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Topics - Nom|Aplem|Nom

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Off Topic / Aplem just bought a French Horn - Holton - Brand new!
« on: July 25, 2011, 02:50:48 AM »
So, instead of buying a 1700$ gaming computer. I thought, I love music more. I searched up a Holton French Horn on eBay, and for sure, I got it. Got the final bid at the last minute. So I am expecting for it to come in about 2 weeks! Very excited and looking forward to it.

Payed : $1450.09 (got the big by one penny)
Arrival time : 2 weeks

I bought a French Horn for $1450 dollars.

Off Topic / Gaming Computer - Should I buy it?
« on: July 25, 2011, 12:20:24 AM »

Yes so, this is a song I composed myself and I wanted to here Blocklands output. It took me 1 month to compose and is my first song I ever made. Please post on the poll if I should compose more and put together an album.

Song Details:
Song Name : Aplems SongĀ®
Time : 3 minutes (roughly)
Played On : Piano (Baldwin midi grand)
(have to download song to listen sorry about that)

So today. Belogna posted about his storm:

I took a careful... very careful look and the truth came to me. I will now reveal this shocking discovery:



I did not want to tell Belogna this. Where he lives is an obvious alien storage camp. Belognas parents are obvious "Red Spys" working for the FBI. Belogna, I hopeyou know that your alien camp will fail. All aliens will break loose and destroy you and your family. Heed this warning.

People discuss this among your family and friends. Serious buisness is not serious stuff.

Belogna just went offline, there is one problem I found with this. He obviously had his power cut by the aliens and now can not ask for help! We need to help him!

WARNING - Whole topic is lol, read comments and enjoy.

Also, this topic is saying that I like Diet Pepsi is all, not saying it is the best or worse. Just it does not hurt to have a little every now and then. I would much rather have a Dr. Pepper over Diet Pepsi any day. Only Diet Pepsi is healthy and you can drink a lot without having to worry about getting overweight, but hey my opinion.

I am not joking, Diet Pepsi is amazing. Unlike other sodas/pops (whatever you want to call them) it is not to sweet.

What makes it even better is the following nutrition facts:

Calories : 0
Total Fat : 0g
Total Carbohydrate : 0g
Sugars : 0g
Protein 0g

As you can tell, it is a perfect balance, no sugar so no going crazy, no protein (who needs it?), carbohydrates are not a bother at all either! Don't forget, 0 calories! That is 0% of your daily value from what you need.

It has so many advantages which I love, so you can sit on your ass, watch family guy an drink 3 liters of Diet Pepsi everyday without the worry of beocming an overweight friend!

So what are you waiting for? Go get you some Pepsi!

(all nutrition facts were based on a 1 liter bottle of diet pepsi)

Known side affects:
Diet Pepsi>>>

Contains Aspartame.

Drinking to much of this can cause stomach cancer.
Acording to Tom, this statement may or may not be true. He is saying that Khorde is stuck in the 80's and it is proven it does NOT cause cancer.

Off Topic / July 15 : Happy Tapioca Pudding Day
« on: July 15, 2011, 06:36:08 PM »

Happy TP day everyone! Make sure to enjoy the rest of your day with having this delicious delight for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Yay, 5 day vacation to Le Sueur at Minnesota. Also going to go visit the biggest mall in America, if anyone lives in that area and wants me to stop at your house and say hello then leave really fast I will.

We could also get in fist fight if you want.

Gallery / Aplems Gallery Builds/Servers - SIEGE TDM OPEN
« on: June 25, 2011, 02:07:47 PM »

The map on the factory TDM was made by none-other then Gravity Cat himself. The map is very fun and easy to set up.
The TDM uses a class based system:

It got up in the top of the server list in under 20 minutes!


Well this already has its own topic:

But what does a little description hurt? This Medieval RPG is humungous and just like the Factory TDM gets up in the top of the list and stays there. Few days ago the server was able to get 39 players! It gets a little crazy and some parts still need work in but I assure you. It is funner then ever!

Here are some pictures of the RPG itself. These are old like, when it was in beta but it gives you an idea of what it was like.

Off Topic / I just pre-ordered the Elder Scrolls : Skyrim
« on: June 24, 2011, 11:07:46 AM »
Yay I just pre-ordered Elder Scrolls, I can't wait to open the next box to come to my door!

Off Topic / I Got Expelled... Again.
« on: June 14, 2011, 06:10:48 PM »
Once again, I have been expelled from yet another school! That is now school 10 that I am not expelled from.

I did not know that for some odd reason, we could not bring squirt guns to school. I then got caught with me and 5 other of my friends squirting each other with squirt guns filled with red Kool-Aids, it looked really bad.

Principal was all like "Why were you doing this?"

I was like "..."

He then was like "Can you answer me"

I then stood up, and started to walk out of his office flipping him off. For some odd reason he took offense and told the campus safety deputy to cuff me and put me back in the principals office.

This is where it got bad.

I then decided to backhand the deputy. Got charged for assault and kicked out of school and the district.

Came home and told my parents what happened and this was there exact words...
"Okay, glad you had fun."

What should I do now that I am kicked out of the school district?

User was banned for this post

lovey logo by Aplem
This medieval RPG is a humongous build that is STILL being built onto. For those of you who want pictures:

There are so much pictures that it has to go to this link.

Once again. It is not all that laggy as it is the client themselves, the server was dedicated and I would of even received lag. There are a few ways to reduce lag:
- Bring down your draw distance.
- Turn down graphics options.
- Change lag threshold.
- Get a better non-stuff computer.

What The RPG Consists Of

This RPG has a buttload of pictures as told above but also consists of several custom server mods and bricks.

List of things used:
CashmodII - Clockturns
Server Info - Aplems
Aplems Colorset - Aplems
Cash Mod Events - Aplems
One Random Brick Pack
Jerkfaces RPG Weapons Pack
Kalphiters Dedicated Minigame & Default Minigame
Dren Drans Position Saver
Dren Drans Player Abilities
Auto Announce
Minigame Events

And much, much more.
What keeps this RPG fresh and going?

Well there are several cool special events like:
Goblin Raids
Town Raids
Clan Wars

There is alot of land to explore and lots of interactive things you can do!

There are seasons.
Whats cool about the seasons is that crops will only grow in the spring & summer. While the crops are grown in the RPG it is a great time to earn lots of money and gain HP when you need it. But you must be careful when that happens because some player gathered groups will want to... take over and defend what they say is there's.
Aplems mod Server_Info

What my mod does is has a list of server commands each helping you out in some way in the RPG.

/Help - Obvious.
/Version - Tells the current RPG version.
/Dangers - Gives a list of what you want to look out for that's a danger in the RPG.
/Season - Gives info on the current season.
/Events - Tells you what events there are and if there is a current event happening.
/Commands - List of commands.
What can you do in the RPG?

Earn money by - cutting trees, mining, harvesting crops, killing goblins in special events & soon to be more.

Fight AI bots when there are special events happening!

Gather your own player clan and fight for freedom and control. Make people quake in your power.

Become a pirate and control the small lake and river... which will soon be bigger!

Travel the amazing land, buy new weapons and make new friends.

Have your medieval wars with clans!

Control towns!

Control bridges! Make people pay a toll or else you will kill them. *hint hint*

Defend pieces of land you do not own but need because you can get money!
What are the RPG dangers?

Well, there are several but here are ways to avoid being caught in major trouble.

1. At night do not travel alone. Players will kill you for money.
2. Bank often.
3. Always have a weapon at night.
4. Think before you do.
5. Only attack clans if you have a clan with you.
6. Buy a torch because at night... you will want it.
So can I really have my own clan?

Of course! A clan is basically at least 3 people. You and your clan could control bridges and make people pay a toll!

You can defend crops during crop season.

You can hold a whole town hostage and demand a ransom.

Capture people and tell them to give you money, or if they have a clan to hand over there members.

The possibilities are endless.
Updates of ideas and more!

New ideas suggested:
Dungeons - Done
More special events - WIP
Supportive Comments!

Double post.... I must say to everyone.. Just checked it out and it is lovey.. Nice mines... But I won't give away all the eye candy so I will shut meh mouth nao.

looks very fun

Looks great so far.


Seriously its funny because this is true.
Some missionaries came to my house and I got pissed complaining and explaining that they are trying to rule the world using there mind forget techniques to force you into going crazy.

My theory:

The Mormons honestly must want to rule the world. They have what they call missionaries going around to all the countries of the world mind loving people until they go mad and to get the Mormons to leave them alone get converted out of there own religion! So, basically what they do is they send 2 people... you explain you do not want to join there religion. They then give a book of some type and tell you to read it and you basically will not go to hell. I called it magic until the book sent me into the Mormon hell! Do not accept there book it is a drug type of book filled with invisible bugs that crawl in your earballs and lay maggots in your head. I call them Mormags. From this day on they continue to come to my neighborhood pair by pair mind loving people into going crazy and eventually joining there Church.

Want to prevent a Mormon to coming to your door? Here are my theories.
1. Putting a sign up that says "Hell" will attract more. Yes I have tried, they will try to bring you out of your pit of hell.
2. Do not take there book. Like I explained it is filled with invisible bugs that crawl in your earballs and lay Mormags.
3. Cut down your door so they do not have a door to come to.
4. Do not put "Mormons Not Welcome" signs everywhere cause they do not give two stuffs.
5. Smoking a cigar in front of them will lead them into a big lecture about how smoking will send you to hell. Smoke on anyways.
6. Tell all Mormons about this topic and all that I said.
7. Instead of letting them mind forget you... you mind forget them lecturing them about there plan to rule the world.
8. Tell them that Mormons are not real and they will go to hell.

~Your truly,

This is getting worse. They even have a website on there religion, why do I live in this day of age?


Add-Ons / Server : Help : v1
« on: June 07, 2011, 07:05:03 PM »

This is the Server_Help addon.
This addon is great for those RPGs where you are to bored to make a help center!
What you do is say /help when in your server and a list of help options will come up! The file is very easy to edit which is in config/server/Help.txt

What else is this addon good for?
- RPGs
- 24/7 free build servers
- TDMs
- DMs
- love RPGs

I am probably thinking you would like a download?
Download (Local Hoster)

None so far.

Current Version:

/Help - Pulls up the help file.
/ReloadHelp - Allows you to edit the help file and reload it in the server.

So. Like whats the help say?
Well there are default help scripts but those are temporary. You can edit the help file in config/server/Help.txt

Off Topic / I Like The Song l Jizz In My Pants
« on: June 03, 2011, 07:46:08 PM »

For some reason I laughed my ass off.

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