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Topics - Han Frolo

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Drama / *sigh* RTB
« on: February 02, 2008, 10:21:29 PM »
i saw some videos of it on YouTube, and it looked like back then it had lots of cool stuff. makes this blockland look boring. but i still don't want to play RTB.

why isn't there that much cool stuff in blockland retail? is badspot planning on bringing it back in v9 or v10?

it's starting to make me feel bored with blockland.

also, was there a blockland before RTB? do you have screen shots of it?

EDIT: forgot to add this video for example.

just long enough for me to re-format my computer.

my computer is messing up, and i can barely do anything! i need to find a website where i can store blockland with all my add-ons for free or for atleast a day or two so i can format my comp and then un-package the game onto my comp without having to start over on it and having to re-install all the add-ons and maps.

please, i need help TODAY.

Suggestions & Requests / grappling hook
« on: January 31, 2008, 08:24:39 PM »
what about two types of grappling hooks? and im now just talking about the Hook shot that just zips you to where ever you fire and slams you into walls and the ninja rope that looks like a big white block glued to your hand. im talkin' about a grappling hook like the one from The Legend Of Zelda: And the Wind Walker.

a grappling hook that works like both something you can use to climb mountains, swing on buildings and swing on bricks and get accross gaps with. and the style of it would be that it looks like it's a cool metal claw attached to a long yellow rope. and how to use it you say? i was thinking of this.

first step, hold down the fire button to get ready to throw/fire it, aim in the direction you want to throw/fire it in, and release! then you will grapple on, and you can use the direction keys to turn in different directions, move up and down the rope, and swing in any direction you want. to un-grapple, choose it in the inventory again, then press the fire button again to un-grapple!

i don't know yet if it should be throw-able or fire-able yet. you guys decide that. it would also be cool if in the future it could have rope physics.

and you can fire other weapons while grabbing on somehow! and you can also grapple onto players and do damage to them, or grapple onto vehicles. imagine it. when the boat add-on is finished, you can grapple onto the boat, put on some skis, and go water skiing!

so, is it a good idea?

EDIT: also, it can grapple onto anything.

Help / why do i keep downloading things i already have off of servers?
« on: January 28, 2008, 05:54:44 PM »
I've noticed that lately, my copy of blockland has been acting weird, and now when someone spawns in my server, it won't let me know.

and when i join someone else's server, it sometimes downloads parts of add-ons i already have.

is there an explanations for any of this? is there something wrong with my copy, or has alot of people been tweaking and renaming alot of their add-ons?

Help / what graphics settings should i use?
« on: January 28, 2008, 05:42:44 PM »
sometimes when i play, if i look at a big build, or one that uses alot of bricks, it kinda lags, and it's a bummer. I've tried changing the graphics settings, but i don't know which ones do what, and i don't notice alot of changes except when i change the draw distance, but that makes me not see as far, and i want to see stuff better.

i tried following that tutorial to update my drivers, and i follow all the instructions right, but it couldn't install for some strange reason. i think my graphics drive is as updated as it can get, or is it not?

here's the states.

Name: Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller

Manufacturer: Intel Corporation

Chip Type: Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller

and im having to use an old Gateway EV500B because my other monitor which is a dell died last year.

is that enough info? what are the recommendations?

General Discussion / 1st person or 3rd person?
« on: January 27, 2008, 10:38:00 PM »
which do you prefer, and which is better?

in some DM servers, i find myself constantly switching back and forth, and im kinda tired of it.

in 1st person, it improves my aim with the cross hair, but i still suck as much as i do in 3rd person.

in 3rd person, I'm a little more accurate and i can see more of the action and my surroundings, but sometimes it's hard to tell where I'm aiming and makes my aiming a little off.

also, is there a script or something that makes a cross hair appear in 3rd person?

it would be nice to have a working bot mod with scripts and events already programmed with a GUI so you can just choose the scripts, and build a bot spawn, and it spawn random bots that talk or something like that.

it would also be nice to have word bubbles too.

Gallery / my space station build!
« on: December 29, 2007, 06:50:46 PM »
this is my first small space station build on "The Planets" map.

im planning to add on to it, but i might take a break from it

anyways, the stroy of how i built it. well, one day, i was playing blockland, but my mom needed the internet for her laptop, and our router is busted, but i didn't want to stop playing, so i thought why not build a small space station? so here it is! (well, what's finished of it)

Forum Games / racing!
« on: December 23, 2007, 03:23:07 PM »
someone may have already done this, and i know this idea is stupid and ill get flammed for it, but I've noticed how racing in blockland has died.

i miss racing, it was fun and good. so here's a crazy suggestion for a community project. how about races being held every day or week? it can be a race where players will be cut into teams, or people can make racing clans, or everyone can race individually or people can challenge each other to races on the forums. and on every racing server, there's a different race track. it can have jumps and tracks and big heights or just a basic track! and it can have weapons like guns, or no weapons at all.

and the race tracks can be a map or a build, but ill let you guys decide that. a build would look better, but a track in a form of a map would have less lag, and wouldn't give any probs to the Mario karts. also, the tracks would have to be a little bit wider, 'cause I've noticed how some racing builds in the past were a little to small.

speaking of which, it also wouldn't hurt for a few more cars and karts add-ons for races, and if someone could come up with new Mario karts with new symbols on the front of it and new colored bodies like a peaches kart and a bowser kart, and fix that bumper prob that causes it to get caught on ramps when going up, and going through ramps when going down.

and a cool new sparkly and fancy racing mod with a GUI instead of having to use "/" commands would also make it better!

this is just an idea though. it would be nice to have racing brought back to blockland.

i would also want to help with it.

EDIT: another idea to add-on to this one. how about a money system for racing rpgs? where to get money, you got to race to win it, and every minute, you get 15$, and you can use the money to get a better or cooler race kart or car, or use it to buy weapons and pills!

Help / i can't find my DNS address thing.
« on: December 03, 2007, 01:18:09 PM »
i can't find my DNS thing. I would show you a screen shot of the page, but i don't know how. Sad

my modem type is ZyXel Prestige 600 series. i have a router, but it's dead, and doesn't work.

the tutorial didn't help much. i got stuck at step 1C and step 1D. i can't find the tabs, nor the DNS.

can someone help me or at least give me a hint like tell me what "DNS" means? :panda:

Suggestions & Requests / REQUEST: World War I mini-game
« on: November 01, 2007, 05:02:45 AM »
i just thought of a exciting mini game idea!

what if we started a world war mini game on the Lego vice city map and have a dog fight in the air? it would be like a Americans vs. Germans type of thing. where we have 2 different teams, one Americans, the other Germans. the American soldiers will fly around in green stunt planes, and the German will fly around in tan stunt planes. both teams get a pretty good variety of guns including the mini gun and the auto rocket launcher. and we get to use the air balloons add-on that packer made, and the two teams got to dog fight each other and shoot down each other's air balloons, and each air balloon will be filled of have atleast two players in each and every one of them, and players can use parachutes so they can bail and land safely on one of the sky scrapers!

i can imagine it now........ :cookieMonster:

wouldn't it be cool? sadly, i can't host servers, and i can't fix the prob or atleast without having to go through a bunch of trouble.

so i was n someone please host a server with this mini game? you don't even have to get alot of add-ons. all you really need is the parachutes, possibly some pills, a gun, a rocket launcher, the air balloon add-on, the stunt plane add-on, and the Lego vice city map!

EDIT; almost forgot to say that there could also be players dressed like soldiers running around in the streets of Lego vice city and they can shoot at each other. and that the most skilled player on the German team gets to fly a red plane to make it seem like and let the other players know that he/she (not that I'm saying the Red Baron is a she) is the Red Baron.

Suggestions & Requests / REQUEST: space base and re-make Ar-wing
« on: November 01, 2007, 04:00:20 AM »
this is not a suggestion, but a request. i was wondering, if someone could make a map with a base that's in space that has different rooms with different stuff and hangers, and it's not necessary, but make it where there's a planet in the back ground.

and not to be rude, the Ar-wing mod is cool especially for it to be the first space based fighter ship in blockland, but there's many flaws with it.

the invisible box around it is too big and too buggy, it's sometimes gives me trouble when i try to paint the wings or get in it, the wings are too wide and fat and aren't pointy like they are in the game, the nose is all long and flat and not long and pointy like how it should be, it looks grey instead of white, i can't tell if that grey area at the back of it is suppose to be the engine or not, it doesn't leave a trail like the stunt plane, I'd look cool if it had a control panel in the rooster pit, and the size of the whole thing is too big.

i was wondering if someone will re-make the Ar-wing some day soon, later, or maybe even next week or so.

and those are all my requests. may someone please make these?

Suggestions & Requests / water physics and/or cloth physics.
« on: September 11, 2007, 05:40:58 PM »
what about adding cloth or water physics? that is if it doesn't mean recoding too many things. and what about a special water tool where players can make a pool, then fill it up with water instead or using bricks colored like water? and it would be cool to have a cloth like cape for my knight. :cookieMonster:

Drama / gosh, im such a forum outcast
« on: September 10, 2007, 10:25:26 PM »
I'm a total forum outcast. it seems like no matter how hard i try to avoid them because nothing but trouble and flaming starts there i can't play a single multiplayer game without joining there forums and posting in them. blockland for example. and every time i get flamed, i don't get along with ANYONE at all, get a bad rep, get hated by everyone, and get known as the game's and forums most noobish outcast, who is hated by EVERYONE. and i get treated like an outcast by almost everyone. only a few people will be on my side. being on a forum is like school where your either a nerd, a emo-kid, or a outcast. only you can choose to go, everything is in text, and all the students are adults, teens, geek, dorks, and nerds. i think I'm doing something wrong. please teach me how not to be a noob.

Suggestions & Requests / REQUEST good builds
« on: September 08, 2007, 10:17:16 PM »
it's been awhile since I've seen some good builds. is there any race track builds, space ship or lab builds, and or good city builds? i would loves those. :p

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