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Topics - YourBuddyBill

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Suggestions & Requests / Fart Gun
« on: September 02, 2011, 11:30:53 PM »
Yes you read that correctly. The fart gun from Despicable Me. It would either incapitate or kill players that got hit. It would be a rather close up weapon and killing yourself is possible. But yeah, I am gonna have hidden areas in my builds with joke weps, like the Handgun and hopefully this.

You could probably use the Fart sound effect.

Suggestions & Requests / Swiss Army Gun Additional Stuff
« on: August 26, 2011, 11:19:20 PM »
Because I am so fail at scripting I cant even mod the Swiss Army Gun, I need to request a few new modes:
1. Range Tools Mode
2. Jumpgun
3. Lockpick
4. Laser Pointer

Maybe a few others later on.

If someone can do this or tell me what I need to do, then please do so. But I am mega noob at scripting so stuff that might be obvious to you will likely be somewhat less than obvious to me.

Help / Client-sided coordinate mod
« on: August 25, 2011, 05:44:31 PM »
Is such a mod possible, cause it would really be useful for navigating maze like areas. If it already exists plz link me to it.

Suggestions & Requests / Gamemode_ZMBP
« on: August 20, 2011, 09:46:42 PM »
aka Zombies Might Be People.

This is a request for Iban and Rotondo to sync up their mods, creating one all-purpose mod to render both Zombie and ZAPT obselete and thus end the seemingly neverending argument between their respective fans. Those of us who find the mods incompatible are rather annoyed, as we wanna fight our zombies and be them, too. So Rotondo and Iban, if you would kindly get all your guns on the same target, those of us who want a better option would REALLY appreciate it. This would be based on Gamemode_Zombie (sorry Iban, but Zombie is more compatible with other AIs). I would like to ask a few things:
Incorporate the ZombieModePlus and Zombie Heedpack into this combined effort;
One new zombie type: Absorber (regains health equal to damage it does)
Preferences to toggle whether or not Zombie Bots can spawn from Zombie Player Spawns (Iban, i think your mod might get broke cause you both have the same UI name for your zombie spawn) and still keep Rotondos Zombie Bot Spawns
Enable Zombies spawning from standard vehicle point Iban, Zombiemodeplus has an option to let director despawn said zombies.
For relatively similar zombies, for the moment I suggest using both with an R or an I for whose version it is
Can you both just work together for once? Whenever you cannot agree on a feature, stick in a preferences option so people can do it the way they want.

Thank you both in advance,
King of the Bill,
BL_ID 30051

That was the original message. I have learned since that Rotondo no longer cares and Iban is banned. We will need as many advanced scripters as we can get...

Please dont flame the crap out of me for wanting a dream to become a reality.

Suggestions & Requests / Accepting akimbo and combo weapon requests!
« on: August 18, 2011, 10:01:30 PM »
The title says it all. Unfortunately thats all i am capable of doing right now.

Also, any weapon that is not clickfire cannot be akimboed or comboed until a separate keybind is made for FireWeapon2. This includes:
Mousehold charge weps like the Beam Rifle
Any one use item (will screw stuff up and besides if its one use you will wind up using both at once anyway.)
Any Mousehold Ready weapon (i.e. gernades)
Any weapon with a Jet Key function, though i would likely rebind that into FireWeapon2 if possible. (i e flak cannon)

Any requests?

Help / Music >1mb
« on: August 15, 2011, 08:18:29 PM »
I recently converted one of my favorite songs into an ogg/vorbis audio file and added it to my music list, but it gave me a console error:
ERROR: (songhere) > 1mb, ignoring

Is there a way to raise the song filesize limit to 2.6 kb or higher? I know that this would cause massive loading times for ppl joining my server, but i would have a message on server join asking them to download it beforehand from a certain link or something...

Can someone please help?

Help / Could not load (addon name here), need to handle this better...
« on: August 14, 2011, 01:13:52 PM »
That text (or something like it) shows up in the console sometimes. Right now, it cant get two water brick related addons. How does one fix this? I once also got it with six prints.

The title says it all. I want these for a castle build, to make it look like a castle. If I do it the normal way with tons of 1x4 brix my cpu, which is a pile of sh*t, lags like hell and it pisses me off. So I want these. I will then use compilations of the brick textures to make it look right. Yayz alternatives!

Suggestions & Requests / Four meters- Hp Energy and two others
« on: August 10, 2011, 09:52:38 AM »
Can anybody set up a thing like the health bar addon that also shows your blue Energy meter, and two other meters just set up as Meter3 (yellow) and Meter4 (red)? You might have to seriously edit something, sorry for bein such a noob, but could events also be set up for addEnergy, addMeter3, and addMeter4 as well as setEnergy, setMeter3, and setMeter4?

Suggestions & Requests / Alternative jet type
« on: August 09, 2011, 09:26:45 PM »
Two helicopter blades from a backpack that when activated let you jump higher, move with greater directional control in midair, and fall more slowly at first. What would it be called?

Either A) something cool
B) a really lame joke.

Help / What is UPnP?
« on: August 09, 2011, 02:46:35 PM »
I always see a console message saying UPnP discovery failed, what is UPnP and do i need to fix it?

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