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Topics - Bloo Kirby the 2nd

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Gallery / [NEW MAP] Bloo's stuffty Deathmatch Maps
« on: January 03, 2017, 11:55:55 AM »
Bloo's stuffty Deathmatch Maps
Note: These are for Crispy_'s/Piber20's Deathmatch. Download that first.

First Up, the Greatest Map Ever Made,
It's literally just an empty void...

Office is a map based around Close Quarters combat, with many Weapon Pickups.
I won't fix the environment forget you.

A Large open map with 2 Health Restore Stations, and 4 keys hidden across the map that you can use to get an Overpowered Cannon Launcher.

Forum Games / post the lyrics of the last song you listened to
« on: January 02, 2017, 08:32:37 PM »
if the last song you listened to didn't have lyrics dump the lyrics of the last song you listened to that has lyrics

Shine through the sky
Beyond the matrix
Feel what it's like
To be divine
Shine through the sky
Beyond the matrix
Feel what it's like
To have attained Nirvana
Shine past the sky
Open your mind
Then you will be
Balanced and free
Be the master over your own energy
Live in this moment like there is no past
All that matters is to be who you are
Be in this moment. Judgments will not last
Urge yourself again to claim back your life
Take a leap into the dark
Dare to dive and fall
The point of no return restrains us
Shine through the sky
Beyond the matrix
Feel what it's like
To reach divinity
Aim at the sky
Open your mind
Then you will be
Balanced and free
Be the master over your own energy
Shake off oiled feathers, leave your past behind.
Use your inner force to reach your true self
When there's no future you can't be occupied
By non-essential waste and ruins of the past
Recreate your hologram
Dare to dive and fall
The point of no return restrains us
Shine through the sky
Beyond the matrix
Feel what it's like
To have attained Nirvana
Shine past the sky
Open your mind
Then you will be
Balanced and free
Be the master over your own energy
Someday you'll open up again
To learn and grow
Someday you'll have to reach for new endeavors
To perceive your inner self
Perceive your soul
Someday you'll start to live your life
Responding with anger
Responding with peace
The choice is all mine
It's a small lie for a man but a giant blow for mankind
We are almighty now
We have found the alchemy of life
We are all dominant here
We are the force in control
Shine through the sky
Beyond the matrix
Feel what it's like
To reach divinity
Aim at the sky
Open your mind
Then you will be
Balanced and free
Be the master over your life
Stay in charge, maintain your duty
Dive into the sea of pure tranquility
We will be finally free

Creativity / hoxton_breakout.avi
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:35:23 PM »

Off Topic / mtv hates white guys
« on: January 01, 2017, 07:21:27 PM »

Suggestions & Requests / 1x4x8 Window Brick
« on: December 25, 2016, 12:23:19 PM »
I need it for a build I'm making.

Off Topic / dumb stuff you did as a kid: the thread
« on: December 25, 2016, 05:03:15 AM »
i don't have many embarrasing kid stories but you guys probably do

Gallery / Unnamed Default City/Town Thing
« on: December 23, 2016, 07:51:39 AM »
A Default City/Town
I've Decided to start making a City/town Thingy using Strictly Default Bricks
It's currently very early in progress but whatever I just want you guys' opinions on it.


Outside of store

Inside of Store

Outside of Apartments thing

Aparment Numero Uno

Apartment Numero Dos

Is that bloody it?
I Said it's early in progress.

If you have an idea of what to call this town city thing just tell me i have no good ideas

Help / How do you make a Bot Ignore all damage?
« on: December 22, 2016, 05:00:41 AM »
I know how to give a bot infinite health, but I want to make a bot completely Ignore all damage. By that, I mean make it so they don't get knocked back, make the ouch effect, and not take any damage from attacks. Is there any way to do this without mods?

General Discussion / The Entire Drama Board breaks Rule 7
« on: December 21, 2016, 05:36:15 AM »
"7. Do not flame - If the entire point of your post is to tell someone what an idiot they are, don't bother."
The entire point of the drama board is to tell people how much of idiots they are.
I get what it´s trying to do, and I´m not saying there´s anything wrong with that.
It just seems weird that the forum breaks its own rule.
i´m not sure whether or not this has been said before or not, but whatever

Suggestions & Requests / 3x3 Print Plate
« on: December 13, 2016, 10:36:12 AM »
I need this for something I'm building, but I can't find any add-ons for it. Can someone provide me with a download?

Suggestions & Requests / Better ROBLOXian Playertype
« on: December 12, 2016, 03:42:54 PM »
The only ROBLOXian playertype we have atm is this stuffty RTB one made 7 years ago

With all the ROBLOX addons being made recently I think somebody should make this.

Suggestions & Requests / Blockland on a Toaster
« on: November 23, 2016, 05:25:44 AM »
So I was just making myself a nice piece of toast with some butter on it, and I thought to myself, Wouldn't it be cool if You could play Blockland on a Toaster? It's a Genius Idea! So I created this Picture to show you what each button on the toaster could do!
The only problem with this idea is that regular toasters don't toast fast enough, so I suggest using a Nuclear Toaster to toast the Pieces of Toast Quicker! I hope we see this idea in use some day soon!

Suggestions & Requests / Ski Player
« on: November 19, 2016, 08:31:56 AM »
A Player that is forced onto skis when they spawn and can't get off.

Faces, Decals, Prints / Face_Smilers
« on: November 18, 2016, 09:02:55 AM »
A Bunch of Faces I made.


Music / mm2wood.mid
« on: November 18, 2016, 04:35:39 AM »

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