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Topics - Valen

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Off Topic / United States Government Shut Down_What is going on D:
« on: April 06, 2011, 06:24:19 PM »
What is going on here :C

my dad is in the military D:  I think it is time to move to a different country. Anyone I can bunk with?

General Discussion / 9001 topics_also I am getting back into Blockland
« on: April 01, 2011, 11:43:19 PM »
After a long time of inactivity I am now ready to begin playing this awesome game :D

Off Topic / OH GOD JESUS_Guy from my school trying to save my Soul
« on: March 29, 2011, 10:46:58 PM »
Okay this guy from my school chatted me up on Facebook and was trying to save my soul.

The chat is laced with grammatical and spelling errors but it's pretty fun to read.

what up man

Hey dude

im takin a survey u mind answerin a couple questions?

sure ?

ha if you died right now, do u believe you would be in Heaven or hell? and why?

Is there a third option?

nope, when u die those are the only 2 places and everyone is goin somewhere, where do u think u goin and why?

Well if those places exist I would say heaven
because I'm a pretty nice person in general

oh well GOD has sent us a standard of whats good and not good, we'll see how your doin, aight?
u ever lied?


what does that make you?


true but it also makes you a liar,
u ever stolen anything?


could be somethin little like a pencil?


think really hard, it couldve been in kindergarden stealin some animal crackers haha

Well I can't remember that far back xD if God is counting that against me that is kind of cruel of him

well that is takin somethin that aint yours. and no hes everything but cruel, he sent his son to die on the cross so that maybe on day u would be in heaven
so u ever looked at a girl and been like "dang she looks good?"

Only all the time

ok thats 3 commandments right there and theres 10 total. u have to keep every single one of them for all your life to be considered good. if u break ONE your not good
good enough to go to Heaven*

But if I believe in this Jesus guy I became saved?

alright this is what it takes- You have to Pray and repent of your sins (repent-turn away from them) and give your life to him, and ask him to come into your heart and live a life striving to be like him

So God created heaven and hell and is saying that if I don't obey him he will damn me to this Hell place?

he's givin you an option.. Heaven or Hell. Eternal life with him in Heaven or Eternal life with satan in Hell, and Hell is un-imaginable. 3000 times hotter than the sun

I see

I want you to look up a video, its called "carry my cross" by third day and click on the first one


it shows what Jesus (GOD's perfect son) did for you and me, so that one day if we accepted him into our hearts and repented of our sins and strived to live like him, we would be in heaven
GOD sent this son to die on the cross for the whole worlds sins.
for a more graphic video look at the suggestions on the right side of the page and click the second one down

I've seen some worse stuff :C

the point is, GOD sent him to live a perfect life and to be beaten like that. so that if we accept the fact that he died for our sins and ask for repentance, and accept him into our hearts, we will be in heaven
and live a life strivin to be like him

but God also put the people who beat him on Earth so he set him up to be beaten o:

Its all part of his plan, he sent his one and only son to die on the cross for us. everything falls into place, GOD knows what were gonna do, but he doesnt make us do it, the Purpose of Jesus's existence was to die for us, and rise from the dead 3 days later and defeat death

I see

so if u were to die right now would u be guilty or not guilty at judgement

I wouldn't be guilty

why u say that?

Would you mind watching this video?
it's almost 5 minutes long
but Full of good points

he is a fool, GOD put adam and eve in the Garden of Eden and lucifer (AKA the devil is what he becomes later) was in Heaven but Lucifer had a thought , he thought "hmm i could run this whole thing better than GOD" and as he thought that he was immediately struck down to earth where he tempted eve to eat of the fruit. and she did (part or GODS plan) and notice this guy has NOO evidence that GOD doesnt exists, he just has points that are gonna land him in hell, WE who believe have his word for proof

He never claims to have evidence in any of his videos.

there is no evidence against GOD which is why hes a fool

So God planned for all of humanity to suffer and be in perfect?

GOD created everyone and gave them a choice
to follow him and live forever in Heaven
or to do it your own way and live forever in Hell

There is no evidence that God does or doesn't exist so that would mean everyone is a fool

read the word my brotha it is GOD's word sent from him to us

There still isn't any proof though D:

in the bible read Genesis.. it says "in the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth"


why do u not believe his word?

this is a book written by humans o:
There may or may not be a God

2nd timothy 3:16 "all word is given by inspiration of God"

There isn't any way to know for sure unless God comes and shows himself to all humans

and think of the millions of people who read the bible daily and think about how many of them are of a different religion or atheist, they only read the bible to try and prove it wrong. but dont you think that out of all those people that read it, wouldnt they be able to find faults all over the place if it were written by humans??
there is a way we know there is a GOD, when Christians accept him into their heart, u feel a change and it feels like a void is filled and you feel cleansed.. and thats how u know hes there

It was written by humans and translated to English by humans

But GOD told his disciples what to write, it was inspired by him

But since the bible reads that all of its word was inspired by God and we know it was written by humans who could have just wrote that all of the bibles words are inspired by God. It sort of makes a paradox of never knowing if it really is inspired by God.

well the bible has certain predictions in it that GOD already knows are gonna happen, so how could imperfect man know and make predictions on whats gonna happen thousands of years later?
GOD says he will come back for the rapture, and these are the signs, One world government (close to it in some areas), there will be wars and rumors of wars
and many other predictions

I could predict thousands of things and write them all down. Then when the things I predicted actually come true I could erase all the things that don't come true

All of GODs predictions he has in the bible have come true, the Bible was written thousands of years ago, it hasnt changed..

It has been changed and translated thousands of times

translated into different languages. and not changed. Condensed. so that we imperfect humans could understand what its even sayin

Lots of things can go wrong in a translation. Condensing is also changing it from it's original form. Try keeping up with a book for thousands of years

condensing is known to be summarizing down so that were not confused on how to live for him, but let me ask you a question, how do u believe we were made?

Well since the Universe is infinite there happens to be Earth which has conditions where an existence such as ours may exist. And as of now there is no way for any human on Earth to know where we originated from exactly

well let me leave you on this.
hold on a sec


if i die GOD and doesnt exist then i lived a good life and im dead. BUT if you die and GOD does exist you go to hell. you wanna run that risk?
and goes b4 GOD*
on the first sent

Any God who would chain down people with good intentions that lived a good honest life and just because they believe in a different Religion or non at all. and damn them to Hell isnt the sort of God I want to believe in o:

its not like he didnt give them proof.. his holy word. and thats what Christians are for to spread the word and talk to  people that dont believe in GOD. You make the choice, he gave you the brain to do it, theres 2 destinations Heaven of Hell.. take your pick. But sittin there poutin about how he sends thousands or "innocent people" to hell everday isnt gonna help you or the other people that need him in their lives, If the people of todays society wasnt so fed up with themselves, maybe they would open his word and actually equip it into their life


i gotta go im prayin for you

Maybe this is all a dream o:
We can't actually prove that we aren't in some kind of Matrix type situation either xD

Read the word brotha

Have a good night
May his Noodly Appendage touch you

what does that mean?
have a good night

It's a joke from the Church of the Flying Sphaggeti monster

oh believe what u want man, im just sayin its gonna be a sad day on judgement day if you dont know him


I'm too lazy to highlight who is who.

Games / NEStalgia_Old Meets New_
« on: March 23, 2011, 06:52:39 PM »

NEStalgia is an original MORPG inspired by the glory days of traditional console RPGs. Essentially "Dragon Warrior 3 meets World of Warcraft", NEStalgia is an amalgam of the best generations of RPG gaming.
Wage classic turn based battles using a multiplayer party system, and enjoy modern trappings such as a full-featured quest system and hordes of epic loot to find. We even have a WoW-style Auction House for item trading

I am playing on the "Reddit" server with some friends so come join our party :D

I am a Wizard named VaLeN

Off Topic / I think we should all buy MORPH SUITS
« on: March 18, 2011, 10:12:00 PM »

Off Topic / Turn your chest into an ant face____HOW TO GUIDE
« on: March 16, 2011, 10:40:07 PM »
An easy guide on how to turn a chest into a simple ants face.

Step1 Remove ones shirt, this is essential into turning a chest into an ant

Step2 Acquire nipples

Step3 Adhere ones hands to ones chest slightly above belly button and approximatively 3-5 inches apart

Step4 You have now turned the chest into an ants face

Step5 Add aesthetic properties to the ant face if wanted

Step6 Show your grandma and impress your friends

Alright I was in the bathroom and suddenly realized you can make your chest look like an ants face.

where I am grabbing=pincers

Games / VIODESTRUCTO's_minecraft-server____PVP TIME
« on: March 14, 2011, 08:10:05 PM »

LIVE MAP click below

Basic Commands

Home Mod
::/home                  - Teleports you to your home         
::/home set               - Sets your home
::/home (username)            - Teleports you to specified user
::/home invite (username)            - Invites people over to your home

Lock Chest Protection Mod
::/lwc                  - Lock Chest Menu                  
::/lwc c (Public;Private;Password)      - Locks your chest with a specific locking ability.
                     - Public enables the public to have access to your chest.  
                     - Private enables you and users who you allow to access your chest.
                     - Password allows anyone to get inside the chest if they know the password

::/lwc m (Public;Private;Password)      - Command to modify an existing chest.
                     - Using the command /lwc m private (username) allows the user who username is put within (username) to use that chest with you.

Movecraft Mod
::/movecraft               - Movecraft Menu
::/movecraft types            - List the types of crafts available
::/movecraft list            - List the current player controlled craft
::/(Craft Type)               - Commands specific to the craft type

::/mcmmo               - mcMMO Menu
::/mcc                  - List all mcMMO Commands

::/stats               - Shows your current stats

::/party (party name)            - Create/join designated party
::/party q                - Leaves current party
::/p                  - Toggles Party Chat
::/invite (username)            - Invites user to your party
::/accept               - Accepts party invite
::/ptp (username)            - Teleports to specific party member

::/myspawn               - Teleports you to your spawn
::/clearmyspawn               - Clears your last spawn
::/setmyspawn               - Sets your spawn

Off Topic / Human replicas UPLOADS a_very_nice_read
« on: March 11, 2011, 05:39:35 PM »
What if we someday learn how to model small brain units, and so can "upload" ourselves into new computer brains? What if this happens before we learn how to make human-level artificial intelligences? The result could be a sharp transition to an upload-dominated world, with many dramatic consequences. In particular, fast and cheap replication may once again make Darwinian evolution of human values a powerful force in human history. With evolved values, most uploads would value life even when life is hard or short, uploads would reproduce quickly, and wages would fall. But total wealth should rise, so we could all do better by accepting uploads, or at worse taxing them, rather than trying to delay or segregate them.

I have enjoyed reading this.

Off Topic / My_13_year_old_brother_is_hilarious_FLCL
« on: March 07, 2011, 04:54:22 PM »
I came home and told my brother that I touched boobies today. He responded by yelling "FOOLY COOLY" and made groping motions with his hands. I laughed my ass off :D

if you havn't seen FLCL I recommend it to you. here is a trailer

here is the scene he was quoting

Games / Cavern's of Ooo a minecraft server
« on: March 01, 2011, 11:11:58 PM »
  • Caverns-the whole world is underground
  • features two worlds. one world is underground and one world is a normal world.
  • bukkit mod
  • plugins-my home, spawn, many others

Screen shots

I will be posting a command list in the near future.

Off Topic / OFF THE ROLL scotch tape contest_My uncle entered!
« on: February 19, 2011, 12:25:40 PM »
So you make a sculpture out of scotch tape.

Here is my uncles entry. If you like it vote for him :D

Forum Games / BabyScruf and Detective Amia_ pitch a story idea.
« on: February 09, 2011, 07:45:33 PM »
I have been persuaded to let you guys make up a story for these two characters. I'm trying to have some fun with this and I'm doing it all frame by frame animation.

So what should happen to BabyScruf (on the left) and Detective Amia (on the right)

Off Topic / Valen's_Live_Stream
« on: January 21, 2011, 10:21:43 PM »
I'll be doing my internet stuff.


But circumcision is okay.. wat?

I know there is a difference but still.

I have never understood why circumcision is a common practice in North America today (though I’m a woman; what do I know?) From what I gather, apart from religious reasons or making the snake look “prettier” there really doesn’t seem to be ANY good reason for it.

My husband and I decided to not circumcise our son, and for a good reason! There are a lot of myths about the benefits of circumcision and there are a lot of health risks involved in the procedure. Topping our list of why we said “no” to circumcision is:

If you’re born with it, it’s meant to be there
The foreskin on a snake isn’t some sort of optional part that was put there for fun – it actually has an important function! Babies need foreskin to protect the “glans” (the part of the snake that is in the foreskin) from bacteria and infections – like the kind of infections that can be caused by a diaper full of pee and poop.

It hurts your baby
Don’t be fooled; those who tell you your baby will not remember the pain you made him suffer through or isn’t old enough to even know what pain is are pleading ignorance. How would you like to be strapped to a board and have a chunk of skin lobbed off with a tool similar to a cigar cutter? The anesthetic used to numb the area is unsafe for your baby. Because of this, it is given in a reduced quantity (so it isn’t really doing a fantastic job when numbing) and it wears off rather quickly. Let’s see… open wound rubbing on a diaper 24 hours a day. Doesn’t sound very pleasant to me.

No one approves of circumcision
It’s true: no medical institution in the world thinks that circumcision is a good idea. Babies actually can die during the process (about 18 out of 100,000)

You are taking away your son’s rights
Your son didn’t ask for you to remove a vital part of his body. Parents make the decision to put their child through this unnecessary pain without even consulting the patient. If my son wants to circumcise himself when he’s old enough, then that’s his choice; not mine.

It’s a traumatic event
I was surprised to find out that circumcision can affect breastfeeding, sleep, and even maternal bonding. Studies have also indicated that men who are circumcised have a lower pain threshold and suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms.

Circumcision is SO passé
As we move further and further away from the 1970s, the circumcision rates continue to move on a steady decline. Even those of the Jewish faith are performing circumcision alternatives so that their child is not actually cut (referred to as the “Brit Shalom”).

Circumcision is a big business
Did you know that every single State could save up to $1 million a year if they did not fund these unnecessary circumcisions? Several States and insurance companies have ceased funding this practice.

What about urinary tract infections (UTIs)?
There are some unfounded rumors out there stating that uncircumcised boys suffer from UTIs, but that simply is not true. If your son does happen to have a UTI, antibiotics, breastfeeding and proper cleaning work wonders for curing and preventing it.

It’s not a cancer preventative
Out of all men who suffer from a penile cancer, those with an uncircumcised snake only showed a 0.2% increased risk. Circumcision is not the answer for treating genital cancers, though not smoking and having protected love is.

It won’t necessarily reduce the risk of AIDS
Yes, there have been studies performed in Africa which correlate circumcision with the reduced contraction of AIDS. However, these studies have not yielded the same results in the United States. Safe love and cleanliness are more effective measures in keeping yourself free from loveual transmitted diseases.

It IS easy to clean
The foreskin is there naturally and has a self-cleaning “mechanism”, much like a female’s vagina does. You should not retract the skin (especially infants and children) until it is easily retractable. All children need is a good warm bath to keep it clean

Father knows best?
This is one of the most ridiculous arguments I’ve heard – “I needed to circumcise my son so he looks like his father!” Right. And should mom grow a snake so that she looks like her son too? Take this as an opportunity to explain how everyone’s body is different, unique and beautiful.

Games / Minecraft's_Hardcore_mode_extreme_edition_Challenge
« on: January 15, 2011, 07:51:32 PM »

abide by them or get cancer

  • hard mode
  • once dead delete save
  • everyday take a screenshot or two of the days achievements
  • person who lasts the most days is a winner
  • keep render distance on tiny
  • no mods
  • remember to post screenshots

This is for fun and a good competitive sport among crafters so have a merry time.

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