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Topics - Tomcat

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Suggestions & Requests / Good bot mod?
« on: September 15, 2012, 04:10:56 PM »
See title. I need one for cut scenes and the like.

Games / Anyone play EVE Online?
« on: September 10, 2012, 10:30:47 PM »
Just asking. I'm going to get into Dust 514 and try it out with a player corporation once the full game is out. No, I wont be using a controller, I'll be using a mouse and keyboard.

Off Topic / Black Sunshine
« on: August 29, 2012, 05:14:54 PM »

Games / Marathon Trilogy: Defending against Chaotic gods since '96.
« on: August 22, 2012, 08:27:30 PM »

Marathon is a first-person shooter video game with a science fiction theme developed and published by Bungie and released in December 1994.
     Although Marathon features action-heavy, first-person shooter gameplay similar to Doom and other contemporaries, the game is renowned for having an intricate story line that is also an essential element of its gameplay whereas most similar games devote minimal attention to plot for the sake of faster, simpler, more action-oriented gameplay. In addition to a single-player scenario with a rich plot, Marathon also features a multiplayer deathmatch mode through which up to eight players on separate machines on the same computer network can compete against each other individually or on teams.

Marathon is unique among contemporary first-person shooter games for its particularly rich (science fiction) plot. The plot of the story is primarily revealed to the player by means of the numerous computer terminals accessed throughout the course of the game. These terminals relay information such as crew logs, maintenance documents, historical accounts, and stories, but their primary function is to allow the player to interface with three artificial intelligences (AIs), who provide the player with information about his current mission at any given point in the game and teleport him out of a level when his mission is complete.

The game takes place in outer space in the year 2794. The player is in the role of a nameless security officer stationed on the UESC Marathon, a multi-generational colony spacecraft built by hollowing out Deimos, one of Mars' two moons. The Marathon has arrived in the Tau Ceti solar system and is supporting the colonization effort of one of the planets, Tau Ceti IV. The game starts with the player making his way to the Marathon on the shuttle Mirata when an alien ship appears and attacks the system. He survives by ejecting seconds before the explosion of the Mirata, and hours later, his officer's escape pod then reaches one of the Marathon docking bays.

There are three AIs aboard the Marathon, each in command of some aspect of ship operations. All of them are under informational attack by the aliens, after being hit by an electromagnetic pulse from the alien ship. As the game begins, only one of the three AIs, Leela, is still fully functional.


You are far in the future on a colony ship deep in outer space. A security officer on the mission, you are the last hope for defending the ship as hostile and intelligent aliens prepare to destroy every living thing…

Fresh from your triumph on the starship Marathon, you are seized by the rogue computer Durandal to do his bidding in a distant part of the galaxy. Within the ruins of an ancient civilization, you must seek the remnants of a lost clan and uncover their long-buried secrets. Battle opponents ancient and terrible, with sophisticated weapons and devious strategies, all the while struggling to escape the alien nightmare...

Marathon Infinity takes the closed universe of the Marathon series and blows it wide open. This multi-faceted product begins with "Blood Tides of Lh'owon," a new 20-level scenario sporting new textures, weapons, and aliens. More than that, the scenario sheds a surprising new light on the story's characters and the meaning of events. Having defeated the Pfhor and reawakening the ancient remnants of the S'pht, the player now faces a world where friends become enemies and all is not what it seems...

    There are two sequels to Marathon, Marathon 2: Durandal, and Marathon Infinity, the latter (in my opinion) the best one. It has one of the best first-person shooter plots out there, and compared to Bungie's other work (Halo) I think this one is superior. It's fun, old-school, but doesn't comprise gameplay for story, or vice versa. There are mods that add additional story to the plot, two taking place after Marathon Infinity, Marathon Eternal and Marathon Rubicon (X). It was one of the first first person shooters to have dual-wielding and magazines. The soundtrack is amazing, and the atmosphere great. There were some genuinely chilling moments in this game.

    The game is free on the Aleph One site, download the main application, then the game files (for a mod, Marathon 1-2, or Infinity) It is completely legal, and if you want the original one, not a modern port, they have the download links up at the Bungie website.

Help / Changing colorsets?
« on: August 19, 2012, 03:10:09 PM »
How to?

Forum Games / Pathways: UPDATES.
« on: August 19, 2012, 01:16:52 AM »

You wake up.
There is a window behind you.

Off Topic / Why is search broken?
« on: August 17, 2012, 05:40:25 PM »
I tried to search up Uncle Beng's Ghetto RP.
I couldn't find it.
Help please.

Help / Forcing shader initialization?
« on: August 13, 2012, 08:42:34 PM »
Is it possible?

Games / Need help finding a Fallout: NV mod.
« on: August 04, 2012, 08:25:11 AM »
Wasn't there a Fallout: New Vegas mod that adds many more military patrols and civilians to the capital wasteland? If you could give me the name of that mod, the help would be appreciated.

Games / PSN Usernames: Making a list.
« on: July 11, 2012, 10:23:44 PM »
PSN: ZombiLoin.
Games: MAG, BF3 MW1, MW2, a few other games.

Code: [Select]

Games:BF3, Black Ops, Borderlands, Castle Crashers, Resident Evil 5

PSN:  Shy_Guy23751
Games: BF3, CoD: MW3 & BO, Gt5

Forum Games / Galaxy: Need more players!
« on: June 06, 2012, 06:38:13 PM »
Dear whomever the forget,
Well, there was peace, and suddenly there wasn’t. Pretty much everything was destroyed, for all races, and you’re left to pick up the ashes and hopefully form a new bird out of that stuff. Happy trails.
                   -Some extinct starfish.


Welcome to Galaxy, which is kinda a Earth 2.0 and Galaxy mashup into one game. You make your own race, whether it be humans, blobs of horrific mass, or some loving living rock. There was a big ass dark age, nearly everyone died, and you’re left to pick up the ashes. Or bury them for good, depending on your outlook.

Group Template:
Code: [Select]
[b]Country name:[/b]

[b]Flag/Symbol (Make it with Paint.NET or a flag creating program):[/b]

[b]Government type:[/b]


[b]Population (Max is 5,000,000 for now, starting at 1,000,000):[/b]




[b]Weaponry**: (Make a level from 1-9)[/b]

Race Template: Please, go into detail, but once you’re done, put a (1-10) at the back.
# of Arms:
# of Legs:
# of tendrils (if any.):
# of any other limbs (if any.):
Skin (Chitin, exoskeleton, scales, human skin, etc.):
Vision (Good, bad, has several eyes, nightvision, etc, be descriptive.):
Agility (Manual dexterity, speed, etc.)
Strength (This one should be self explanatory.)
Intelligence (Industriousness, curiosity, speed of scientific advance, etc.)

Close Quarters Combat skill: (1-10)
Ranged Combat skill: (1-10)
Survivability: (1 - 10)
Tactics: (1-10)

Vision, agility, intelligence, and arms will affect ranged combat, while legs, strength, tendrils, and extra limbs and agility will enhance melee. Skin provides natural armor. Intelligence provides tactics, which determines who gets a upper class in a battle.

Intelligence is a big factor in the tech level of your race. Act accordingly.

Homo Sapiens, unmutated.
2 Arms.
2 Legs.
The skin isn’t very tough, but can stop small pinpricks, (1)
They have two eyes, and have peripheral vision. Still, not the best in the galaxy. (5)
Agility is average. (5)
Strength, once again, is average. (5)
Some humans can be intelligent and industrious, then again, some are stupid. (5)

Close Quarters Combat skill: (4)
Ranged Combat skill: (5)
Tactics: (5)
Survivability: (1)

Keep in mind that weapons, armor, and genetic/robotic enhancements can augment these.

There are also social factors, such as Government and Breeding rate, that affect your population’s growth and expansion.

Breeding Rate (This means the amount of time it takes for a generation to mature into adults): (1-200)
Brood number: (1-20)

Every page is a year. After the amount of years (pages) the Breeding Rate has, you can add the amount of current population to current population times brood number, and that is your new total population.

You can claim a planet in any Sector, or make your own. There are 3 total sectors. There are about 10 planets each sector that are habitable. All nations have FTL drives from the dead civilizations. Also, currently, nobody knows where each other is. You can go on a goose hunt to find someone, but you can only head into random directions.

You can claim a maximum of one planet at start. You start off with a population of 1,000,000 and jump off from there.

Each ship has a set amount of structure points. Dreadnoughts have 6 structure points and +6 survivability, Cruisers have 4 structure points and +4 survivability, and transports have 2 structure point and +2 survivability. Different ship guns have different stats, too. Bombardment cannons have a strength of +2 the players weapon strength, Missile barrages hit with +2 to the players ranged combat skill, Anti-ship guns get to fire twice at enemy ships, and drop pods hit with +3 to the players accuracy and use the players close combat skill as its strength. Other players may come up with their own weapon types, but it cant be too powerful.

The two opposing players roll a 10 sided dice(d10) and add their tactics stat, and whoever gets a higher result wins the initiative. The player who wins the initiative gets to have one of their ships fire before the others. The rest of the ships will fire at the same time(but keep track of which ships are lost). Players fire all of their weapons of the same type at once by rolling a d10 and getting under
ranged combat skill, keeping track of how many of each type hits. Each player then allocates each enemy hit to one of his ships. Players must allocate shots from each weapon as equally as possible. Each player then has to roll a d10 for each hit and get under the ships survivability minus the weapons strength(A roll of 10 always fails) or lose a structure point for that ship.  When both sides have attacked, if any ships remain, then the player who has lost the most structure points must roll d10 and get under their intelligence minus how many structure points they lost by. If they fail this roll, they retreat and lose the battle, but if they succeed, another round of combat ensues. If a player loses all of their ships, of course, then they lose autmatically. If both players lose all of their ships or lose an equal amount of structure points, then it is a draw and another round ensues unless there are no more ships.

Planets: There are several types of planets.

“Earth” planet: A planet with oxygen, water, and a fair amount of minerals, much like Earth.

Iron planet: Contains many of the “workhorse” metals such as iron. It also has carbon and other strong metals.

“Copper” planet: Has heavy metals such as gold, silver, and copper essential for electronics.

Gas planet: Has a variety of gases, such as hydrogen, methane, helium, etc.

Dust planet: Total wasteland, uninhabitable.

Forming/Scorched planet: A planet either forming or recently destroyed. It’s surface is covered with molten rock.

Dead planet: Fragmented and broken into shards of rock and metal, this pre-Event derelict is full of technological goodies. Unfortunately that also means that it’s hard to obtain, and that no people live on it, and they’re few and far between.

Element planet: Contains one “element”, such as water, ice, stone, etc.


Sector 1:
Evird - “Earth” planet (CLAIMED) a.k.a. "Home of huge friends T'au."
Tiglif - Gas planet
Tutamen - “Iron” planet
Custos - “Copper” planet
Caelus - “Iron” planet
Princeps - Dead planet
Vorto - Gas planet
Praelium - “Earth” planet (CLAIMED)
Decus - “Earth” planet (CLAIMED)
Asinum - Dust planet

Sector 2:
Morkilus - “Iron” planet (CLAIMED)
Nayokim - “Earth” planet (CLAIMED)
Gallico - Ice planet (CLAIMED)
Teutonicus - Water planet
Crux - “Copper” planet
Hasta - Dead planet
Solum - “Earth” planet
Contagia - “Copper” planet
Hera - Dust planet
Terandi - “Earth” planet.

Sector 3:
Terra - Dead planet (CLAIMED)
Aeus - Dust planet
Enduva - Dust planet
Secas - Dust planet
Mars - Dead planet
Jupiter - “Gas” planet
Venus - Dust planet
Stranum - “Iron” planet
Xnor - “Copper” planet
Daedevus - Dead planet

You can choose anyone, or make your own. They’re spaced far apart, it will take a while to find each other. You can’t attempt a colonization until your population is over 5 million.

1. You can start a war, if you really need to. Contact me before you do.
2. You can form alliances. Contact the person you'd like to form an alliance with before you do so.
3. You can establish trade routes. See above.
4. You can commit terrorist attacks, covert operations. You don't need permission for these.
5. You can whatever you can think of that's not below.
6. No stupidity.
7. No stupidity.
8. No godmodding.
9. Don't magically find stuff unless you explore a dead world.

Okay, start.

Decian Confederacy
Empire of Mannfeld
Tau Empire
Shadovia IV

Games / Wrong board
« on: June 06, 2012, 06:37:01 PM »

I need help using bot events, I need to make a NPC soldier that moves around and attacks the player whenever it sees him/her.

Forum Games / COLONIZATION: 20,234
« on: May 20, 2012, 09:25:52 PM »
//:MainDrive(open); hybernationStop.r
//:MainDrive(open); hybernationStop.r(run);
//:MainDrive(open); hybernationStop.r(running);
//Access gained.
   //June 28, 20,234.
   If you’re reading this, then everything has gone to plan. You’ve arrived at a random destination far away from the center of the commotion, and most of you should be alive. If all of you are alive, then something went wrong. The journey should’ve taken about 20 years, enough time for all of the embryos to grow up into healthy productive adults. The education programs should’ve raised all of you up to university level education, and a specialty in a field or two. Some of you were destined for military, some for teaching, some for engineering, and some for everything else.
   We’ve assigned you a leader, one who is older and more experienced than all of you. He knows the bare facts about what happened that caused all of this, but he requested that his memory be wiped so that he forgets the things that traumatized him the most. What happened is that, at the start of the 201st century, everything went to hell. A huge portion of the Conglomerate broke off and started to attack the loyalist portion, for no exact reason.
   We decided to send this ship out with our last hope, around 5,000 individuals with advanced AI to find random habitable planets. Infact, we sent out a entire fleet of these ships. You’re one of them. Your ship’s FTL drive has been on for 21 years, enough time to get far, far away. Good luck. Please, don’t die.
(P.S., there are different species in the universe and even on the ship. Don’t do anything bad.)

"Wake up."

You wake up. What do you do?

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