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Topics - maxymax13

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5]
General Discussion / return to blockland glass
« on: March 24, 2017, 06:10:53 PM »
rtb came bundled with a old gamemode for some reason and it's working fine
did i make the ultimate blockland

Suggestions & Requests / Power ups
« on: March 21, 2017, 03:25:56 PM »
i require them

walk over them
aqquire the power for x seconds
bottom print
cool music
if anyone has them get the spleef ones from a bunch of years ago
the one with auto bridge and the OnPlayerTouch denier thingie too

basically make/give a dl link to any you can find powerups

Suggestions & Requests / Power Colas are 404, anyone has them?
« on: March 21, 2017, 03:09:50 PM »
Turns out the creator of Alpha Colas made a better version with more powerups!
But it's 404...

Off Topic / Local multiplayer free Checkers program for PC?
« on: March 21, 2017, 12:50:35 PM »
I need it for my sports server i'm making. I have chess and checkers in the list of planned sports. I have a checkers brick and prints in suggentions/requests board, and the chess prints and bricks already exist.

I'm looking for a easy way to see if a move is legal. I have chess titans installed on my windows 10 pc i play blockland on (i know, CT is a windows 7 game.) It only allows legal moves, and has turn multiplayer on same pc. I need something like that for checkers. Also, internet is an ass recently, so 1: no apps and 2: server is going up in the future.

Suggestions & Requests / Checkers Bricks/Prints
« on: March 20, 2017, 06:21:02 PM »
Brick Idea
Checker bricks.
1x1 and 4x4
similar to those 1x1/4x4 chess bricks
a bit smaller than a 1x1f/4X counterpart round
has that ripull/ring in ring in ring till the center shape on it
and black and white 1x1f print similar to these

A basketball basket that is not almost impossible to land like the one in ACM City school?
A football goal that doesn't look hideous?
A rugby giant 2-pronged tuning fork thingie to throw handeggs through?
A hockey stick item, "Ball" Hockey Puck (nope, not scrolling down a sea of guns again) and a shorter football goal (corner and regular versions) to slide pucks in?
And those cinder block things baseball dudes stand on and run to, along with a baseball bat that acts like the ping pong paddle/tennis rackets, and a baseball glove you can actually catch and throw baseballs with?
A Ball Volleyball you can catch and serve?
A Ball Bowling ball that can be used with those bowling pins and onBallhit>fakeKill?
A Ball Golf ball and Golf club to hit it with? (Walkig up to ball with club opens gui with a red-orange-yellow-green bar and a picker that goes up and down and you have to click in green?
A net for tennis and volleyball?
A table for ping pong?

(yes, Ball Hockey Puck, Ball volleyball, Ball Golf ball and Ball Bowling Ball all have Ball at the beginning of their name like the default v21 balls)

Basically, everything the default v21 Balls and the Ball Dodgeball and (Rugby) Ball Football are useless without.

Why do i want all of this? I'm making a sports server. All of the sports mentioned here are gonna be there, embrace yourselves!

General Discussion / Where do i get JVS Doors?
« on: March 13, 2017, 04:37:12 PM »
I keep seeing the name show up in old threads and stuff.
As far i can see there were JVS-Coded doors or something and they got replaced by the doors in stock game sometime, as i keep seeing "The new door system by rotondo, not JVS" and "Support_LegacyDoors" everywhere.

Where do i get JVS Doors, can i even use them anymore, how do i fix JVS doors?

General Discussion / How to make blockland glass ALWAYS show up on startup?
« on: February 17, 2017, 11:26:53 AM »
When i go offline System_BlocklandGlass gets unchecked, and when i check and close and reopen it's unchecked again. How do i make it active by default?

If i can't, is there a way to switch tabs without clicking them? some bricks are off the small window.

General Discussion / Edited ATC Fort DM server.
« on: February 15, 2017, 06:35:19 PM »
A A.T.C. Fort edited for DM purposes that i built so i can host once in a while.
(Screenshots coming up, so don't say "no pix, no clix".)
The server name (when i host it)  will be (maxymax13's) ATC Fort DM.
Can't host right now because of internet problems on my PC.

(Also the server is not dedicated, n00bs.)

General Discussion / How do i add prints?
« on: February 12, 2017, 09:46:23 AM »
I got the game on february 4th. I can make simple builds and play with doors, keys and the wrench and all, but how do i add more prints? i see everyone with custom prints, all i have are letters, keyboards controllers signs and monitors. How do i add more?

Creativity / Oh, hello there!
« on: February 05, 2017, 07:35:51 PM »

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