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Topics - Ladios

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Clan Discussion / 20 rules for blockland clans (feel free to add more)
« on: September 09, 2007, 01:30:58 PM »
  • 1. Don't steal clan acronyms.
  • 2. Actually give info about the clan in the clan's topic.
  • 3. Don't start a clan if you are the only person willing to join it.
  • 4. Don't start a clan if you have been playing blockland for less than a month.
  • 5. Dont put people into your clan without consulting them (in other words don't jsut randomly add facechild to your member list)
  • 6. Do not name your clan anything to do with cookies or cookie monster and spam cookies/cookie monsters
  • 8. Do not make your clan spontainiously (unless your an experianced member)
  • 9. We already have 3 ninja clans that want you to join them. DO NOT MAKE ANOTHER
  • 10. no halo
  • 11. If your clan does not have a dedicated server, do not spam people asking for one
  • 12. If you have been playing for more than a month, but still no one knows about you, do not make a clan
  • 13. Clan wars are teh suck
  • 14. Do not make anti-clans (in other words, jsut because ussr banned you for spamming doesnt mean you start an NATO clan)
  • 15. make your clans original, building clans can be good but they get boring.
  • 16. Do no make a clan, close it, make another, close that, and make another, all within a ten minute period
  • 17. Meme themed clans never last
  • 18. Spend more than 10 second writing your clan topic post.
  • 19. Badspot left the clan discussion as one fo the few places one can still edit, USE THIS AND DONT SPAM CLANS
  • 20. "im neu 2 dis gaym" is not an excuse for a clan being bad.

General Discussion / I still ahvent seen any good spaceships yet
« on: September 06, 2007, 10:30:17 PM »
must i build it myself?...
guess so...
anyways this topic is a vent topic of the unoriginality as of late from the blockland community

Forum Games / Reconstuct
« on: September 03, 2007, 06:57:04 PM »
recreate your fist ever blockland builds if you remembe what they werer and post pics here

Gallery / Ladios's Image Collection [17 images]
« on: August 30, 2007, 12:16:19 AM »
behold the most random and fun collection of random and fun stuff?

lol bewm

tumbly car

um... this is possible how?

collage of screwing with super sun, in dark bedroom, while falling through bed on skis, in DOF

google earth meets the slopes

attack of the B.O.B.s

...bmp2script doesnt work that well

i bring you greetings from another world (this was used by having my laptop and desktop)

hobo snot says shoop

hall of mirrors + DOF = screwy

um...pokemons i am thinking

truely epic...

why is he goign so fast?...


zombies+lazorz+grim finding a funny glitch

zombies+lazorz+grim finding a funny glitch+some noob attracting all the zombies, and grim, to me


thought i had more... ah well... i also have some funny fail DOFs btu ill save those for another day
and yes i realise most or all of these arnt that funny

Suggestions & Requests / Duplicator
« on: August 27, 2007, 07:10:57 PM »
this is way above my level, but im pretty sure this is possible
what it is is you get this wand or some tool like that and you hit a brick. this then lets you ghost a group of bricks based on what bricks were connected or reliant on the selected brick. now i know this sounds a bit weird but ill try to scenarioize it for ya
you are making a city, and decide to make a water tower. the water tower took a long time to make and you didnt think of macroing it, yet another area would be good if it had a water tower as well. fortunatly you have your duplicator to. you merely go over to the basep[lace the water tower was built on, hit it, and then you can ghost the entire water tower and the baseplate

Modification Help / Spread cuases player knockback
« on: August 19, 2007, 06:00:09 PM »
spreads code
Code: [Select]
function autolaserImage::onFire(%this,%obj,%slot)
%obj.playThread(2, none);

%projectile = %this.projectile;
%spread = 0.0025;
%shellcount = 1;

for(%shell=0; %shell<%shellcount; %shell++)
%vector = %obj.getMuzzleVector(%slot);
%objectVelocity = %obj.getVelocity();
%vector1 = VectorScale(%vector, %projectile.muzzleVelocity);
%vector2 = VectorScale(%objectVelocity, %projectile.velInheritFactor);
%velocity = VectorAdd(%vector1,%vector2);
%x = (getRandom() - 0.5) * 10 * 3.1415926 * %spread;
%y = (getRandom() - 0.5) * 10 * 3.1415926 * %spread;
%z = (getRandom() - 0.5) * 10 * 3.1415926 * %spread;
%mat = MatrixCreateFromEuler(%x @ " " @ %y @ " " @ %z);
%velocity = MatrixMulVector(%mat, %velocity);

%p = new (%this.projectileType)()
dataBlock = %projectile;
initialVelocity = %velocity;
initialPosition = %obj.getMuzzlePoint(%slot);
sourceObject = %obj;
sourceSlot = %slot;
client = %obj.client;
return %p;
i know its somethign in there that causes knockback, but what do i change so there is none anymroe, cause its having very glitchy effects
IE effectivly turning my auto laser into a jetpack
and instead of someone jsut posting the fix, please, as i want to learn more, explain why you made the change and what it does in more detail please
i wanna learn stuffs

General Discussion / Zombie Mod is Out
« on: August 17, 2007, 10:04:11 PM »
this topic is for all the zxombieness of zombiemod
onlly without the technical stuff theat the downlaod topic is with

Modification Help / Laser Weapon Set
« on: August 17, 2007, 02:54:14 PM »
ok so i made some laser weapons and have 5 different color lasers for 5 different type of guns
but i cant seem to think what type of weapon catagory i ahvent covered for the 6th
sence there will be six colors total i want to find some other weapon catagory
oh btw
my milkshape expired so right now im using the pistol model for each of them so when i release the beta once i get the 5th and 6th done, dont yell at me about it because as soon as i get enough money for milkshape ill make models for them

Modification Help / BLCS
« on: August 14, 2007, 01:16:26 AM »
needs to be attempted and i guess im gonna have to be the one to attempt/fail at making it
but atleast needs to be attempted
what makes this wantable though is the fact that players
ideal features:

-buildable course where players make their own CSS style map
i know how this could be done as well and will explain

=i plan that this will use new special bricks called goal bricks
they may be used as hostage rescue areas or bomb planting areas and will probably be flat bricks in several sizes includign 4x4, 8x8, 16x16 and others possibly
==the goal bricks will spawn triggers above them that will be abel to be changed with wrench

=the T and CT spawns will just be the team spawn sorta thing

=the mod will include three modes:
==Join Match mode where you play on other servers
==Build Match mode where you construct levels and such
==Run Match mode where you host the server to play on

-two game styles
both may be won by merely killing all opponents
==the Counter terrorists defuse the bomb that the terrorists place or prevent it from being placed until time runs out
==the terroists plant the bomb

==(how it is done:
the player building the course will make the ct spawn area and t spawn area
they then select a goal brick that will be the area the bomb has to be planted in
multiple areas possible)

=hostage rescue:
==the counter terrorists rescue hostages
==the terrorists try to keep hostages from being rescued until time runs out

==(how it is done:
the player buildign the course will set hostage spawn, the hostages follow CTs when told[maybe tool you hit them with or something] the player then uses a goal brick as the hostage rescue point)

-playing matches/ weapons
=one thing i wish to get is the weapon buying system
==the player when spawned and the match is in start hold mode, a menu appears similar to the brick menu where players select items to go in their inventory

-playing matches/ teams
=player gets to choose which team to go into when they join unless the teams are too lopsided, preferabbly another gui thing
==there is also team chat, and normal chat, and dead chat,

-playing matches/ gameplay
=you run, shoot, that sorta thing and try to carry out tasks
==the match actually runs in thsi manner:
(everyone starts and is given ten seconds to choose weps
gameplay begins and runs until the goal is carried out/time is up, or all players from one team are eliminated
a player is allowed to use team, or normal chat until they die in which they may jsut use dead chat
when a player dies they do not respawn until the next match, they may ghost however[but preferably i would like to find a way to limit ghost range to a radius about their place of death]
their body also should stay on the ground until the next match)
==+ also when a person dies, the wep they were using is dropped but goes away wehn next match starts

-more bricks and guns and decals
= self explanatory really but i dont want to deal with this until im sure this wont completely fail

so i know im gonna get flamed for thsi but again i feel as it msut be atleast attempted

im looking for good coders and ESPECIALLY gui dudes
i hate mucking aroudn with the consol, even during the dev phase
i do NOT need mappers
and you may offer to model weps but be warned that i dont want you to bug me about it every bloody day about what wep i want and how i want it because really i doubt this will make it to the point in which it really matters at all what weps there are

to sum it all up for those who would go TLDR:
looking for coders and GUI guys to help make a blockland css ripoff

Suggestions & Requests / koden songs please
« on: August 14, 2007, 12:11:38 AM »
for blokcland
koden pwns in teh muzak

Help / How to run Blockland V8 on Vista Easily
« on: August 10, 2007, 06:50:11 PM »
Ok so V8 has been giving vista users issues.
Follow these steps and you'll be able to extract add-ons and play Blockland with out any hassle:

1. Open blockland folder and right-click on blockland
   -Select Properties
   -A menue will pop up and select security at the top
2. Select Edit
   -Remove the Group or Username Everyone, If there is a Group or Username as a bunch of random letters and/or numbers, remove that to
   -For the Remaining names select one and give it Full Control in the Permissions for ___ box (the ___ being the name you selected)
   -Repeat for the other names then select apply
3. Repeat these steps for the addons and base folders and Main.cs

A side note: you will almost certianly have to all administrator use when editing.

General Discussion / Chideo City
« on: August 08, 2007, 12:44:03 AM »
most of you know about my chideo city project but for those of you who dont heres a breif summary fo the history of chideo:
one day i was bored and thought to my self "hey, wouldnt it be cool to make a city dm?"
so i started making skyscrapers, people helped me by adding things to go inside and makign their own buildings
eventually (7 buildings in and a month later due to lazyness) i got the idea to make a skyscraper macro, so i did
at the point chideo city was about 10 buildings big i decided to make the famous H building.
at this point i thought it would be nice to make the dm a bit more interactive and started making a path from the top of the "Blocko-Corp" building to lead to better weapons to be included in the dm
i stated breaking windows and making catwalks, then all of a sudden everything halted
i went off and did other random things mostly forgetting about chideo city until last month
sence then chideo has had a complete do-over and the Courrier tunnel constructed. recently anti assited in destroying the outer edge buildings and decreasing chideo to half the size it reached at the maximum point

now the obstical course is really turning into a sorta HL2 style dungeon movign thing, and now im considering releasign it as such;
an actual minigame to Blockland. It could turn out, with help of the zombie mod, to be an epic shooter as well
ill need to do some coding to do things such as checkpoints and various monster things for the outlands but in the end this will pay off and will turn out very unique

so now i ask of the blockland community to please tell me what you want in this. epic boss battles? mountian climbing? sky diving?
whatever you would like to see put in chideo city please post here

chideo so far: today was just another work day at the Blocko-Corp Tower until your co-worker fell over looking seriously ill when he rose from behind his cubical he lunged at you as if to kill you, you take a fire extinquisher from the wall (this will be your first weapon) and blast him away with try to run downstairs to tell someone what jsut happened but a mob of people with greenish decaying skin are crowding the lobby and streets. you rush to the roof to find a way to safety and notice unnaturally convenient placed scaffolding close by. after maneuvering around for a to get out of the city anyway you can, you realise that your only way out is through Courrier Tunnel and into the outlands. can you survive this epic journey to find safety? comming soon to a computer near you

Mapping Help / Slate edits give invalid packets
« on: August 07, 2007, 01:15:42 PM »
it seems whenever i make a slate edit (Slate Desert, Slate Dark) it givves and invalid packed to anyone who hasnt downloaded it off of the forums already
is there any reason for that?

General Discussion / zombie mod?
« on: August 04, 2007, 12:12:46 PM »
it seems that while i was gone last week and a half, stuff has been announced on zombie mod but i cant seem to find any info about this anywhere
what will the new zombie mod be like?
will you be able to have set zombie spawn and hostage/rescue points?
and will it still have that radio mod that is so awesome

Suggestions & Requests / The life aquatic blockland
« on: July 13, 2007, 03:39:41 PM »
if someone were to make a life aquatic with steve zissou, using blockland, would you watch it
i think it could have the real sounds/dialouge/music used then try to recreate the scenes in blockland. this would be quite a fun thing to do.. but would you watch it?

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