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Topics - Wynd_Fox

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Games / Down Until Further Notice
« on: January 31, 2011, 12:24:18 AM »
Zou's Colonial Server!
*Raiding of other kingdoms is allowed.
*To star a kingdom get a group of people and build a fortress. Any surrounding villages will be part of that kingdom.
*If you would like to go to war with another kingdom, contact the leader and declare war.
*During war, you may steal and pillage villages all you would like.
*However, do no structural damage to the enemy's fortress.
*An exception to this is using cannons on EXTERNAL walls surrounding the fortress.
*Nomadic raiding is fine, but no structural damage at all.
*Admins may ban for any reason at anytime. If you feel it was unjust, contact me, and I may unban you.

Contacting Me
Contact me through Steam. ID is reaperofmortals. If you don't have Steam, you may use my e-mail address. I will PM it to you. My MC name is NeoKoda.

Server Info
Currently the only kingdom is mine, called Koram. If you would like your kingdom officially recognized, contact me, and if it's big enough, I'll do it. You'll need a fortress, and a ruler. A village is bonus.
This is on normal difficulty with mobs, so, try to be in shelter at night.
Also need mods. Contact me to apply.

There are four kinds of money. Stone, iron, gold, and diamond.
64 stone is worth one iron ingot. 10 iron ingots is worth one gold ingot. Ten gold ingots is worth 1 diamond gem. You can exchange at the castle with either NeoKoda or Zou.

Image Gallery!


General Discussion / Come to Zou's RP slash Community build!
« on: January 30, 2011, 12:05:28 AM »
Zou's being a loser. It's down. Presumably for ever.

Off Topic / Should I get an MP3 player?
« on: January 28, 2011, 12:40:44 AM »
I want an MP3 player because I don't have one, and my brother hates it when I use the computer's speakers. This is the one I would get. MP3 plus these headphones.

Off Topic / Stop spamming topics by calling people alts.
« on: August 21, 2010, 01:11:44 AM »
This goes for any topic (especially "I'm new" ones, though.) It's incredibly annoying and stupid. If someone's an alt, report them, and shut up about it. If Badspot doesn't ban them, then calling someone an alt a bunch won't make a difference. It will just make you look dumb.

Games / Should I get Morrowind or Mass Effect?
« on: August 18, 2010, 04:22:54 PM »
Locking once one gets five votes.

Off Topic / 10009th Post!
« on: July 01, 2010, 07:24:54 PM »
I missed 10K. QQ.

Drama / Tom Gunn ~ You're not albino, sorry.
« on: June 30, 2010, 04:47:15 PM »
Tom Gunn claims to be an albino. Here are some examples:
I'm in love with...

I don't really know. Albinos have no souls.
Dude, I'm albino.

I would not find it weird to do it with an alien.
They make people look like whores.

I would only get a girl that dresses decently.

I'm an albino so it would not be easy to get one.

Anyway, back to cats plz

Interestingly, he also only posts this picture of himself:

Also interestingly, I Googled "albino human eyes", and less then surprisingly, there was "his" picture.

Off Topic / Self-Drama Topics
« on: June 29, 2010, 11:10:21 PM »
Why do you guys hate them so much? So what if the OP wants to know how people feel about him? Honestly, I see nothing wrong with it. I'm pretty curious, myself, but don't want to have that storm of newfound anger towards the OP.

Games / LoZ: Twighlight Princess, or SSBB?
« on: June 21, 2010, 01:36:12 AM »
Which one?

Games / Just got LBP.
« on: June 18, 2010, 06:45:17 PM »
Downloading updates, now. Is it as fun as it sounds?

Games / Mod Nation Racers, or Mario Kart DS?
« on: June 15, 2010, 10:08:23 PM »
Both sound fun, but I think you guys should be able to give good feed back.

Clan Discussion / Past and Future ~~ New Poll
« on: June 03, 2010, 11:32:23 PM »

    Future and Past is a clan which specializes in both fantasy medieval and futuristic themes. Acceptable build types are forests, castles, laboratories, etc. We are not interested in things like:
    • Anything modern. IE: Box skyscrapers (space needle-like skyscrapers are cool), house builds (cottages are cool), cars (hover cars are nice), etc..
    • Space ship builds. Go to ARES for that. Space ship vehicles are great.
    • Guns, other than laser.
    • Anything that you don't think would fit in.
    • Make a totally awesome image.
    • Make a build. We're not NWB, it just has to be good.
    • Eventing an RPG or some such thing.
    • Getting an invitation because a clan Admin and I both feel you would be a good addition.
    • Make a medieval or future model.
    • Script something futurey or medieval.
    • I may add more, so yeah.
    • Koda (Wynd_Fox) ID:4908 FOUNDER / ADMIN
    • Pi (The_Khoz) ID:12406 MODELER / OFFICER
    • Kyzor (Kyzor [Permanently banned] Raeyok [Alt]) ID: 11024(?) BUILDER
      • Human Reaper ID: 12283 / 4908 EVENTER / SCRIPTER
      • Invited: Kyzor for Building, Makanix for Modeling, unless he quit that. and Pi for Modeling.
      • Thursday, June 03: Clan was founded. Hooray.
      • More as it comes.
      ~This is where I put stuff that doesn't really fit anywhere else.~
      Finishing up the logo!
      Getting more members!
      Making an RP where aliens crash into Medieval Fantasia.
      Replacing section names with awesome images like KC.
      MrBloxxer: General idiocy

    Off Topic / Type kanew2000, shut up! with your fingers.
    « on: May 31, 2010, 09:52:05 PM »
    Best one out of all these dumb threads.

    Games / Walk the Stork.
    « on: May 14, 2010, 11:48:59 PM »
    You use the arrow keys to try and control the stork. I'm really bad at it, but it's pretty fun. My best is 6 meters.

    Off Topic / Name Change?
    « on: May 02, 2010, 01:19:42 AM »
    I like the sound of it, pronounced Code-uh.

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