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Topics - Snaked_Snake

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Suggestions & Requests / Prop Set
« on: February 06, 2016, 04:22:32 AM »
I'd like to know where to get a certain prop set, cannon has it in his server and it has things like bs3, tv's, computers, street lamps and all that.

I got more, It's called "Home-Made" under the Special section.

It contains: Washing, Wardrobe, Vender, Vacuum, Unitsink, Unitcorner, Unit2, Unit, TeleVision, Table, Streetlights, Streetlight, Smart_TV, Satellite Dish, Safe, Pooltable, Phone, PCTX1, Oven, OfficeChair, Microwave, Mic, Light, laptop, Fridge, Grabber, FlatTV, Cabinet, DigitalAlarmClock, Controller, CashRegister, Candy, BS3, box1, board, Bell, BeerBox, Beer, Beer2, BedLamp, BedCover, 6screens, Pillow and finally a 2x2 Lamp.

Suggestions & Requests / Game Dev Tycoon Server
« on: January 10, 2016, 05:33:42 AM »
What if someone made a GDT server on blockland? I think it would be pretty good, like, a few edits and you can pair with other people to make games.

I might try and get this to work (But it most likely won't.)

If you have any ideas on what could be done, just post.

Off Topic / Does anyone know a race name that rhymes with natural?
« on: November 16, 2015, 02:06:49 PM »
A weird question, I know, but my friend knew this kind of song that went something like "No need to worry if you're Caucasian or asian" and I can't remember the rest, if someone knows the rest or a race type of humans that rhymes with natural please tell me.

Off Topic / I am back from my school trip
« on: October 23, 2015, 09:34:46 AM »
So On Wednesday I went to school and had to stay because I went to thorpe park the next day, which takes 3 hours to get to, and we want enough time to go on the rides we want, and I had to stay another day because we get back so late, it also takes an hour to get from my school to my home, so, I had a fun time, I will post what rides I went on.

Forum Games / Base Wars (Third Vote)
« on: October 14, 2015, 02:13:39 PM »
Welcome to Base Wars, this is going to have some aspects from MGS5, you'll have a base and you will go on your missions (With your soldiers if you want) and take over as many countries as possible, I have a map ready with a few islands you can start on, the map will be shown later, but first, we need a phew votes.

First vote: Have everyone playing as one, or have 8 players separate? All For One

Second vote: Should certain parts of the map be hidden?

Third vote: Should I make drawings of the outposts and everything?

Fourth vote: What should the game be called? (NOTE: People will get to add a name they think suits the game, unless it isn't appropriate for it.)

Fifth vote: Should the players only be able to attack places near them?

(NOTE: More info will be given out once the poll has ended)
(NOTE 2: This is based on my MERP I'm making, I guess you could say I'm advertising, but I just want more people to know about what I am doing, so I spread it out to the forums.)

Off Topic / What Wii U games should I get?
« on: October 11, 2015, 04:22:22 PM »
Alright, now NGC games are out of the way, I want to know what Wii U games you think I should get for Christmas.

Already getting:

Super Mario Maker
Nintendo Land
Zombiu (Possibly)
Mario Kart 8
Super Mario 3D Land (Possibly)
New Super Mario Bros Wii
Super Smash Bros
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker (Most likely)

Not interested in:
Legend of Zelda games, any of them

Thinking about it:
Pikmin 3
Xenoblade chronicles X
Yoshi's woolly world

Suggestions & Requests / TS Weapon Pack
« on: September 23, 2015, 03:00:28 PM »
I don't know what this stands for, maybe Tactical Something?

It is split up into category's, AR (Assault Rifle) MP (Machine Pistol, which it only has one of) And a phew others, like sniper rifles.

I'd like to know if this weapon pack is still public, and if it is, a link would be nice.

Off Topic / Suggest me good Gamecube games
« on: September 03, 2015, 03:17:35 PM »
I want gamecube games that are fun to play, arent too gory or loveual, and not super mario sunshine, double dash, luigi's mansion, animal crossing  or mario party.

I'm planning to get those five games, but I'm wondering if there's any other good games.

I'm not interested in metroid and I already have the timesplitters games for ps2.

So forums, any good gamecube games?

Forum Games / The Adventures of Bob
« on: September 02, 2015, 03:27:31 PM »
This is Bob, he is a stickman, he is going on a sneaking mission for the G.P.P, who want you to get the secret documents from the H.S.C, first, choose your gear, you may have a primary weapon, secondary weapon, a melee and another random thing (eg Grenades, bottles, etc...)

Primary weapons:

Minigun (Holds 50 Rounds)

Silenced M69 (Holds 69 Rounds)

Silenced M14 Scoped (Holds 30 Rounds)

Spas-12 (Holds 8 Rounds)

Secondary Weapons:

Skorpion (Holds 20 Rounds)

Silenced M1911 (Holds 7 Rounds)

Tranquillizer Gun (Holds 8 Rounds)

ELP-350 (Holds 10 Rounds)


Combat Knife

Kitchen Knife

Stanley Knife

Samurai Sword

Baseball Bat

Cricket Bat

Bare hands


Power Fist



Explosive Grenades (x2)

Semtex (x2)

Smoke Grenades (x2)

Flashbangs (x2)

C4 (x1)

Bottles (x5)

Dirt Armour (One Helmet, Two Gloves, two shoes, vest and kneepads)

Choose one of each, or just have one, or maybe none, it is your choice.

Help / No one can join my server
« on: September 02, 2015, 07:05:22 AM »
So one time I decided to build with my friend, but he said he couldnt join, so I invited another friend to try joining, he said he can't either, then I tried again with another friend, same result, but I asked him what my ping was, and he said the ping was ---
I honestly don't get this, since my friends have been able to join before AND I have port forwarded, anyone have any ideas what could have caused this problem?

Also, if you think it might be because of an add-on, then no, because at the time all I did was download sheepocalypse's weapon pack.

Me and my friend want them, it has 3 bricks in it, diagonal wooden board, straight wooden board and floor wooden board, if someone could link me to them, that'd be great.

Off Topic / Make your own party!
« on: August 26, 2015, 08:41:58 AM »

Present your creations, like this one:

I don't know why, but all of his servers are turquoise, every other server is orange or black, I don't know why

Also I can't take picture because steam just won't take pictures on blockland, and I asked my friend to look and he says he sees the normal black text, Does anyone have any idea what this is?

Off Topic / Somehow Hao123 got on my computer
« on: August 18, 2015, 05:46:44 AM »
I found a new thing on my computer today, it was called "Hao123" I asked my mum if she downloaded anything, she said she didn't click on anything, yet I have only downloaded steam games and blockland add-ons.

Also if you don't know what hao123 is, it is a browser hijacker that gives you a hao123 toolbar and sets the homepage to the hao123 homepage when installed, luckily I didn't install it and I then deleted it, but I still don't know how it got on my computer.

Does anyone know if it's possible for things to download on their own?

Forum Games / The Adventures of Bobby McforgetPropane
« on: July 28, 2015, 01:52:10 PM »
You work at McDonalds as a cashier, and your paycheck is $5 an hour, and you live in an apartment on the top floor, the balcony fell off and no one cares enough to fix it, because you're useless to everyone.

Your name is... Wait, what is your name again?

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