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Topics - c[_]

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5]
Help / Is there "Set brick owner" event?
« on: September 15, 2015, 02:13:48 PM »
Is there set brick owner event? If not can someone do it? <---- Ik it belongs to suggestions.

General Discussion / c[_]'s WildWest RP [Wip]
« on: September 14, 2015, 04:10:14 PM »

What is This?
Your in wildwest to do your own business what ever is it.
 You can choose from couple classes. You can build,mine,grow plants and so on
Make your own business and live your life in wildwest

c[_] 40725

1# No any sort of racism
2# Remember that this is WildWest RP
3# Ugly buildings or buildings that don't fit in to theme are going to be removed
4# Don't spam bricks chat or any kind of spammable things
5# Set your name as possible human name, not Mlg, Quickscoper as example
6# Don't make Chat messages about loveual Content.

Also you can use common sense with rules.

Host: c[_]
SA: Nicepoint

Map is still work in progress.
Also i need admins so check the admin applications.
I don't have 24/7 host so hosting is difficult and laggy.
I will maybe buy blocknet hosting in future.


Pictures coming soon!

Name: (Please use your exact in-game name here!)


Describe previous administration experience:

Please describe what you believe an admin's job is.

Why should we accept you?:

Help / working yes/no message box addon
« on: September 14, 2015, 07:00:17 AM »
I need it to my upcoming wild west rp. Also if you have pm addon send me link to that also. Thanks

Help / Is there working hide hud addon?
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:43:07 PM »
It should hide bottom and center prints and chat. Camerastuff dont work anymore.

Gallery / Fnaf1 Map|Default Bricks [More Pictures]
« on: July 13, 2015, 07:00:49 PM »


Made by:

Name: c[_] BL_ID: 40725
Name: TeeTee BL_ID: 45679

>>>> Under development! <<<<


More coming soon!


Coming soon!

Gallery / Blockland FNaF3 Map
« on: June 16, 2015, 04:14:21 PM »
c[_] BL_ID: 40725
TeeTee BL_ID: 45679


To get full functional map you need to download some addons and go outside the map and click two one by one bricks


What should we do next. If you have ideas reply below!

General Discussion / Do you want comeback?
« on: June 10, 2015, 04:10:41 PM »
So do you want a comeback just answering.

I modifyd it and made it more appropriate. No self-pity also.

Drama / Blueeyesjt1
« on: September 06, 2014, 10:34:05 AM »
When i joined the server i saw beatyhouse. And then i wanted to see it inside. I got hammered by one player thats okay but... When i come there again The admin (Blueeyesjt1) Was shooting with bazooka other players and shouting "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE". Then i said okay and went to build my own house few seconds later He killed me because i was at he's house then i said wow i think i found new badadmin and then you guess what. BOOM!

General Discussion / c[_]'s CityRPG
« on: September 01, 2014, 10:57:56 AM »
Now you if you want my server back vote yes. I'm trying to make better map and buildings.

General Discussion / I made forum to my servers.
« on: August 24, 2014, 04:27:54 AM »
Here is link to my forums. [url =http://ht tp://]ht tp://[/url][/font]

Go register and join fun.

User was banned for this post

General Discussion / c[_]'s Super Murder Mystery
« on: July 04, 2014, 02:50:16 PM »
Super Murder Mystery

I only maked this server for fun. I didn't explane how big its now!

Here is some Pictures.

Clan Discussion / RoPe CLAN
« on: March 09, 2014, 03:09:38 PM »
I make clan beacose i don't no  :cookieMonster:. Umm... If you don't have clan and you want to join my clan you can send me e-mail to Aaaand if you are good knifer!!!!

And RoPe CLAN website click

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