some Star Trek ships we are making. I have searched everywhere for a phaser weapon, but I can't find one.
We need these two the most:

TOS Phaser:

And the TNG Phaser:

If anyone could please make these it would be much appreciated.

UPDATE: The model for the TNG phaser is complete, all we need is someone to script it.

If anyone is willing to script this, we would appreciate it if the following guidelines could be met:
Alright, here is what the script NEEDS:

  • Raycasting projectiles (like the ones in some of bushido's T+T military snipers, hit the target instantly upon firing)
  • A starting sound for when it starts firing
  • A looping sound during a firing sequence
  • A continously-firing beam that has a similar appearance to the projectiles in Ladios's laser pack (NEEDS TO BE ORANGE)
  • VERY light damage for stun setting (it will fire fast anyway), needs to be able to kill a player in ~6 seconds
  • Moderate damage for kill setting (maybe 5 per shot), needs to be able to kill a player in ~2 seconds

Here are some things that would be nice but that it does not necessarily need:

  • For the weapon to be mounted on the player's waist when not in use, similar to the pill item
  • A constantly recharging ammo system so that the weapon has to recharge to fire
  • For the player to be immobilized in some sort of way when hit with stun (BUT ONLY IN MINIGAMES)
  • Players vaporized in some sort of way upon dying from the kill setting
  • An ending sound for when it is done firing

REMEMBER, this should not fire like a gun. It should fire like a beam weapon, so no timed projectiles or rounds.

If you are willing to script this for us, please PM xxjpxx for the model.

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