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Topics - Camel

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Gallery / Japanese Pagoda RELEASE- 26,183 bricks
« on: April 05, 2014, 07:10:18 PM »
Okay, so i know I've had this build around since like, last year, but i never officially released it, and i always wanted to, but never got around to it. I've been sleepy around gallery these pasts months but i don't want to stop being relevant(if i ever was, lol), so i've decided to punch this one out, clean it up a little bit,and release it to the public.
This build was my app to COHORT, but i have no qualms with you guys using it. It's a fun little japan themed build, with two big pagodas in the center, a big shrine to the left, a gazebo, and another, smaller shrine to the right, with some nice terrain details to boot. it is completely default, colorset and bricks.

click for larger

Download here:

and i'm gonna start releasing more of my builds, i have one in the pipe i haven't worked on in a while that i will finalize and put it here.


Off Topic / HELLBOY DAY- 20 years of the B.P.R.D
« on: March 22, 2014, 04:48:05 PM »

March 22nd marks the 20th anniversary of Mike Mignola's masterpiece Hellboy, a landmark comic series that spawned tons of other works, movies, and IMO helped make Dark Horse, like, one of the best comics publishers out there.

Now is a better time than ever to go pick up Hellboy- Seed of Destruction and give it a read- it's badass, it's funny, the art is sublime. I've read every single iteration of Hellboy, never saw the movies though, but anyways, discuss.

Games / Franchise Dream Game
« on: March 18, 2014, 11:02:34 AM »
As the title says, what is a game from an existing franchise you wish they would make?

For me, i've always wanted an M rated Metroid, which sounds a tad bit corny, but Metroid is about horror and is based largely off the Alien movies, so it could work. If it was just metroid in dead space metroid, i'd play it.

Off Topic / Chris Dane Owens Appreciation Thread
« on: February 21, 2014, 06:15:16 PM »

CDO (Chris Dane Owens), is a music visionary, with "fantasy on the mind"[1], known for his angelic voice, massive rooster, and music videos that shatter the boundary between fantasy and reality

Listen to the tune that put him on the map, Shine On Me
As well as the famous spoof parody Topher Great Payens: The GDC; based on the novel Jewel by Sapphire

1. Rocco Botte, disneyland entrepreneur

Discuss CDO  WARNING !!negative comments will be reported!!

General Discussion / [Community] RUN HARD 2014 Remake [help wanted!]
« on: February 18, 2014, 06:06:43 PM »
WIP shot showing comparison of old and new

Original video:

Okay, so for a while now i've been really wanting to remake Run Hard, mainly because not only is it a cool little video, but also because it's practically a classic; i remember going to and on the media page watching run hard and jeeo sumo endlessly when i was a kid. Now that it's been 7 years, and a lot has changed, i think we could make a nice looking homage to the original, just for fun

 However, i can't do it alone.
This is important. If we're going to make a rebooted blockland video, it oughta look good- real good. I think that, especially now, there are a ton of new players coming onto the scene of blockland movies, which could really make this have some potential

The benefit of this video is that, it's not an incredibly intensive vid- beta city is only about 7,000 bricks, so i think the potential of having multiple cameramen is entirely possible. that might seem a tad overkill for a blockland video, but the more filmers, the more film. If you do want to help film, you need
-A good computer, enough that you can run shaders at high and film with a good framerate (+40)
-Good recording software, full fraps or whatever, it just needs to be able to capture high quality footage without a watermark

I myself used to make incredibly high quality masterpieces, but even so, i am not very adept in using camera events and such, but i'm aiming for a product that is Eksi/Filipe/Blockeye quality, so prior experience is appreciated

This is tricky. It might end up that a filmer will edit, considering the large filesize, but editing is real important, so if it's possible to outsource it to someone who knows a thing or two about sony vegas or premiere, that would be awesome. If anyone does edit, you need to at the least be able to recreate Run Hard with the clips, but knowledge of the software is needed.


obviously, we're going to need some actors for this production. It's mainly first come first serve, the only specifications are that you can follow directions.
  • Black Guy
  • Cop 1
  • Cop 2
  • Bystander
  • Bankteller
I'm thinking of maybe having some more actors on the streets or in the bank itself, but that's not entirely important

Okay, so in the original video(as far as i can tell), the build is Beta City , but with an added bank build from USSR, which is most likely lost to the ages, so a new bank will have to be built. It's not a huge problem considering it's one building, and there's not too many shots needed for it, but if you really want to contribute a bank that would be good. If so, it should in some ways follow the original stylistically

If you'll notice, Run Hard is devoid of any music only adding to it's extreme gritty representation of the crimes of blockland
considering there is some music in the credits, i would assume either there was a creative difference or it was stylistic?
in any case, i'm not going for a shot for shot here, so i've been compiling some interesting tunes to use, feel free to suggest your own
Chase music:
GTAV: Agency Heist
Hot Fuzz- Here come the fuzz
Heist music:
RJD2- The Horror
Payday 2- Heist

So that's my proposal. If you want to help, post here or message me. I've got this week off, but i doubt this'll get done that fast, so this is more of a longish term project, though i don't want this to be something that sorta crawls and piddles out like a lot of ambitious ideas. Please give your opinions/ discuss, i'd like to know if you think this could be cool and etc.

Steam: TheEnigmaticTherapist

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