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Topics - The Brighter Dark

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Suggestions & Requests / vehicles blow up in water
« on: July 14, 2014, 01:39:13 AM »
whats that script that makes vehicles blow up in water after like 10 secs, i don't remember the name so i cant find it

General Discussion / Help choosing weapons please
« on: July 12, 2014, 02:47:54 PM »
hi guys im making a server and i would like to enlist your help in choosing weapons. I would like it to be default styled so here are the guns i am going to use so far.

default gun

rocket launcher

kaje sniper

the mortar

he grenade

that 3 bullet shotgun


that minigun where you can jump and almost fly

default smg

any others that go with those well that you can think of / know?

Suggestions & Requests / disable orb delay
« on: July 07, 2014, 04:21:45 PM »
I hate it when you orb, how you cant place ghost bricks, or click until the orb emitter goes away. It would be great if there was a simple script that canceled this out. thanks!

Gallery / Snowy Valley
« on: July 03, 2014, 01:44:44 AM »
Hey guys, i haven't posted anything in the gallery for a long while. So i thought I'd share something recent that I've been quietly working on. Its a Snowy Valley of some kind, it will probably be used for a TDM / DM of some sort. Have a look. Also its not quite done. About 80%

Feel free to give me a rating, suggestions, or questions in the comments! Thanks!

Off Topic / Dumbass girl "explains" why jobs are handicapped
« on: June 06, 2014, 01:16:29 AM »
According to her she should just be given money because she diserves it. Prime example of wellfare leeches.
"I am way to talented to have a job"

If this is old or something i really dont care i just wanted to share this monstrocity of a video lol

Suggestions & Requests / Camera Brick edit
« on: May 20, 2014, 08:44:24 PM »
I am trying to use the camera brick in one of my builds because it has a nice model, but i am having trouble making it look good with the current setup of the mod. As of now it can only be spawned on a 2x2 and it only points 1 direction. My suggestion is to make it an "unpickup-able" item, that you can spawn on bricks. Also a feature that would let you have the camera look at a named brick would be nice, because it doesn't always look right when its pointing strait ahead. Here are some pics i would like to share

In this situation, the cam works pretty good as it is now.

But my situation is a bit different. The brick does not work with my wall, and its looking right at the support beam, not at the door.

Here is the download for the brick.


Gallery / Tree dups [DOWNLOAD]
« on: May 17, 2014, 06:47:43 PM »
hi guys i made some snowy tree dups

i would like to credit some random person i don't remember for making a tree similar to the ones i made which i took inspiration from on a snow themed freebuild a long time ago. if said person is reading this topic post and ill add your name.


download these truly amazing trees

General Discussion / is this pink
« on: May 10, 2014, 08:42:42 PM »

Suggestions & Requests / Faster admin orb
« on: May 03, 2014, 09:31:57 PM »
I orb around my builds a lot. And when i have a large one it takes a long time to get to where i need to go. It would be great to have a faster admin orb speed for when you hold down the mouse.

Suggestions & Requests / Rocketjumper Edit
« on: April 23, 2014, 06:54:23 PM »
hey guys. so im building this challenge and part of it requires a rocket jumper. the minigame requires self and weapons damage to be on, so i cant just disable weapon damage. i need a rocketjumper edited so it only effects the person who fired it, and no one else. i cant host my server without this edit so i really need it.

i also need either a script or an event that i can use to give players different items depending on where they are. in some levels i need them to have the rocketjumper, in others a grapple, etc. i cant use onminigamespawn>player>additem because it effects everyone in the whole minigame. so a spawn even like onplayerspawn>player>additem would be cool, or set zones or something with a script. nmv i found a way around this

thanks guys, these mods would help me put out my server so please consiter making them ;)

heres a link to the rocketjumper so you dont have to go find it >>download<<

Off Topic / "What the hell did i just watch"
« on: April 23, 2014, 02:03:35 PM »

I'm pretty sure he has veggie love with an xbox, then destroys it via food.

if this is "late" somehow idfc, its funny

Suggestions & Requests / faster corps disappearing
« on: April 06, 2014, 05:21:56 PM »
i plan on hosting a challenge soon and i would like a small script that makes the player corps disappear after 1 second with no emitters, thanks.

Gallery / Quake DM arena [DL]
« on: March 24, 2014, 07:36:54 PM »
I decided to make a quake DM arena, feel free to edit it and use it for whatever you need

feel free to rate as well




Off Topic / kokomo
« on: March 08, 2014, 10:08:39 PM »

Off Topic / Shrek is love, shrek is life
« on: March 04, 2014, 03:21:11 PM »
This is mildly disturbing, requires audio.

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