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Topics - superdupercoolguy

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5]
Modification Help / Animating GUI
« on: August 14, 2012, 02:32:19 PM »
How would you make a GUI that animates without GIFs? like videos and stuff.

Modification Help / Request: inFamous Gamemode
« on: August 12, 2012, 03:19:21 PM »
Could somone please make a gamemode using inFamous package and bot events where you are cole and you do a bunch of missions? No idea how long it would take
probably a year lol
if you can even read this you're a superhuman

Suggestions & Requests / Brickmade vehicles
« on: July 08, 2012, 10:44:19 PM »

I've been thinking, and I thought that somone should make a m :cookie: d that allows you to make vehicles out of bricks *WITHOUT* having to shutdown the server or anything, just build them off a plate-with-wheels-and-a-stead type vehicle, then place and plant bricks like normal. When respawned, it would respawn with the bricks still on it, but if another vehicle spawn spawned a the building vehicle, it would be the slate-vehicle thing.
That's all.

[Been wanting it for a long time.]

Clan Discussion / Clan: Electronic Cloud
« on: June 23, 2012, 01:04:41 PM »
Icanbreathfire! {BL_ID 26766!} is here to bring news of a new clan. Electronic Cloud!
We are an eventing clan, pro at events, bot making, etc. The leader is me, Icanbreathfire! {BL_ID 26766}.
To join:
Message me you want to join, and make your clan tags...
Elrt Clud
If you are already in another clan, the abrev. tag is:
If you are are in 4 clans, the minimal abrev. tag is:
I'll try to make some clan meetings, but most will be online chat, or probably on Badspot's Block Party. See you in the clan

- Icanbreathfire
Edit: You are only in the clan when I accept your join request.
Note: If somone claims they are in this clan, they are not unless they are on this list:
Clan members:
Icanbreathfire (Leader)
Agent Gibbs NCIS (Assistant Leader)
We are still gathering people, sign up before the clan is locked (over 20 people locks the clan until furthur notice.) We are no longer accepting recruits but may in the future


If no new members come in abit, this clan might be dead.
Electronic cloud is "In a comma" because I don't feel like managing it for awhile
It is not dead, just inactive for abit.


But do note that we may have one final build:
Once I am finished with it I will post pictures
Also, if I make another clan, the name will likely be...
Feel The Burn.
lol my clan is so dead <3
2013 news:
Clan's graveyard has caught on fire. Please order cheeseburgers as soon as possible!

Gallery / Post pictures of your hub!
« on: March 09, 2012, 09:54:17 PM »
Hello peoplez, I am Icanbreathfire! (BL_ID 26766) from blockland, or Fire for short, and have recently installed a new mod called Hub and I have really loved it and spent almost 2 days building a cussing awesome hub.
Random Title With Nothing Below


I was doing some terminal commands and had this thread open while I was taking my pictures, you can see them in the background. I'm going to upload more later when I expand it, I'm hoping I can make my hub so fun that you don't want to leave it. I'm planning to add some of the games from my Arcade Build, only the ones I've built. You know what I'm talking about if you've been to my Arcade Build & Arcade/freebuild servers. I've actually sorta abandon Arcade Builds, I now do arcade/freebuilds with my arcade in it, and other stuff to make sure you don't get bored. I guess I'm started to get off-topic, so bye now!
P.S. the green bar is my health bar, I have it so it displays all the time.
P.P.S. The games I would add if the hub mod still worked would be:
Blockhero (from my arcade build, it was my 2nd arcade machine)
Brick breaker (I would take it from one of my admin rooms)
Pinball (From my arcade build, my 3rd machine)
Shooting Range (I would make it new)
Kill your Flamers (Just Kiding
... Or am I?)
This topic is now too old, I am editing wit h QuickEdit. So, I am going to put a bunch of random stuff to celabrate?
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Topic is DEAD

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