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Topics - carolcat

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8
Off Topic / carolcat's tron 2.0 livestream [OFFLINE]
« on: February 02, 2012, 01:29:45 PM »
hi i'm livestreaming again
since there's no one else but me home, i'll be doing commentary and such

Forum Games / [SEMI-50x40] TRILOS IV - SPACE? YOU TELL ME [ACT 1]
« on: January 27, 2012, 10:03:59 PM »


 The TAMS, otherwise known as Triloslynne Alphabetical Military System, was a military experiment to test how well specially designed cyborgs would preform in combat situations. Upon completion of the project, there were 26 TAMS.

 The project, when it began, was a success. The cyborgs preformed far better than the standard military units. The first four TAMS were better in pretty much everything: durability, speed, defense, strength, etc.

 To give the first four TAMS a more realistic combat situation, the Triloslynne military sent them out on an actual mission. Their objective was to explore a previously unexplored region of a planet and to take out any hostiles. The squad was assured that they would have backup if they were to need it.

 Mid-mission, the squad encountered a previously unknown substance. The substance seemed actually alive, and it somehow managed to take out the four TAMS. Search parties were sent out as soon as they received word of the 'disappearance.'

 Unfortunately, despite several attempts, the squad was nowhere to be found. Despite the loss, the Triloslynne military continued working on the TAMS. However, a few years after the completion of TAMS26, CB-Z, the TAMS system was abandoned and the 22 functioning TAMS were shut down.


 You open your eyes to find yourself in a dark chamber. You wouldn't describe it as a 'room' though, it's more like a cave. You're leaning against a cold, damp wall. Frigid water surrounds you, gently flowing and reflecting the very dim light coming from small holes in the roof. It almost sounds like it's raining outside, and you close your eyes for a few moments to listen to the steady drumming of rain.

 Remembering the situation at hand, you stand up and shiver. The chilly water is a little higher than your ankles.

 What will you do?

Off Topic / Is anyone else having trouble with avatars?
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:35:42 AM »
I'm trying to change my avatar, but whenever I click the 'submit' button, it looks like it was turned into a .jpg (i.e the background turns black where it's supposed to be transparent, quality becomes awful). It's only 75x77, and the file size is 5KB, so I doubt that those are the problem.

Is anyone else having this problem or knows how to fix it?

Off Topic / carolcat does an art livestream [OFFLINE]
« on: January 24, 2012, 05:30:51 PM »
watch it here
request me stuff to draw while you're there <3

Off Topic / carolcat's osu! livestream [OFFLINE]
« on: January 06, 2012, 06:54:47 PM »
so yes i am doing a livestream

a note of warning: this game is japanese, so there is mainly japanese music. if you don't like it, don't watch.

Off Topic / people trying to steal from my dad's shed
« on: December 04, 2011, 06:43:01 PM »
This morning when my dad went outside to let my dog in, my dog didn't come out from his dog house. My dad had a look around the yard, and when he looked behind the fence, three boards of our fence had been knocked out, leaving a gap wide enough for a person to get through.

Apparently there have been reports of people's sheds being broken into. Thankfully, we don't keep anything valuable in our shed (besides the lawnmower), so nothing was stolen. However, a piece of the fence was missing, and my dad thinks that whoever tried to steal from the shed used it to beat on our dog.

I'm scared now :c

EDIT: we got our dog back, we found him running around the block, having a blast

Off Topic / Computer won't detect my SD card
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:12:59 PM »
I have been trying to get my computer to read my SD card, but it doesn't seem to pick it up. I've pushed it in as far as it would go and waited a while, and it still doesn't pick it up.

When I check 'Devices and Printers' on my control panel, I always get an 'Unknown Device'. I've tried troubleshooting it, but that hasn't helped at all.

There seems to be a light next to the SD card slot. There's a light similar to it next to the MS/MS Duo port on my computer, and it lights up. However, the one next to the SD card slot doesn't.

I recall my mom having some trouble with the little box that my SD card is on, and it was something about it not being placed properly. If I remember correctly, it wasn't secured or something so pushing on it would move it around a lot. I'm not sure how she and my dad fixed it, but it's currently securely in it's slot.

The box with the SD card in it has the following ports/slots:
Top row: MS/MS Duo, CF/CF II, USB2.0
Bottom row: SD/MMC, XD, T-Flash, M2

I'm running Windows 7 on a Cyberpower computer.

If anyone knows how to fix this, it would be much appreciated :c

EDIT: Quote from when I click 'properties' on the Unknown Device:

Manufacturer: (Standard USB Host Controller)
Location: Port_#0003.Hub_#0004
Device Status: Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)

Creativity / carolcat's music thread (more proffesional OP!) (new song!)
« on: December 01, 2011, 04:01:59 PM »
View some of the music here. haven't uploaded anything there yet though
I guess this is my music thread. I'll have partial covers and whatnot, and I'll see if I can record some music I play on my keyboard.
OP will be updated whenever I need to update it.

Christmas Canon Rock (partial)
Sally's Song - Nightmare Before Christmas

 -Lost Destination (Len Kagamine, Japanese) (partial)
 -Dark Woods Circus - ZipZipper (original song from VOCALOID) (Japanese)

feel free to give advice, criticism, and/or rate x/10.

Off Topic / Idea Generator
« on: November 11, 2011, 07:44:29 PM »
(inb4igetflamedforitbeingadevi antartlink)

This this is hilarious. Basically you click the tab you want and hit 'Generate'.

Some examples:
A bacon strip is stealing from a child
A driver is gathering a supernova
A laser in front of a hamburger
A cookie placed upon a suit of armour
An alien perfume is used by a space academy graduate
A bacon strip is used by a starship nurse
A satellite is fetching an albino llama
And so on.

/post results

Off Topic / Is anyone else getting this problem?
« on: November 08, 2011, 08:22:36 AM »

Is anyone else getting this? :c

(ignore that far right tab, i had to look at squideey's avatar for something i was coloring for teslacoil)

EDIT: It fixed itself after a few page refreshes, but still, that's amusing.

Off Topic / Needing suggestions on calming music
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:06:12 PM »
I've been looking for some good, calming music that I can listen to at night. Nothing too fast or high-pitched, though.
Also make sure it has a download link in the description please :u

EDIT: Preferably nothing with vocals.
Stuff like this:
EDIT2: For anyone interested, my current night playlist consists of the following:
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Yellow Valkerie - Shariq Ansari
White Bounty - Rexy
PMD2 Remix: Primal Dialga - PokeRemixStudio
Windows Welcome Music - Microsoft
Title Theme from Metroid Prime 3 - Kenjo Yamamoto
Maridia: Swampy Caverns from Super Metroid - Kenji Yamamoto
Phendrana Drifts from Metroid Prime - Kenji Yamamoto
Just a Little More - Darkesword
Torvus Clockwork - Darkesword
Underwater Depths from Metroid Fusion - Minako Himano
Torvus Bog Subterranean from Metroid Prime 2 - Kenji Yamamoto
Sunken Frigate from Metroid Prime - Kenji Yamamoto
Ready Aurora from H.A.W.X - Tom Salta
Strobe - deadmau5

Off Topic / Needing suggestions on a new keyboard/piano
« on: September 27, 2011, 02:09:13 PM »
Well, I've had the same learning keyboard for about 10 years. It's basic: Light up keys, about 76 keys, 100 rhythms, sounds, and songs, and the like. Well, it doesn't have pressure sensing, a pedal extension, or a USB or MIDI port so I can't use it with my computer. Knowing that some of the BL Forumers play piano/keyboard, I was hoping you guys would be able to recommend a good electronic keyboard for me. I need it to be lightweight, have a wide variety of sounds, at least 76 keys, and pressure sensing. Everything else is just an extra. It should be less than $450 if at all possible.

I was looking at the Yamaha DGX-520:

Until I saw the lowest price was around $450, and the highest being $650+.
The DGX-230 is more of what I'm looking for:

It's not too complex, has a really nice variety of sounds without going overboard, and I can get it for less than $300.

So basically I want a good quality keyboard for a reasonable price while still being portable and a good variety of sounds. I want something I'll be satisfied with for several more years as I'm beginning to feel like I'm at a skill level where I could use a more realistic keyboard than my current one.

Thanks in advance.

Creativity / A little project I'm going to start
« on: August 29, 2011, 09:26:10 PM »
So lately I've been listening to this song a lot. And so I thought, "You know what, I'm going to try to make Rin's outfit in that."

That's my current sketch for it. My original plan was to make it out of duct tape, but I think I'll go with cloth instead.

Will try to post pics as I progress.

Off Topic / Carolcat's Livestream (Portal) (OFFLINE)
« on: July 31, 2011, 09:59:57 AM »
Made a livestream channel to play Tron 2.0. I'm still new to this, so there might be a bit of lag and audio trouble, but I'll try to keep it running smoothly. Note I probably won't be able to check the chat thing often because most of the games in the poll don't have a windowed option.


Audio is working, just with a funky echo. To those who watched me Livestream DoW: I think the problem with you only seeing the browser was because of me having Task Manager running in the background.



Sorry for the letdown, gotta restart. Looks like it won't work, I'll see if I can stream it off my sister's computer later today.

Off Topic / 12 Hour Trip, Need Ideas
« on: July 01, 2011, 05:16:15 PM »
I'm going on a 12 hour car ride to Wisconsin on Sunday, need ideas on how to not be bored.

Also I can't sleep in a car if my life depended on it.

Ideas go.

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