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Topics - Yosher

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all the data on my laptop hard drive was wiped so now i gotta install it again. only problem is that 4.0 sucks and i need the old version. does anyone have it?

Off Topic / laptop is kill
« on: December 12, 2014, 10:31:34 AM »
well not entirely, but the hard drive is done for. i either have to pay 360 euros to some company to extract my schoolwork and other important stuff from my hard drive, or it's lost forever.

worst part is that i'm 100% sure that some cigarette in my class is to blame. he slammed his arm down on my laptop and after that, it said the hard drive could not be read. he's constantly denying that it's his fault and i'm also 100% sure that he's not going to pay for it.

tl;dr: god doesn't exist

Off Topic / post weird messages you've received
« on: September 22, 2014, 03:03:28 PM »
i wish you you died when your mother cut her stomach to get you from her stomach

i have no idea who this guy is

Off Topic / when do you start school
« on: August 19, 2014, 01:43:39 PM »
i started today. of course i'm not really looking forward to this year but i don't think it'll be too bad either

for the dutch people out there, i'm in 4 HAVO (gotta repeat the year because i'm half-dumb)
so when do you guys start school?

Off Topic / Yosher's Spider CrCIA
« on: August 11, 2014, 04:54:44 PM »
No idea how to tell this story properly so I'm going to do it in the form of a greentext.

>be me
>be in my room
>browsing the internet
>suddenly hear my mom scream through the music
>run downstairs, think i'm in trouble or something
>she says "LOOK" with a frightened look on her face and she points to the floor
>there is is
>an australia-ass spider sitting there
>legit as big as the e r t y, d f g h, c v b n and spacebar on qwerty keyboards
>kinda stressing the forget out
>i hate bugs. all of them. i hate everything that is small, fast and has more than 4 appendages
>calmly walk towards vaccuum cleaner
>mom doesn't give a stuff and goes into full attack mode immediately, dropping a large book on it, but it runs and we both freak the forget out
>we spend a good 7 minutes searching for it armed with a flashlight, vaccuum cleaner and insect spray
>we find it chilling with all the internet cables
>after a 1 minute battle, i end the spider's reign of terror as i hear his body slamming against the vaccuum cleaner's insides
>it was also poisoned from the insect spray
>and my mom vaccuumed a bunch of dust afterwards so it would choke to death
>is it alive?
>is it dead?
>we may or may not find out later

Needed to share this, stuff was scary as forget. Yeah, call me a pusillanimous individual but this ain't Australia so I'm not used to seeing big spiders like that one. Was honestly convinced it was poisonous and it piggybacked on some banana imports from whatever tropical country they come from.

Gallery / Deathmatch Arena
« on: August 11, 2014, 01:25:30 PM »

A DM arena I made. Feel free to rate.

Here is the save. Add-ons needed:

Beveled Bricks
Wire Fence
Speedy Socks

For the decorations on the admin platform (not seen in images), you need a certain rounds pack that I forgot the name of. Not really necessary though.

Drama / Hammereditor - "boo hoo the community is so stupid :((("
« on: July 19, 2014, 02:09:32 PM »
I have never gotten banned from Verizon FiOS. Ephialtes is not as stupid as the community is, and that's a good thing. The community has a thirst for "devastating" undesirable players.
I admire Ephialtes for giving up on the community after he realized it was a toilet. From now onwards, I will also not help this community any longer because you don't appreciate what I did for you. I got bashed by the usual players whenever something went wrong with my hosting service. In the end, forumers were happy it sank. Most of my creations received negativity and no matter how hard I tried to prove I had changed, the community bounded back to their old 2012 views on Hammereditor and Pacnet.

Just like Ephi, I will not be nice to you if you're not nice to me.
It's great than AdinX was intelligent enough to realize that this community produces garbage drama topics. But of course, the flamers will go back to their old ways and this topic won't make a difference.
Maybe if you could leave Setro alone and give him a chance to reform his old ways, Setro would change. At this point, it's the community which is creating the problem in him. But of course the bashers won't stop bashing.
Edit: Oh, I forgot that you're the Blockland community. You'll bash my above post to dust because I'm a hated user here.
No you didn't because his past kept catching up to him. Who frequently brought up Setro's past? The community, of course.
This is the main reason I've given up on defending my hosting service: forumers like you don't think for themselves but jump onto bandwagons in order to collect reputation. The whole forums are a reputation game. "Of course I know HammerHost had downtime because it was attacked, not because of the ISP, but I'll blame Hammereditor for using a connection with  a proven¹ lack of quality. That way I can gain a reputation point!".

¹ proven by the accurate community, of course.
My theory was correct.
I don't have a problem with's just that the failures of my past are integrated into how the community thinks my present contributions are doing.
I've been tormented for three months by communitists. I will never forget how hard I worked but how little the community valued it.
I'm done with complaining. I just wanted to get my last burst of frustration in the community out today.
First misconception. The community will never believe Pacnet is a separate person. And this one is surely from 2012!Second misconception. Is there no difference between "DoS" and DDoS"?Third misconception. I did the crime because the RTB bashers were making fun of me for 10 pages in a drama topic, which was not related to my hosting service.

Okay, enough is enough. I rest my case. The community will never take me seriously, so it's pointless to argue with you.
Because Ephialtes was smart enough to know that blocking a small HTTP DoS via a firewall is better than contacting an ISP. On the other hand, most of the forumers who bash me can't even differentiate a DoS from a DDoS.

Okay dude we get it, you hate it here, the community is stupid as stuff and you're smarter and more noble than all of us. Can you please leave already?

Off Topic / what ever happened to coolkoopatroopa
« on: July 14, 2014, 11:37:23 AM »
he made a thread a few years ago about how he got his girlfriend pregnant or something, then he never posted again :(

i miss the swag father

Help / No idea how to even describe this, but the sky is messed up.
« on: June 13, 2014, 06:28:09 PM »

Pics from me.

Pics from Cool Boi.

Basically everything you see is saved into the sky until it gets overlapped by another frame. It's also playing some weird ass distorted version of the main menu buttons every 5 seconds, and it's different each time. I have absolutely no idea what's causing this, it just sorta happened. Anyone know what's going on?

Off Topic / Summer vacation poll.
« on: May 30, 2014, 12:48:08 PM »
Since everyone's summer vacation seems to be starting, I really would like to know how long your summer vacations are, when they start, when they end, etc.

Because mine lasts 6 weeks and starts in early July and ends in midway August. It used to be 7 weeks but they apparently found that too long because according to the Dutch school laws, there have to be...1040 school hours or something.

It's really stupid because most of the extra school hours that are forced by this law are useless. Nothing happens during those hours and they're simply there because they're there to stall the time until the vacation finally starts. Since last year they started taking up the nasty habit of giving homework to "kill time" during those days.

TL;DR: jealousy jealousy jealousy jealousy jealousy jealousy jealousy jealousy

So what about you guys?

Off Topic / Where are the memes?
« on: May 26, 2014, 02:28:03 PM »

Off Topic / Tampermonkey scripts aren't working
« on: May 17, 2014, 06:56:21 AM »
I have that topic blocker script installed in Tampermonkey but it suddenly doesn't work anymore. Has anyone experienced something like this and/or have a way to fix this?

Off Topic / Can't change avatar?
« on: April 21, 2014, 08:11:36 AM »
Sorry if this is a problem that has been encountered many times before, but I tried changing my avatar but it still shows Bellsprout. What can I do to fix this? I've already tried clearing my cache and it didn't work.

Off Topic / My mouse is acting insanely crazy.
« on: April 17, 2014, 12:54:06 PM »
- A lot of times when I click something, it won't do anything. I have to click multiple times to get the click to actually do anything.

- When I drag my mouse across the screen to select something, it may randomly cancel out my selection. This is especially annoying when I'm trying to puush an image by selecting a certain part of the screen, often resulting in only half the image I wanted to show because of this weird thing.

- Often when I click, it'll register it as two clicks and it'll double click while that was not my intention at all. Especially annoying when I'm working with transparency stuff in Paint.NET or when I have two windows open. Closing one window will close the one behind it if it's registered as a double click.

Oh, and fun fact: this actually loving happened while I was writing this post. I was looking up what kind of mouse this was and I closed the incognito window, and boom. Entire post gone.

This is insanely annoying and I've tried putting in a new battery, but it didn't work. It's a wireless M185 Logitech mouse. If any of you have encountered this sort of problem before and/or know a way to fix it, please let me know.

Also, please refrain from giving advice like "buy a new mouse". I have the money but I don't want to spend money on a third wireless mouse. The first one broke after two weeks.

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