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Topics - *FacePalm*

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Off Topic / so this kid i know at school is a long time BL player.
« on: October 04, 2012, 04:47:52 PM »
so today in homeroom, I was talking to a kid who I know (he's my friend's friend). we were talking about videogames, and I mentioned once how I came back from being AFK at Bushi's and just dominated. however I was reluctant to mention that it was blockland.
afterwards when homeroom was ending, i told him what the game was, expecting him to laugh at me or something -
but to my surprise, he's played the game - and he's been playing it for a while. his BL_ID was in the 800's, if I recall correctly. I forget his name because I couldn't hear him well. He did tell me that he was friends with crown, through.
So Crown, may you step forth and tell me who it might be? do you have any 3-digit BL_ID friends? I think I can barely remember that it started with "cat".


Off Topic / Someone died in my town's water supply last night.
« on: September 28, 2012, 03:10:43 PM »
My brother knew him - not so much a friend, but still knew him.
I'm not just concerned that he died, I'm also concerned that he died IN THE WATER SUPPLY. Meaning dead person water.


Off Topic / Happy 100 pages, Community Projects.
« on: September 21, 2012, 08:47:37 PM »

That's right, CP now has 100 whole pages full of fun or otherwise terrible forum adventures.
I noticed a few days ago that it was at 99, so I waited a while for this to happen.


Off Topic / so my grandfather died last night.
« on: September 21, 2012, 03:07:12 PM »
of pancreatic cancer that he had for almost 8 months.
i'm just plain depressed and i was sobbing so much this morning that my dad recommended that i stay home from school. (because at my school, if someone is grieving over the loss of someone, they can stay home because they'd just be crying and depressed in class.)
but i still went because i already missed a few days recently from strep throat and because i have ADD, i can forget about it kinda easily, but it still lingered in my head.

yeah, that's really it.

Help / How do I make a poll multi-option?
« on: September 19, 2012, 09:07:25 PM »
I don't see it when creating or editing a poll.

Forum Games / [100x75] Axxon's Rising - *Flatline*
« on: August 28, 2012, 09:59:17 PM »

This is the story of two kids, Matt and David. Back in 2010, a large being known as Axxon appeared before the two children in his quest to stop the two from fighting the "Lava Flow", a tedious raid of infernal beings and the turn of the planet's authority. The pair overcame many challenges to send Axxon back into the depths.

In 2011, Axxon rises from his grave for Round two, once again releasing his destructive deeds, revealing a new foe known as Cethre. Cethre was seemingly defeated and Axxon was once again thrown out like last week's tomatoes, but he destroyed Emdogel, David's homeland, along with his fall.

In late 2011, the tropical island of Emdogel, now foreshadowed, is in an endless struggle during it's reconstruction. The two escape to Medogel, Matt's homeland, hidden from the corrupt forces that riddle Emdogel. After the leave, Emdogel is ultimately decimated and sent to Davy Jones's locker, never to be walked on again. Although grieving from the loss of a memorable land, the two push on in their efforts to recover their anchient homelands.

Early 2012. The two venture to the Dreamscape, turning out to be Captain Face's fortress that lies on top of a pile of scrap from the old island, Emdogel. The two defeat Face and his robots to send his fortress tumbling into the ground.

Mid 2012, The pair face the challenge of defeating corrupt elemental gods, which turned out to be the doing of Axxon once again, and this time, it ended just as badly for Axxon in the previous battles.

Medogel was at peace at last.

: Hey, it's pretty nice out today.

: ...You look bored.
: I don't know.
: ...

: Why is there an ember?
: And? There's just a fire or something.

There's a faint rumbling somewhere. But it's probably just the fire that's nearby or something. Who, or what is making that fire anyways?


Combat Technique (Caster, Buster, or Neutral):
Weapon: (You must submit your own sprite)
Any other sprites:
Side: (good or evil(for now, everyone is good-after the other party members are accepted, you can just make random characters))
Personality Data:
"[quote from character (optional)]"
Good point:
Bad point:

And here's the templates:


Name: Johnny
Race: Human
Skills: Parkour-like Tricks
Weapon: (green gun thingie)
Any other sprites: (Ninjamode)
Side: Neutral
Backstory: (do i HAVE to come up with a backstory? :c)
(His eyes change color, depending on his mood. (angry = red eyes, calm = green eyes.)

(theme song:

Name: Alexia Aroth
Race: Robot/Cyborg
Skills: 720 x 360 noscopes 420 errydai (She's a sniper)
Weapon: (Yes I realize how forget-huge that is, I'm too lazy to redesign it so it's less forget-huge. Sue me.)
Any other sprites: Bluh I'll like do these later I guess I dunno
Side: Left Right Good
Backstory: Was human, turned into a robot/cyborg, whatever, now has armblades and also prosthetic arms (but not the stuffty prosthetics we have now I'm talking loving Deus Ex stuff all up in this holla) Just like landed here because apparently she doesn't know that she needs to stay in one universe.

Name: Frank Valerius
Sprite: (Yes that's a variety of jacket that doesn't even have a name. I name it "top-half jacket")
Race: Human
Spells: Critical Shot, Burst Spray, Demon Spray (mouseover for info, leveling means upgrades/evolution, attack damage scales with experience.)
Skills: Ambidexterity (aka dualwielding)
Weapon of choice: Hand Mini, a minigun that goes on your wrist. Not as effective as an actual minigun but very reliable regardless.
Misc sprites: Hand Mini Wielding for dummies
Alignment: (Chaotic) Good
Backstory: Was raised in the first village to be attacked, helped greatly to push back the invasion but not enough, resulting in his village and everyone in it being written out of existence. Helped fight Axxon and his minions during the second invasion with his new weapon he still bears. Really hates elf merchants due to past experiences of ripping him off, and will end any who stakes respectively ridiculous prices. Doesn't care about what people like or hate, and is a bit arrogant at times. Easier to piss off if you're an elf or alien. Motto is "when you are endangered, you must become danger yourself".
Theme: Jamestown - War Upon The East Frontier
"This is complete bullstuff."
Good point: A bit snarky
Bad point: Irritable
Likes: Killing things
Dislikes: Elves

Name: Chicago Wright
Race: Human (A True American)
Skills:Great Shot, Can shoot and load a variety of guns, Is good at throwing grenades, has millitary training.
Weapon: Modified Tompson Machine Gun
Any other sprites:Nope
Side: Good
Backstory:As a veteran from the war in Vietnam and Pakistan, He's just retired from the army with many well earned badges and medals. When he heard that Axxon had appeared near to where he was, a feeling of heroism and duty sprung up inside of him, a feeling that had been lost since he left the army. He once again donned the camouflage uniform, armed himself with his grandfather's Thompson Sub-machine Gun that had been modified and repaired countless times, and grabbed a frag he managed to sneak out with before retirement. He was more ready than anyone else before the tower, but he knew that he couldn't complete this mission without a worthy platoon. Soon, he meets up with a group of strange travelers with a similar mission...
" ...Wait, whaddya mean they aren't commies?"
Good point: Experienced
Bad point: Overzealous
Likes: Earl grey tea
Dislikes: Slackers

Holding Tank(because there are too many characters)


welp guess i'll be an adventure-whore and join up

Name: Kenji Mimikono

Race: Android
Skills: (mouseover for description)
Resistance Balance, Artificial Aura, CQC Training
Weapon: (mouseover for description)
Exotic Knife
Faction: Composite Good/Neutral
(An advanced form of good/neutral; often involves switching between chaotic/neutral/lawful good and chaotic/true/lawful neutral)
He was created in secret as part of a project to develop an android that would be able to utilize experimental and unstable machinery relatively safely. Kenji is the end product of frequent trial and error. He escaped using various experimental weaponry, and is now saving people's asses left and right because he wants to.

"Thank me later."
Good point: A gentleman; mysterious
Bad point: Quiet
Like: Mystery
Dislike: ???

Name: Xaq
Race: ???
Skills: A secret technique hidden in the Voidsplitter that can be used to send out sharp waves of dark energy.
Weapon: Voidsplitter - A large katana capable of cutting iron.
Any other sprites:
Side: Evil
Nobody knows who this person is, or what he is.
All that's known about him is that he's a mysterious person who is hoping for everybody to disappear into nothingness.
He is an excellent swordsman and will not stop fighting until either he or his enemy loses, unless his honor will be damaged if he continues battling. He is a man of honor and treasures it more than anything. If his honor is in danger of being damaged he will stop doing whatever he was doing.
"Give in to the darkness..."
Good point: Excellent swordsman
Bad point: Forgetful
Likes: Dogs
Dislikes: Green and white


Name: Spytective Gunshoe
Sprite: This is Gunshoe
Race: Maybe Human
Skills: He can shoot bullets out of his fingers when in the shape of a gun, he can shoot many different projectiles out objects in the shape of a gun.

Weapon: His literal hand gun
               Double hand gun
              Gunshoe's shoe gun

Side: Mostly good, but can be unpredictable due to his loyalty to his directive.
Backstory: As a boy, he found that he could use the power of the hand gun when he put his hand up, and a bullet came out. But as he grew up he hid this power from everybody, even his parents. He grew up as a normal boy. However, in secret he always practiced and soon became a dead-on shot. When he was 14, he took lessons from a master sculptor and found he could shoot bullets out of any gun shaped object he could carve or find, so he studied and became skillful at making gun shaped objects. One day, when he was 18, he got into a fight with a strange man searching his house unwarranted, and used hand guns. The man suddenly stopped, and instead of continuing this fight, he offered him job. He could become a spytective for an agency nobody but a choice few know about outside its staff.

He now does international spy work and investigation. Perhaps. Nobody really knows what he does, or why he does other than that it was probably an order from above. No one knows his real name or anything other than his past. He recently appeared near the tower, muttering to himself about something. Something ready to go down and that it must be stopped.

Feel free to make sprites for this adventure!

  • Stone enemies (preferably strong ones)
  • Water/Ice/Crystal enemies

Off Topic / face wants an friends
« on: August 20, 2012, 10:56:05 PM »
ADD ME ON STEAM (but not skype because of that stupid giant groupchat fiasco crap going on)
search leFaceDavid or FaceDavid

do it


or i will eat your glue

« on: August 16, 2012, 11:05:24 PM »

Suggestions & Requests / Mega Buster (revival)
« on: August 12, 2012, 04:13:59 PM »
The old topic died, so I made a new one.
^Look at that. I mainly revived the topic because I found an easier way to make this.
If you could take this power beam and modify is, you could make the Mega Buster. Samus's armcannon was alot like Megaman's, probably because the were both made around the same time in the NES Videogame era - when Armcannons were a weapon of coice for the future.

Drama / Aeschylus - Being the worst possible admin.
« on: July 28, 2012, 09:27:10 PM »
I really don't even need proof.

Just join his server.
He first starts off breaking the rule of buildkilling. I'm trying to build in peace while he keeps shooting at me.
But it gets worse.
Suddenly, he decides to spam our base with artillery strikes. Not only did this lag incredibly, it got annoying as it constantly killed everyone.

So what's his excuse?
"it's a joke lol"

Grow up, Aes.

Off Topic / Face needs help with audio.
« on: July 15, 2012, 08:50:41 AM »
Recently, my computer has been having an issue where the microphone turns on when a sound plays. This is getting annoying. What's more annoying is my microphone going on and never turning off when I plug my earbuds in. I've dsabled the microphone but it still happens.

Forum Games / Roji
« on: July 13, 2012, 08:16:17 PM »

You slowly let the rope go up.

The bucket lowers into the well.
You are Roji, a 12 year old Indian boy. But some people say you're "gifted". Sure, there is something strange about you that you don't consider often because you might as well forget about it. It's the main reason you have cloth covering your mouth. But, you'd rather not recall. You live w-

Well, the well is dried up. Not the first time this happened. Maybe there's water in the Northern well, but it'd be a pain to go there and find out that's dried up too.
Well, what should you do?

Off Topic / Cleverbot Megathread
« on: July 12, 2012, 05:15:48 PM »

defuk es clevarboot
Cleverbot is a highly advanced AI that's... Clever. Duh. Although it may seem convincing, Cleverbot is not a human - it just has HUGE oversight. Visitors never talk to a human. The AI knows many topics.including loveual ones  :cookieMonster:


Also, feel free to post chatlogs with Cleverbot.

Then stop mindraping me!!!!
Quote from: cleverbot
Me: wana fuk

Cleverbot: Yes.

what is he/she from?
also, if you're wondering what i'm talking about, the person in blockoverlord and Lusk's avatar.

Games / Could someone kindly explain WHAT IS GOING ON
« on: July 10, 2012, 09:01:24 AM »
So, after playing the main game in Tribal Stage, i exit out of the world, and this happens:

The world I was previously playing now overlaps the galaxy. I can view the transparent world as if I was in GA's adventure editor.


i dont even

(also; everything works fine - the transparent planet just won't go away - i haven't tested exiting then re-opening because this looks cool  :cookieMonster:)

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