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Topics - Sunny

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General Discussion / How to let my players create floating bricks
« on: August 20, 2012, 02:27:27 PM »
I can easily create floating bricks by using the Swiss Army Gun mod. This is useful if you have things built on a 64x cube, and want to replace the 64x cube with a bunch of 8x cubes to create an underground tunnel. I was wondering how I can let the players on my server do this.

Off Topic / That Scary Realization
« on: August 19, 2012, 11:41:35 PM »
I sometimes remember that I'm old enough to be a child enthusiast now O.O

Off Topic / Story Tiem
« on: August 19, 2012, 11:03:22 PM »
[Jeez you guys suck xD] [Try editing your posts to create a different story to reward those who read the whole thread :3] [Or maybe if I like it better I'll replace it]

There once was a story tiem thread and my snake the op was a gay man, so he decided to castrate himself. with a stab he decided to stab himself vigorously and violently with a knife that that doesn't work, so he instead hugged everyone he could see in every homoloveual club within a 50 miles taking a total time of 10 hours to complete then he he raped a girl named hospital where he met a person that stabbed himself with a Self Delete by stab the end. But then a sequel started and the world began with the big climax shooting matter across the uncreated universe ganged together and stopped it from ever happening the end. But then another sequel died. The end. Return of the sequel but it was a prequel so Badspot Killed a goat for a religious ceremony before the The Joker shooting. The Black Keys are on my keychain and they unlock the big black locks that Lock the door that leads to Narnia. In Narnia, People are the color of normal people with on their hands, was a load of semen. Sunny then planned to give Dork a present, but Dork just foiled sunny's plan, causing me to post so he raped seven goats and then Turned himself into the police, while wearing absolutely nothing because he was a snake that was out of control because, unbeknownst to his step daughter, he had secretly been in the bisuiness of so he killed her and ate her robbing banks and eating the money he robbed.

meanwhile, in africa...a talking dog came along and k9 kid adopted him whilst eating a birthday cake with only his feet. the little doge soon...asked if he could be doge. "No." replied a mysterious figure..this figure just happened to be CharlesSpeaking with a disguise on! But the doge said the mysterious figure growled at what the doge had said. he pulled out a aw3s0me dr4gun0w 360 fr33k1ll sup3rsn1perxxc snake and it was awesome.

Things then started to get serious as poverty was the new word for Purple, which meant that

General Discussion / Need help with creative ideas...please
« on: August 19, 2012, 08:50:50 PM »
I'm creating a world and I need some help. Basically the world is divided into 6 "pie-slices" each with a different theme. It will be a community build but I'm designing the center where they all meet. That includes intro areas to each theme. I can't think of an intro area/structure for "Future" that is all-inclusive of any future setting. Here is what I have so far:

Steampunk: Windmill Powerhouse
Fantasy/Medieval: Archway/Castle
Wild-West/Imperialism/Jungle/Tribal: Train Station in the Desert
Apocalypse: Abandoned Underground Missile Silo
Modern/Crime/Superheros: City
Future: ????????

Also, if you have any better ideas of what intro area/structures to build for the six themes, let me know. The only one I'm 100% happy with is the train station in the desert for the "Frontier" theme.

Off Topic / Timetravel RP
« on: August 05, 2012, 12:58:15 AM »
Timetravel Labs is about to administrate the world's first attempt at transporting people permanently to an alternate universe. This universe is exactly like our own, except the current year is 8000 B.C.E. Participants gather in the briefing room now.

Chapter 1 Highlights:
Now, what you probably don't know is that we have been working with three other departments on this project; Chromosome Research, Cross-Dimensional Molecule Transportation, and Targeted Probability Wave Collapsing. CR has provided us with a way to alter our genetics so that we don't age. CDMT has engineered implants that administer every molecule our body needs in order to stay healthy. Finally, TPWC will monitor each of us to ensure no external harm comes to us. So in other words, every one of us is immortal.
Now, you have no particular objective. We will simply monitor the alternate history you create and collect the data for research in all fields. Note, however, that you won't be able to return and will have to make this new universe your home.
You cannot tear the fabric of space-time. That is something from fiction. Go read up on string field theory and the 11 dimensions. We are not transporting you back in time in our same universe, this isn't "Back to the Future," this is real life.

General Discussion / Timeline RP
« on: May 30, 2012, 11:07:07 PM »
*Server Down.

Notice: Idiots are not allowed to play, gtfo

The year is 2200 A.D.    A group of adventurous people go to a lab to be sent to another universe. The target location is a parallel Earth, with the exception that no Humans have evolved. The target year is around 8000 B.C.E.

Mini Empires style, except you only control 1 person. Just us, no NPC's.

Story so far: (note: When a player leaves their character dies.)
Zach and Chris zap in to the savannah and drink from the nearby river. Zach sees a monkey eat fruit from a tree and determines it's safe, they then eat some. They find a cave in a nearby mountain range and sleep there while the night turns into heavy rain. Zach wakes up the next morning to find a rock had landed on Chris and killed him. Joe zaps in and they head to the river. Then Sara zaps in and they start working on crop cultivation. They see wildlife eat a grain and start collecting that plant species' seed. They then plant it along the river. Joe eats a diseased seed and dies, and they cast his body into the river. Sara and Zach then head back to the cave and start a fire. Zach wakes up to find Sara gone, and thinks she may have gone exploring. He heads to the river and finds her eaten body with Zebra corpses.

Creativity / Civility Game Project
« on: April 17, 2012, 02:16:53 AM »

My roommate messed with his internet in such a way that I can't open ports. I drastically changed Afghan DM to make Afghan 2.0 and would like to host a realistic "Patrol" TDM with voice chat. I would prefer if you can host a Murmur server for Mumble, but Teamspeak works as well. Just leave your server up all day and PM me the IP, when I get back from work I'll start the BL server. Thank you in advance :cookieMonster: Here are some pics:

*Server not up.

Gallery / nvm
« on: April 12, 2012, 12:20:38 AM »

Off Topic / Mumble server test
« on: April 11, 2012, 09:52:55 PM »
My antivirus subscription has ended and I can't get to it's firewall settings. I want to see if my Mumble server works anyways. The address is

Forum Games / "Rotating" Skilled Roleplayers OOC Thread
« on: April 09, 2012, 11:06:50 PM »
There will be only 4 players at a time, but also a waiting list of players. If a player does not post within 36 hours of their last post, the GM must remove them from the game and the first person on the waiting list will then start playing. In order for the removed person to reenter the game they must apply for the waiting list again.

I will be the first GM, but there will also be a GM waiting list that must be applied to separately if desired. If the current GM does not post within 36 hours, the next GM will take their place. In order to reenter the game as GM they must apply for the GM list again. Any time a new GM takes over they must create a new OOC Thread and RP Thread, copying the "OP"s and titles exactly. Then, on the old threads include links to both. If a GM takes over that has been GM before, they don't create new threads, but instead link to their previous ones.

A player or GM can announce they they will be on vacation (including the exact time they will be back) and they will be added to the vacation list. A waiting list player/GM will enter the game temporarily until the player returns from vacation. Once the set return time has come the vacationed player/GM will reenter the game, unless they don't post within 12 hours of the set return time. If that happens the temporary waiting list player/GM that took their place will become a permanent player/GM and the vacationed player/GM removed from the game. They can then reapply.

Note: There are no character sheets on the RP Thread, so make sure you gradually reveal what's on yours through role-playing.
Tip: Good stories have conflict and suspense. Some of the best types of conflict are "Character vs. Character," "Character vs. Self," and "Character vs. Society." In order to create suspense, build anticipation for awhile before a twist or big event.

-nominate time periods to vote on
-nominate locations to vote on
1/3 nominations. Will wait 20 minutes after 3rd nomination to allow more.
Voting to be finished before any applications are submitted.

(note: information can be left out if it's a mystery)
Character name:
Age and Birthday:
Body Type`: Height`: Weight`: Skin Color`: Hair Color`: Haircut`: Eye Color`: Other Features*:
(for the next line: current first, then list each all the way to original)
Nationality: Culture: Religion:
Physical/Health Traits*:
Personality Traits/Values*:
Groups Character is a member of and Titles in Each:
Why/How This Point in Character's Life Has Heightened Emotion(makes for a good story)*:
Family's Wealth and Social Status as a Child*:
Other Background Information**:
Other Biography Information**:
*You must have at least 1 complete sentence. If information is a mystery you must have at least 1 sentence in mind.
**You must have at least 3 complete sentences. If information is a mystery you must have at least 3 sentences in mind.
`Can't be a mystery unless an explanation is given.

GM: Sunny
GM Vacation List:
GM Waiting List:
Player Vacation List:
Player Waiting List:
*(name): Temporary [Player Being Replaced]

After researching some revealing information, I have decided to lock this thread. The Venus Project, which is the organization I advocate, has been separated with the filmmaker of this video since last year. More information is here:

The Zeitgeist Movement has lost almost all cohesiveness to the proper solutions and should be ignored. All credible information can be found on The Venus Project's website:

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