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Topics - Bloody Mary

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Drama / Lizzie - A build stealer.
« on: June 08, 2010, 06:55:59 PM »
So, I was on Flying Duchman's server.
Now, I was just having a good old time when somebody says that lizzie's sever stole this build.
Smelling a drama, I jumped right in.
I found that the claims were true.
I was quickly banned, after I said that the build was stolen.

This made me go on IRC.

-Sorry for the lack of images, he was being very non-chatty-

Anyway, sorry if this is old news.

Drama / mr block1's slides 2, or, how I learned to point out fakes.
« on: May 23, 2010, 10:17:47 PM »
So, I went to "mr block1 block slides 2".
Anyway, I found him to be...shady, at best.
His server was a load of Mr Blocks slides, with rainbow brick spam.
His server was empty, now, that I found odd.
Wouldn't people jump on the chance to work on the slides?

So, I asked him about his name. Not in a bad way, mind you, just saying things like, "Why did you change your name".
His reply?
Some noob stole my name when it was changed.
So, I checked the RTB listing, and there was no "Mr Block".
I told him that and he went silent.
He then said, I don't want to change his name. Yeah right.

Before I could say anything, I was banned.


Offtopic. First drama topic.

General Discussion / So, what's everyones Blockland Id's?
« on: April 28, 2010, 06:20:46 PM »
Sorry if this topic is somehow bad, I just wanted to find out.

Mine is something like...3631.
Or something.

General Discussion / Has anyone seen the user "Reptile"
« on: April 27, 2010, 09:52:44 PM »
Me and him were pretty good friends, back in the day.
Does he still play BL? If so, do you know any way I could contact him?

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but I could not find one that really fit.

Games / So, uh, who here plays roguelikes?
« on: April 26, 2010, 03:36:29 PM »
(DISCLAIMER: Nethack has NOTHING to do with hacking, or the net.)

For those of you who do not know, roguelikes are a type of game like a dungeon crawl, but with one subtle change.
You will die. A lot.

Like, hundreds of times. Now, one might say, "That sounds like a total suck."
Well, that is not true. You see, once you finally beat the game, you feel like you really earned it.

Roguelike games have been around for a long time. Heck, Nethack came out in the 80's.

There are two major ones now, Nethack, that is very, very hard.
And, Dungeon crawl stone soup, which is slightly more user-friendly.

I think that you should download them, they're only a couple MB, free, and you will like them. No, I'm sure.

(I would post the links, but that might count as advertising a fourm, so just google the names or something.)

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