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Topics - carolcat

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Help / For some reason, JVS and events no longer work.
« on: August 12, 2012, 10:05:06 PM »
Basically, whenever I event a brick and hit "Send," the events don't save (i.e if I set a brick to onActivate > Self > setLight > Player's Light, hit send, then look at the events screen again, nothing will be there). This has been breaking my JVS and sometimes the doors won't even load and I'm left with an invisible brick where they once were.

I haven't downloaded any new addons today, nor have I activated/deactivated any addons.

Does anyone know what could be causing this and/or how to fix it?

Off Topic / carolcat is a big girl now
« on: June 08, 2012, 10:52:59 AM »
so i'm 13 now

oddly enough it doesn't feel incredibly special today

Anyways, the only thing I've gotten so far is one of those sleep number beds and $85 from relatives. My mom says that there are some presents somewhere so I still have those to open. I'm going to be picking up my custom cake in a few hours and tomorrow I'm going to be going to Memphis to see Prometheus and have dinner at Texas de Brazil (if you don't know what that is, think of it as basically an expensive all you can eat dinner of meat with a huge salad bar).
edit: i also got this from my sister

also happy birthday to megascientifical because his birthday is today as well.

edit2: opened up my presents and got a japan imported megurine luka figurine as well as a mockingjay pin

Off Topic / carolcat livestreams stuff [OFFLINE]
« on: June 06, 2012, 10:45:42 AM »
oh look another one of these
grab the popcorn and come watch me be a car
also we're going to be having commentary again so i suppose that's a plus

generic "hope you can come" text here

Off Topic / carolcat's terraria livestream [ONLINE]
« on: May 22, 2012, 07:13:40 PM »
watch me try to be good at terraria
i'm going to play terraria with my sister again
with commentary

Off Topic / carolcat is caring for two baby rabbits
« on: May 20, 2012, 02:47:04 PM »
so two or three days ago, by dog stuck his nose in a den full of recently born rabbits. me being the softie i am, i took them away from him and hid them under the shed where they could stay cool. i checked on them about twice a day to make sure they were alive.

well, after two days with no sign of the mother rabbit, my mom asked me if i'd be willing to care for them until they were old enough. i said yes and so we went to get some kitten formula and nursing bottles.

we fed one of them (the other one wouldn't eat, we don't think he'll last very long), took care of their ticks, and gave them a warm bath. they're currently seeping in a shoe box with rabbit fur, set on top of a heating pad to keep them warm.

so with all that aside, i'm wondering what i should name the little guys. i couldn't think of anything myself, but remembering that you guys are professional pet namers, i decided to ask here.

so, what should i name them?

so i've had some freetime lately and i decided to pass the time with SCP recordings. most of my readings have a few mistakes in them, but i try to have them sound decent.



feel free to rate/criticize/suggest stuff

yet another silly stream

i'm streaming music such as video game, techno, and video game remixes with the itunes visualizer to go with it
cybertails wanted me to livestream the itunes visualizer because his itunes doesn't have it

anyways enjoy

Off Topic / carolcat again requires .gif assistance
« on: April 20, 2012, 09:48:43 AM »

i have extended my avatar and therefore need someone to resize (75x75) and trans this .gif for me
thank you in advance

Off Topic / would someome be able to resize and trans this for me?
« on: April 12, 2012, 10:39:45 AM »

i'd like it resized to 75x75, please

Off Topic / carolcat plays terraria with her sister [OFFLINE]
« on: April 07, 2012, 04:51:04 PM »
hi i'm livestreaming terraria

attendance is appreciated

hi i'm livestreaming again
A.R.E.S. is a 2.5D sidescroller/platformer with lots of shooting and robots. Watch as I try to get used to platforming again.

If you have me on Steam, please let me know if the stream isn't working properly.

Off Topic / carolcat can't decide which avatar to use
« on: March 13, 2012, 01:15:19 PM »
i have 3 things i'd like to use as an avatar, but i can't decide which one i should use.

Off Topic / can i cry on you guys for a little bit
« on: February 21, 2012, 11:56:37 AM »
Lately my dog has been having a problem with one of his back paws where he won't put any weight on it. I finally convinced my dad to let my mom take the dog to the vet (my dad doesn't want to spend a ton of money on him), and the vet said that the pain in my dog's joint could be a number of things, like a hairline fracture or bone cancer.

The vet gave us some antibiotics for us to use, and we're going back to see him in a week. He said that if the antibiotics don't work, then we'd have a few options: getting an x-ray, a biopsy, putting him down, or amputating the problem leg. Since my dad doesn't want to spend a ton of money on the dog, I'm afraid that we might have to put him down in about a week.

I'm sort of tearing up at the thought of losing my dog after only 6 years, but I've gotten really attached to him since he's my first pet. If I had a way to help pay for it all, I'd certainly do so, but I only have a little bit of holiday money left and I doubt anyone would want to pay a 12 year old.

Discuss, I guess.

(Also, if anyone's wondering, I have an Irish Wolfhound and they're really expensive to take care of.)

Creativity / carolcat plays piano (now with more music)
« on: February 14, 2012, 05:17:16 PM »
yes it's true
i know i messed up on a few notes and the timing is a bit weird, but i suppose it's ok
(also it's really quiet for some reason, i'm not sure how to fix that)

feel free to rate or give suggestions or whatever


now jake white approved
now morningstar approved

Off Topic / oh my god it's snowing
« on: February 10, 2012, 09:59:48 AM »
this is the first snow i've had this year
i'm so happy except for the fact that it probably won't stick because it's almost 40F (about 4C for you picky people)

so yes
discuss this amazing thing known as snow

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