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Topics - Chrono

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Games / Dynasty Warriors Online - Open Beta, FINALLY! :)
« on: November 04, 2010, 10:31:27 PM »

This is like the good dynasty warriors games (normal/empires, not strikeforce), but also online.

Sadly I cannot play too much because my computer runs this game like a slideshow.
I can still play because my brother's computer can handle it. He'll probably be glued to Black Ops on the PS3 when it comes out anyways.

There is only 1 scenario and 1 server.

Forum Name    Name.Origin   Rank          Kingdom

Gallery / "fix the red key it's upside down"
« on: October 29, 2010, 12:51:05 AM »
Lord Tony thinks the red key is upside down. I disagree, along with a few others. :)

Gallery / Apparently a Pikachu.
« on: September 27, 2010, 12:05:14 AM »
I built a random crappy thing, and some dude said he was riding a pikachu. I look over to see him on it.

Drama / JamestheLeet
« on: September 04, 2010, 04:36:56 PM »
He is a cigarette:(

Seriously. Stop making these gay ass links.

They're annoying.

Very simple.
1-10 instead of 1-6 rolls.

If you have a ball:
-Throwing only (1 roll)
1-2 = auto miss everyone
3-9 = directed at target
10 = stray and direct at random target
-Throwing and dodging (2 rolls)
Roll 1:
1-4 = auto miss everyone
5-10 = directed at target
Roll 2:
1-4 = Get hit
5-10 = Dodge
-Blocking (1 roll)
1-3 = Get hit
4-9 = Block
10 = deflect at random target
-Dodging (1-2 rolls)
Roll 1:
1-3 = Get hit
4 = Dodge, but fall, drop ball, do second roll
5-10 = Dodge successfully
Roll 2:
1-5 = Random member of own team obtains ball.
6-10 = Random member of opposite team obtains ball.

If you do not have the ball:
-Dodging (1 roll)
1 = Get hit
2-10 = dodge
-Catching (1 roll)
1-6 = get hit/fumble
7-10 = catch ball, thrower is out

In all cases where a ball is thrown, a random member of the other team will get the ball.
You may only have one ball. You are not a cool kid. You are not a commando.
There is no standing in 'jail' to get back in, you're out for the game.
You do not get to choose a team.
Just pick an action. Don't wait for the other team.
If you are targeted by more than one person, you roll for each ball. If you are carrying a ball, and drop it on the first dodge, you dodge the second as if you don't have a ball.
When you are hit, you are out. Forever.
Feel free to join the waiting list again.

You have 3 days to register.
Game will start in 3 days, in which, new people are instead added to a waiting list.
Depending on the number of players, there will be a certain number of balls. Divided at random.


Off Topic / The Other Guys
« on: August 12, 2010, 09:59:51 PM »
Seen this on Tuesday.

If you've liked Will Farrel's other movies, you'll love this one.

I won't spoil any of it, I only suggest watching it.

General Discussion / IRC tip - Nickserv
« on: August 04, 2010, 02:43:09 PM »
Do this before people do it to you.

/nickserv register PASSWORD EMAIL
/nickserv set Enforce on
Custom username [Checked] [Your user] [Your password]

People who try to take your name will become a guest and will have to rejoin.

When you use another client, do /nickserv identify PASSWORD when you connect.

Off Topic / Does this post make any sense?
« on: August 01, 2010, 10:24:32 PM »
I have found this on another forum.
Please help.

Subject: Bow chica bow bow
Question:      Do you understand the things that inhabit your mind?
You may only select up to 8 options.
Of course.
You're on crack.
That may or not be true.
All of the above.
Just 4 and 5

I smile. Haha. Also kinda wanted to make a poll. For no reason. :O IF IT WAS RAINING. It would be damp outside. Crap. FOILED AGAIN. Nuh uh. Yess. Shhhh. No. AHHHHHHHHHH.

Insane trait STRIKES AGAIN!


You guys are grandly...fabulous. lIEK O_M_G?!111??!!!ONE11!/?!/ BACK SLASH.

No. Just no.

Walllleeetttt? I think not.

Holy cow. I don't understand why I feel like screaming. D: Someone save me? TEEHEE. *shifty eyes* I don't know who did that, but it was NOT me. I apologize.

Edit: *laughs* I'm fun-kneeee. XD

Drama / Hur ur imporsinatur cuz ur ide!
« on: July 27, 2010, 12:20:32 PM »
Tired of people bitching about my 15k ID thinking I'm not Chrono.

My ID is 15335

Games / Grand Chase, Online Action RPG - Season 3
« on: July 07, 2010, 06:23:19 PM »
Grand Chase is a fun side-scrolling Action RPG.
By action, I mean you don't just double click a monster and hit number keys to use skills.
Think of it more like those arcade fighting games, mixed with some platforming and dungeons.
There's a total of 10 characters (another one coming soon), each with 4 classes. (with the exception of Mari who is just getting her 3rd class)
The extra classes do take awhile to unlock (unless you're lazy and willing to spend money), which gives you something to aim for.
Wanna see videos and pictures and stuff? That's what Google and Youtube is for.

Some clarifications.
-Yes, you do only start with 3 female characters. There are 3 male characters that aren't hard to unlock at all. (But you will have to be about level 20+ to try) But why does that matter anyway? (Unless you're afraid that your richard will fall off if you play a female character)

-It may seem like you're just mashing Z throughout the game. That's because the beginning monsters are stupid. I would love to see you mash Z in Temple of Ascension and win, at any level.

-No, the game is not impossible without spending money. I've seen plenty of successful people, who do not use cash, make it far and play very well. However supporting the game and getting a few benefits never hurts anyone who actually works for a living. Spending $20-60 on a game will still allow you to put food on the table and pay bills.

-Grabs in PvP are annoying. Get used to it.

Season 3
For those who have quit long ago, season 3 is here and stuff. There's a forge and combos actually give bonus EXP. Monster cards can be put into rare items to enhance abilities. The quest system has been redone. (meaning there's actually quests beyond level 47, and they're not as annoying) Rare items can have properties (you can set your own with Epic forged items and most cash items) which can add things like critical rate, MP recovery (dungeon is from hitting monsters, pvp is the gradual increase), HP recovery (faster in PvP, max HP you recover to in dungeons), lower level requirement, and stats.
All dungeons in Bermesiah have been changed, along with most of the monsters. I want the old Treant back. :(

Blockland name
User: Grand Chase name
Levels: Elesis/Lire/Arme/Lass/Ryan/Ronan/Amy/Jin/Seighart/Mari

User: Shifta
Levels: 53/36/42/35/42/35/34/34/34/33

canto xe/Nightelf21
User: Nightelf21
Levels: Don't remember

Wing Zero
User: Auqos
Levels: 15/0/0/15/NA/30

User: CC3757
Levels: 16/6/7/NA/NA/16/

User: Kheyre
Levels: Dunno

User: Ottosparks
Levels: 0/5/30/??/??/17/??/3/??/2x

User: Chalize
Levels: 12/0/0

User: hi2323
Levels: 5/29/10/??/??/31

User: Doomonkey
Levels: Don't know

User: tikitai
Levels: Dunno

Server doesn't matter. Account carries over throughout all 3.
Gardosen is a tournament server. Don't go there unless you register for one.

the school girl gets raped by ROCKMAN
Mario gets raped by the future posts
inb4 more rape

Off Topic / 2012 ARE NOT REEL
« on: June 13, 2010, 04:19:57 PM »
The year 2012 does exist actually.
However, 2011 is actually not real which means if 2012 event does happen, then it's going to happen sooner.

Discuss this suddenly missing year.

Games / My seriously awesome game broke. :(
« on: June 04, 2010, 02:42:19 PM »
Serious Sam: the Second Encounter... It's in peices!

This seriously sucks. :(

General Discussion / ►►►Problems with V15? Read here!
« on: May 26, 2010, 04:38:27 PM »
Problems when I join a server in Bedroom! (Screen all messed up)
This isn't only when you join through the website.
You need to turn off the setting: Automatic Draw Distance Adjustment in advanced options.

My ghost brick disappeared!
This happens when you leave a server that has at least 1 brick planted, or through other unknown causes. (Some say when you alt-tab for awhile)
You need to restart Blockland to fix this.
If you don't want to restart, your ghost brick is still visible at certain angles.

I fall through my water bricks!
This happens when they are made through loading. Replanting them fixes this problem.

I may update as other problems arise, or lock if Badspot or a moderator makes their own topic.
No this isn't the place to post how you can't host.

Drama / Teh Kitteh
« on: May 25, 2010, 08:57:59 AM »
List of issues:

-ID Discrimination.
-Thinks every freebuild has to be the exact same.
-Complete ignorance to my capibilites even when I offer to prove them.
More but I don't feel like remembering. I didn't get much sleep.

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