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Topics - MunkeyCheez

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Games / [UK] anyone going to eurogamer expo 2013?
« on: September 12, 2013, 04:07:28 PM »
i'm going to eurogamer with a couple of mates and i was wondering if anyone is going to it?
i've never met another fellow blocklander before and would be cool to meet one.

Games / some guy cries over toontown closing.
« on: August 29, 2013, 07:04:40 PM »
not sure if autistic, or satire.

i understand that toontown is pretty much nostalgia to everyone, but is this guy overdoing it?

Off Topic / i have been cheered up.
« on: August 11, 2013, 06:09:59 AM »
alright blf, heres the story why i'm not in high spirits;

basically, there was this girl who i really liked who happened to be my friend. we kissed like a month ago and i asked her to be my girlfriend. she didn't say anything for a month and said "well i can't really because it wouldn't work out. i liked you back in year 10, but you were interested in this other girl (me: in which i loving hate myself for doing because she turned out to be a total waste of time)." my "friends" heard about this and they were trying to support me to get over it. now they're all unleashing their hatred towards me making me feel like total loving stuff because they happened to be the girl's friend. i deserve none of this at all.
so i'm in this really depressing situation where my parents too and friends are going on at me. i'm pretty much extremely upset and depressed at the same time.

can you guys cheer me up please? i'd really appreciate if you could. it's really unnatural for me to be upset and i hate it.

sorry if i seem like i'm attention seeking

basically, the story is this moron who i know irl reported me and my friends account for a laugh and now we're banned for 24 hours.

is there a way to report someone for doing this?
i don't understand why i got banned for no reason at all for 24 hours.

the title explains it all.
basically, you'd exit at the side of the plane or something to prevent it spazzing in midair.

a plane with a door at the back like this would be exactly what i'd like.
a gear system like stratofortress' would be nice too

Suggestions & Requests / randomized pain sounds
« on: July 01, 2013, 08:31:16 AM »
seeing that we have the randomized death sounds, ( ) it seems awfully odd that randomized pain sounds were not included.

i'm pretty sure it won't take long to make.

Games / favorite nostalgic videogame music?
« on: July 01, 2013, 07:53:03 AM »
what is your favorite nostalgic videogame music, of all time? this is my favorite of them all.
that rhythm

post nostalgic music.

Suggestions & Requests / donations to badspot
« on: June 26, 2013, 03:44:39 PM »
seeing that badspot only get about $4 (roughly ?) per $20 key, why not donate some money to him?
it would be great to donate money to badspot to help him pay off the servers rent or something

Off Topic / today is d-day
« on: June 06, 2013, 11:23:58 AM »
yup, today in 1944 was the d-day landings.
 i'm pretty disgusted that google hasn't done a doodle for it.

General Discussion / what bricks are required for mini-empires?
« on: May 25, 2013, 06:10:40 AM »
hi guys,
i'm jumping on the bandwagon to host a mini-empires server. currently, i'm struggling to find the correct bricks for the server. could anyone of you post links to bricks that i can use for it?


what kind of sick forgetwad would do this?

they got what they deserved in the end.

yup. these two fools with shells in a public place.

this is a really dumb idea as they probably don't know if they're live or not.
i'd expect they are live as the tips of the shells are intact.

discuss stupidity of these individuals.

for some reason, i cannot post the link in full because it's apparently some referral link (which it's not, as it's my local newspaper)

Off Topic / so, i sent flubbman a letter...
« on: April 04, 2013, 09:21:49 AM »

this is very good. he will now send me a letter back.

rate good/10

Off Topic / april fools guys
« on: March 31, 2013, 07:18:08 PM »
yep, it's officially april fools day in GMT

meanwhile on youtube

discuss anything april fool related, feel free to prank the user above.

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