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Topics - Flatflyer

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5
Off Topic / Does anyone here have Gym Tests?
« on: May 08, 2014, 11:56:01 AM »
by gym tests I mean things like the Beep test (pretty sure you guys in the US have that)

I have to do one of these tests every Wednesday, and we have 2 different ones.
The Beep test and the 12 Minute run
The beep test you probably already know about and 12 minute run is pretty self-explanatory.

I get up to like 55 in the beep test and 27 laps in the 12 minute run.

how well do you do in the gym tests your school has, forums?

Off Topic / whooo wee, would ya look at that (5000 posts)
« on: May 03, 2014, 05:54:06 PM »
Well turns out I've shred apart 5000 parts of my life and gave the remains to the forums.
surprised I actually hit 5K posts before being on here 1 year
I never thought I would be this active here.

Next Milestone is 7500, then 10000 then idk

also cue this turning into a post count listing thread

Off Topic / Way to stream movies that aren't on youtube?
« on: April 30, 2014, 04:38:40 PM »
My friend asked me if there was a way to stream movies so me and another friend of his could watch it together online.
are there any sites or anything we can use that allows us to do this?
he says he heard about Skype being good for it but he doesn't want to buy premium for it.

Off Topic / Today is 4/20
« on: April 20, 2014, 07:37:14 AM »
Today is the day to blaze it

Discuss 4/20 stuff

Off Topic / I think my Geography teacher hates me
« on: April 17, 2014, 02:19:23 PM »

So every 2 weeks in my geography class we have this map quiz things where the teacher gives us a map and we have to name the parts on it
seems easy enough
except for the fact that fail you if you don't get 100%

so I manage to get to the 4th one we have without failing and its on rivers ad landform regions of Canada
The first time my teacher fails me for not putting "great" in the name of a lake in the middle of nowhere
so I got upset about it cause really I had everything else perfect but that one word cause me to fail

then I do it the 2nd time two weeks later and guess what? I get failed AGAIN because I didn't put a part of the name on one of these stupid landforms (apparently you have to include "great lakes" into the st. lawerence lowlands or something)
Now the problem here is the fact on the first one I wrote it the EXACT same way and they gave me the mark for it.
its just loving stupid.

Off Topic / Why is it still snowing
« on: April 15, 2014, 08:22:17 AM »
Its the middle of APRIL and we're still getting snow up in toronto.

what the forget, weather?

Off Topic / My Parents don't want to let me stay on when I want.
« on: April 10, 2014, 09:15:01 PM »
So my Parents have had this thing that automatically disables my internet at around 10:00 PM every night (11:00 on weekends) and they've had this since I was like 11 or 12.
so I decided to ask them if they could remove it cause I've gotten a lot older now.
but they just don't budge at all with it cause they think I "Play too much" and when I tell them that literally everyone else I know plays as much as I do and are allowed to stay up as long as they want they say they just have bad parents.

Honestly it just pisses me off that they won't even do it just for one week to see if it affects my grades or not (and really it shouldn't).

Off Topic / Happy Birthday Bloukface and Brickitect!
« on: April 10, 2014, 08:12:37 AM »
Hope both of you guys have a great birthday!

Off Topic / New day, new slaughter of the lambs (aka chainban city)
« on: April 07, 2014, 11:46:43 AM »



discuss this new killstreak that badspot has acquired

Off Topic / Today is Autism Awareness day
« on: April 02, 2014, 08:46:36 AM »
Its your special day, Forums!

/discuss autism related things

General Discussion / V22 Changelogs leaked!
« on: April 01, 2014, 08:45:15 AM »
Hey guys I was poking around in the BL files and found a secret hidden changelog for V22
It said this:

-Fixed Vehicle Physics
-Added new Character customization options
-Tier Tactical weapons are now default
-Added server Favourites list
-Added in-game chat lobby system

so far the update looks amazing!

BTW, Happy April fools

Games / Steam's been eating stuff a lot today
« on: March 13, 2014, 03:08:40 PM »
Steams gone down like 2 times in the past 3 hours.
what the forget is going on?
It doesn't usually go down this much.

Off Topic / 2500 Posts Milestone has been hit.
« on: March 10, 2014, 08:54:36 PM »
welp, I'm one fourth of the way to 10K posts.
each one has been getting more bird obsessed than the last.
discuss post counts and your milestones.

Off Topic / does anyone else here have March break?
« on: March 06, 2014, 12:12:51 PM »
Todays the last day before it for me and I'm so excited for it.

if you guys do have it what are you planning on doing?

Off Topic / How to get Livestreaming to work well in canada?
« on: March 02, 2014, 05:20:19 PM »
Hey guys, I was thinking about doing some video game livestreams but when I was trying to set it up the connection it gave me was in the US somewhere and the quality of the stream was horrible and it had a huge delay.
do any of you guys know how I can Livestream from Canada without sucky quality?

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