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Topics - Littledude

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Off Topic / Doctor Who season/series 6 part 2 trailer
« on: July 28, 2011, 01:23:48 PM »
Mind = Blown
You see river with the eye patch. RIVER IS THE EYE PATCH BITCH. Which means river was trying to kidnap herself and delivered her self. I don't have any idea of what to make of this stuff.
I'm excited, as this is possibly the most exciting season ever.

Games / New Doctor who teaser for the second half of the season
« on: July 28, 2011, 12:41:14 PM »
Mind = Blown
You see river with the eye patch. RIVER IS THE EYE PATCH BITCH. Which means river was trying to kidnap herself and delivered her self. I don't have any idea of what to make of this stuff.
I'm exciting, this is possibly the most exciting season ever.

Off Topic / Nudism
« on: July 24, 2011, 07:57:43 PM »
It's so nice to be nude. I'm nude right now. It's very comfortable to not have clothes weighing you down. I'm only nude in the house and when I'm home alone of course. I really wish it was socially acceptable for people to just walk around completely nude.

Discuss being nude.

Off Topic / Natural Harvest - A Collection of Semen-Based Recipes
« on: July 21, 2011, 02:16:17 PM »
So um, yeah... Someone made a cookbook full of recipes that um... use semen as an ingredient. That's right semen.
Semen is not only nutritious, but it also has a wonderful texture and amazing cooking properties. Like fine wine and cheeses, the taste of semen is complex and dynamic. Semen is inexpensive to produce and is commonly available in many, if not most, homes and restaurants. Despite all of these positive qualities, semen remains neglected as a food. This book hopes to change that. Once you overcome any initial hesitation, you will be surprised to learn how wonderful semen is in the kitchen. Semen is an exciting ingredient that can give every dish you make an interesting twist. If you are a passionate cook and are not afraid to experiment with new ingredients - you will love this cook book!

Quote from: Josh Stillhouse
"A gastronomic adventure with pig sperm"
After buying this book, I decided that I need way more semen than I could possibly produce myself, so I purchased some from Prairie State Semen. It's from one of their award-winning Chester pigs. His name is "Vendetta" - here's a picture of him: (you can see why I chose him).

Anyway, they sent me enough of his semen to create a couple of the recipes in this book. I made Lime Aoili and poured it over my pork chops (it's only fitting after all). It was edible, but not as good as I had hoped. However, the Tiramisu Surprise I had for dessert was absolutely divine! So rich and creamy.

Gallery / The Doctor is in! (TARDIS build)
« on: July 11, 2011, 08:57:27 PM »
I've built a TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space). I'd really like to improve and build a control room but would like some tips and opinions on how to make this better first. As you can see I used a portal cake decal as the sign on the door due to being to lazy to make a decal right now. Which I probably will make a whole Doctor Who themed decal pack. I've also used an equals sign in place of the "Public Call" part of the sign which I'll probably fix eventually. Anyway, what do you guys think?

Feel free to rate if you wish.

*Inspiration from Swholli*

Games / Majesty/Majesty: The Northern Expansion
« on: July 09, 2011, 12:29:28 PM »
My first RTS :).
I used to play this game all the time and just saw it on my shelf so I decided to install it.

Quote from:
Ever wonder what it would be like to sit on the throne of a growing fantasy kingdom? To enlist the aid of Wizards, Elves, Barbarians and other fantastic heroes in tackling epic fantasy's classic challenges? If so, Cyberlore® Studios and Hasbro Interactive™ have prepared for your ascension to power.

Majesty® is a unique sim putting you in the crushed velvet hotseat of your own kingdom. With an epic quest before you, you make the decisions of where to build your settlement's guilds and temples. From these you recruit a varied cast of larger-than-life heroes. Each one has a mind of his own and must be enticed to meet your goals, via rewards you offer and spells you cast. Meanwhile you must make sure that your treasury stays flush with cash to support these and other outlays necessary to maintain a thriving medieval town. The fact that you are being barraged by attacks from mythical beasts and fantastic creatures doesn't make your job any easier.

Poor choices will leave your kingdom in ruin but a wise ruler will complete his quests, fill his coffers and create a kingdom that will be remembered in song and story.

It's all just another day on the throne in Ardania. Think you're up to it?

Does anyone know if the game can run at a higher resolution? or just in windowed mode? 800x600 is way to small to be full screen.

Off Topic / Cool dreams
« on: July 07, 2011, 09:25:13 AM »
I just had an awesome dream last night.
I wrote a log of what I remember when I first woke up. Then the log took a bit of a different direction but whatever.
hostile takeover of us
run to escape boats
become seperated from family
years pass under communsit rule
makes contact with rest of family
learn of a group that is bringing the old government back
join group
fight communist government
become a part of a special operation to take out a group of commies
operation fails and I'm captured by a group commies
the dream seems to keep resetting itself to the point of the start of the operation and fails everytime
The dream somehow becomes The Witcher and I'm geralt and the other agents I'm working with are witchers
communists are salamandra
I have to evade a large group of salamadra
leader of salamandra runs very fast
can't evade hims so I have to fight without a weapon.
wakeup at some point
as I'm righting this I think I may have dreamed of writing this word for word
crazy de ja vu happens to me to much
I seriously belive I have untapped psychic abilities
realize that I should start writing some sort of journal so I don't have to talk to myself about these things
so that people don't think realize that I am insane.
Talk about cool dreams you've had

also, tons of spelling mistakes because I just woke up.

Games / The Witcher: Enhanced Edition question
« on: July 05, 2011, 11:23:24 AM »
I can't seem to find this with google because I just keep getting stuff about Witcher 2.
Is it possible to, by the end of the game completely fill out all of the skill trees?

Games / Zoo Tycoon/Zoo Tycoon 2
« on: July 02, 2011, 08:31:31 PM »
Best games ever, I just found my Zoo Tycoon 2 cd after many many years of searching.

Zoo Tycoon is a business simulation developed by Blue Fang Games and released by Microsoft Game Studios. It is a tycoon game in which the player must run a zoo and try to make a profit. Although first released for Microsoft Windows and Macintosh in 2001, it was ported to the Nintendo DS in 2005. It was followed by two expansion packs, Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs and Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania, which were released in 2002, as well as a sequel, Zoo Tycoon 2, released in 2004.

I use to love making huge dinosaur exhibits and then unleashing the beast on the guest which I had trapped inside. These games are so much.

Off Topic / Goodbye Peter Falk
« on: June 24, 2011, 07:27:37 PM »
Peter Falk is now dead. He played the role of Columbo in the respective series.

Peter Michael Falk (September 16, 1927 – June 23, 2011) was an American actor, best known for his role as Lieutenant Columbo in the television series Columbo. He appeared in numerous films and television guest roles and was nominated for an Academy Award twice (for 1960's Murder, Inc. and 1961's Pocketful of Miracles), and won the Emmy Award on five occasions (four for Columbo) and the Golden Globe award once. Director William Friedkin, when discussing Falk's role in his 1978 film The Brink's Job said that "Peter has a great range from comedy to drama. He could break your heart or he could make you laugh."[1]:263
In 1968 he starred with Gene Barry in a ninety-minute TV pilot about a highly-skilled, laid-back detective. Columbo eventually became part of an anthology series entitled, The NBC Mystery Movie, along with McCloud and McMillan And Wife. The detective series stayed on NBC from 1971 to 1978, took a respite, and returned occasionally on ABC from 1989 to 2003. He was "everyone's favorite rumpled television detective", writes historian David Fantle. Describing his role, Variety columnist Howard Prouty writes, "The joy of all this is watching Columbo dissemble the fiendishly clever cover stories of the loathsome rats who consider themselves his better."[2]
A family statement said Falk "died peacefully at his Beverly Hills home" on Thursday, June 23, 2011. He had been suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's disease according to his daughter, Catherine Falk.

Bye Peter!

Off Topic / I met the demoman today.
« on: June 24, 2011, 12:18:10 PM »
So a guy from direct tv came over today because we have been having trouble with the satellite (we had to cut down a few branches on some trees). The guy looked just like the demoman, all he lacked was the eye patch and scottish accent. He was even smoking a cigar at one point (Demoman smokes a cigar right? or was that soldier?).

He had the beard and the same facial features.

Games / Is The Witcher: Enhanced Edition any good?
« on: June 21, 2011, 07:29:56 AM »
I need a new game to play and this one is only $20. It looks pretty good but I'd like some of your opinions. I'd also like to get Witcher 2 but I'd rather play through the first one first.

Games / Just beat Dragon Age 2 for the first time. Spoilers inside
« on: June 20, 2011, 09:47:49 PM »
I finally got around to beating DA2, even though I have had it since the release date. I'm really really exited for Dragon Age 3 after seeing that little conversation that the seeker and Leliana have at the end of the game. It added so much mystery to the series that it's incomprehensible.
After playing Origins it just seems more likely that the Warden just went off to do better things and such. But by them saying that he vanished and that Hawke vanished too, and saying it can't be a coincidence. Jesus christMaker that actually blew my mind! I went ahead and sided with the mages as my character was a mage. The loving abomination Orsino was disgusting looking. I was really wondering when the idol would come into play and to find out that it was Meredith's sword was cool.

Also, sorry if this post seems a little hard to read and understand, I'm pretty tired right now and I can't think coherently.

Off Topic / Old, but hilarious speculation on Dwarfism
« on: June 14, 2011, 12:25:11 PM »
I was looking at pictures of gimle from lord of the rings and stumpled upon this article.
Read through this article for a bounty of loving handicapped conspiracy theories about making the population into midgets. It's asinine, and that's about all I can say about it.

Off Topic / Jeremy Soule
« on: June 10, 2011, 07:00:21 AM »
I've been looking into it recently and have found that Jeremy Soule, a composer and musician, has been making the music for games that I have played all through my life. It's actually pretty amazing that he has been with me since I was a small child playing Putt-putt and Pajama Sam. He composed the music for the first 5 Harry Potter games  which I played through childhood. He also composed for Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance and even Impossible Creatures. He also composed for Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. It's amazing that I've played and enjoyed most of the games he composed for. It's like he's been guiding me through life with his music and I didn't know it.
I really enjoy his music and listen to it on a daily basis.

Discuss Jeremy Soule

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