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Topics - Tactical Nuke

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no one's talking about this in the news but they should

Quote from: Sources

New Jersey: <- full transcript




so far two teachers union presidents in new jersey have been suspended and the democratic governor phil murphy has called for an investigation
meanwhile the michigan teachers unions have gone to the courts twice to prevent the release of the videos to no avail and the ohio teachers unions are in major damage control mode right now

here are some gems in no particular order
Quote from: New Jersey
Perry: “We do turn [these reports] around to where, if it was a physical punch, it wasn’t a punch. It was a shove.“

Perry: “If [the teacher] comes to me tomorrow, I’m gonna date the report to the day after the incident.“

Perry: “I’m gonna strongly advise… [if] the kid’s gonna turn around and say ‘Well [the teacher] threatened me….’ I can say ‘No. No no no. On March 22nd, the day after the incident, [the teacher] came over to me and told me [what happened.] And we just wanted to put it on record so that nothing more would come about it.'”

Perry: “It covers [the teacher!] Because he came in and reported it right away and that he was afraid… but here’s what happened. Everything else is bullsh*t.”

Perry: “In other words, if you threatened the kid, you didn’t threaten the kid. You said ‘Knock it off or else.'”

Perry: “If [the teacher] actually said ‘knock if off or I’ll kill you,’ or ‘I’ll beat the stuff out of you’ or ‘I’ll hurt you’ or ‘I’ll hurt your family,’ we don’t say that. It’s a mistake. It was out of the emotions. We don’t even log that in.“

Perry: “I’m gonna let you know right now he came in the day after. Even though he didn’t, I would say he did. And the only record that this is, it stays here.”

Perry: “[The teacher] needs to not tell anybody A THING. This has gotta be down the river.”

Perry: “That’s why I would never wanna bring it up. The longer we wait, the longer there’s no, there’s no camera.“

Perry: “And we got a [school] break coming up. That’s what’s really nice because nobody’s gonna be looking.“

Perry: “And if this kid can’t remember a date, I’m not giving them a date… You know how many cases I’ve won on that?“

Perry: “And she, five times she was fired, and I got her job back five times.“


Valencia: “Did the kid’s parent come in? No? Nothing happened… There’s no video? Nothing happened… [The teacher] is fine.”

Valencia: “God forbid the kid decides to tell the principal. It happened two weeks ago, he’s not [going to tell.] Let’s say the kid does. [The teacher] is going to be like… ‘kid tripped and fell.’”

Valencia: “I’m going to get your brother a lawyer. Your brother’s not going to admit anything happened. The only witness is the scumbag kid… he’s got a record.”

Valencia: “This file right here is from a teacher who had love with a student. This file is about whether or not the teacher gets to keep his pension. Is he going to jail? No."

Quote from: Ohio
Siegferth: “This is not new, I mean I’ve had teachers in physical altercations with kids, loveual altercations with kids, verbal altercations with kids, violating the professional standards rules and other ways that don’t involve kids and it’s, s**t happens. You know?”

Siegferth: “You know I have an obligation to him as a union rep, I’m not going to turn around and call the schools and call CSB (Children’s Services Board) and say this guy… I have reason to believe he abused a kid.  If that’s a concern. I don’t even know if you guys have thought of that. But that’s not going to happen.”

Journalist: “It’s definitely a concern.”

Siegferth: “But from here that would not be the case.”

Journalist: “So, if he came in and told you the story about smacking a kid and getting his nose bloodied and cleaning him up and sending him home saying, you know, keep your mouth shut you would not report that?”

Siegferth: “Oh no, no, no.”

Siegferth: “…we’re not going to turn around as soon as they leave and call HR and say hey Joe Smith was just in here, he f***ed up some kid at his school, and gave them a bloody nose. No, we don’t do that.”


Schmida: “Is it a good kid, a bad kid?”

Journalist: “I don’t know, he (the teacher) didn’t say.”

Schmida: “By that I mean, somebody who is constantly in trouble, getting disciplined, sent to the office.”

Journalist: “Would that make a difference if it was a bad kid?”

Schmida: “It might, but more so, those kids that are constantly disciplined sometimes are the most likely to accuse a teacher.”

Schmida: “It’s like if somebody breaks into your house and steals your weed, you’re not going to report, you know what I mean?”


Romick: “I’d say, in cases of physical contact, I’ve probably deal with this, remember we have a membership of over 1,000… in 30 schools, I deal with this, probably 10 times a year…”

Journalist: “Really?”

Romick: “So in my career in this position, over 80 times.”

Journalist:   Oh my goodness.  And every time the teacher’s been protected?

Romick:  “There may be some discipline.  There may be a short-term suspension or a letter of reprimand or…”

Journalist:  ” Like a letter in the file?”

Romick:  “Yeah.  Something along those lines… I’ve never had a termination…”

my favorite one was when dr. professor perry esq. says he would reverse the charges back onto the child

this is quickly developing so expect updates

"misleedin tietull"

asking for a friend

Suggestions & Requests / 48x48 cubes/modterrain
« on: May 17, 2018, 08:08:25 PM »
why the forget does this not exist yet

can we get a million upvotes

Off Topic / trying to hook up a tv to my computer
« on: May 15, 2018, 06:19:55 PM »
okay so I hooked up the tv to my computer using a hdmi-displayport adapter so I could use it as a third monitor, and it's working like a monitor but there are a few problems

the first one I don't know if it's a problem or just a thing with the TV specs but the colors seem extremely saturated and there seems to be a barely noticeable blue tint (that or it saturates blue more than the other colors)

there's that and there's a good amount of the screen that's cut off
it's about half the taskbar cut off from top, bottom and sides
I would say it's a resolution problem but what's on the screen is pretty clean-cut and not fuzzy so IDK

anyone got any suggestions

Off Topic / cyanide and happiness comic randomizer topic v. 69
« on: May 12, 2018, 08:51:33 AM »


[spoilers]the two giant people at 0:10 in the video are the main villains of the show and the character that they zoom in on seconds later was killed by the main character[/spoilers]




someone told me

Off Topic / the lick
« on: April 30, 2018, 02:53:54 PM »
my guitar teacher has officially broken music for me

Off Topic / anyone got a good phone screen protector
« on: April 29, 2018, 02:09:48 AM »
so I got my google pixel 2 xl and while I was trying to figure out what case to get for it I accidentally dropped it on the ground and the screen protector the phone company provided me literally popped off the phone and cracked in half, the phone screen is spotless

anyone got some good brands

Off Topic / [INT. NEWS] Alfie Evans dead
« on: April 24, 2018, 05:00:46 PM »
why is no one talking about this

Quote from: Sources

Alfie Evans is a baby in the UK that was born in May 2016
he has been admitted to the hospital for an illness and was put in life support

here's where things get forgety
the hospital he was at, Alder Hey, figured that his condition was inoperable and decided that they were going to take him off life support, against the parents' wishes
there is a hospital in Italy willing to operate on him but Alder Hey is forbidding the child to go and they've just taken him off life support
he's still alive but I'm not sure for how long

this is really ramping up
the hospital has appealed to the courts to take Alfie off of life support for like the third time
Italy is also getting really involved
they've landed an air ambulance in the UK that is prepared to take the baby to Italy to be operated on and the Italian embassy has spoken with the dad and if Alfie dies because the hospital took him off of life support they are ready to accuse the UK of murder

forgetin' /discuss

EDIT: welp he's dead

that's right folks we're back to lefties trying to ruin media again
4. Why didn't they try to abort the baby? Or use EXTENSIVE birth control?!
John Krasinski (The Office) stars in, co-writes and directs A Quiet Place. It is a horror film that lacks the articulateness to create unique, progressive statements for its characters.

The overly wholesome design of the family provides an overly sentimental examination of this trajectory. Lee and his family mourn, hold hands to pray before eating, and slow dance in the basement to music. The farm only adds to the quaint traditionalism where the children play board games and dinner is eaten in silence.

The father and son fishing trip typifies the conventional male gender roles of Bay-esque cinema.

forgetin' /discuss

Suggestions & Requests / heedicalking's vindicator and razorback tanks
« on: April 17, 2018, 06:09:02 PM »

the original links don't work anymore

Off Topic / truth or dare 2018
« on: April 16, 2018, 06:50:03 PM »

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