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Topics - Vegetarian Zombie

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Games / Pokemon Online
« on: October 29, 2011, 07:56:06 PM »
Yes, another game thread of mine that will inevitably fail.
Because threads of mine... they do that.

You may remember my Pokemon Vortex thread a while back? Yeah, free pokemans.
This is better free pokemans, much better.

I stuff you not, this is good.

I am Vegetarian Zombie, as you may have guessed.

Blockland Peeps who play:
Vegetarian Zombie as Vegetarian Zombie

Off Topic / What is your outlook on life?
« on: October 29, 2011, 05:10:58 PM »
Not religion, politics, etc. I mean how do you view life? What is the point? Is there a point? Pointy?

Is there a goal that each person has in life, a reason they are where they are?
Do people need to get the most out of life?
Should you enjoy every little thing, because life is so short?
Why am I listing questions?

I believe that life is a mission, that you can succeed or fail at. You may not know what your purpose in life it, but to me, everyone has one. When we die, that means our mission is complete.

Anyway. Discuss.
Will add poll options when people tell me stuff.

Off Topic / When are you going to die?
« on: October 28, 2011, 05:56:32 PM »

This is a strange little thing. It'll be interesting to see what you guys get.

I'm apparently not going to die until March 9, 2089 >:D
and have 2,441,253,061 seconds to live.

I will be 92 years old.

Forum Games / Guess the Song Above You
« on: October 28, 2011, 05:48:56 PM »
The above user will post a line from a song. The next user will guess what song it is, and then say their line from a song.

Ready? Go.

First line:

"Sammy was low, just watchin' the show, over and over again..."

SPORE is a game. So forgive me if this belongs in Games.

After playing through the game, you become a Space Empire, a fully sentient race capable of colonization and interstellar warfare.
Each empire also has one of 8 (10 counting Knight and Wanderer) philosophies. Knight doesn't count in my mind, because its behavior is the exact same as Warrior, and Wanderer because its behavior mirrors Diplomat behavior.
The philosophies are Warrior, Bard, Scientist, Shaman, Zealot, Diplomat, Ecologist, Knight, Trader, and Wanderer.

Each philosophy has 10 small writings describing their philosophy, including a philosophy toward the antagonist race in-game, the Grox.
Please read through each and tell which you agree with most.

"Traders are in it for the profit. Their only allegiance is to the almighty Sporebuck (dollar)."
-In-Game description

Trader Philosophy: Tablets of Prosperity (TABoP)
"The grand and the wise may have answered all the important questions, such as the meaning of the universe and the purpose of life.”

“We who are neither grand nor wise must settle for lesser answers. We concern ourselves only with that which makes us happy.”

“It seems evident that the universe has enough resources to make everyone happy, and each sentient being should have sufficient freedom as to make that happiness possible.”

“Consider the simple act of trade. If you believe that possession of an item would increase your happiness, and if my happiness would be increased by selling that item to you for a certain sum, then the trade makes us both happy, and the amount of happiness in the universe is increased.”

TaboP V:
“We let other species worry about the significance of existence and how to achieve perfection.”

“We only concern ourselves with how to make everyone happy.”

“The Grox are a source of the utmost terror. They have exterminated many races.”

“The Grox are a race of machines. They are incapable of happiness or of understanding the profit motive.”

“The Grox have blockaded the center of the galaxy, so that we cannot trade there.”

“Possession of this scroll entitles you to a sizable discount at our boutique!”

“Warriors take what they want and never ask for permission. The galaxy is a prize to be claimed by the strongest.”

    - In-game description
“Knights are noble warriors that fight for right, not for personal gain. Peace will come to the galaxy only when evil has been vanquished.”

    - In-game description

Philosophy: Stones of Force (SToF)

“The universe seethes with violence. It came into being in a vast explosion. Giant black holes lurk at the center of galaxies. Supernovas, gamma ray bursters, and pulsars destroy all life within reach.”

“Violence is not an unnatural thing. It is the normal state of being.”

“The physical form is weak. We can be ravaged by disease, broken in an accident, drowned in a bowl of water. Our own bodies can betray us with cancer or organ failure. If we survive a life of accidents, our own bodies break down and kill us.”

“All life betrays itself and dies. To attempt to preserve one's life is pointless. Loyalty must be given to something greater than a single life.”

“We offer total allegiance to our species, as represented by the state. We stand guard against all forms of threat. We do not value our own lives except as they are viewed as extensions of our species as a whole, and we ask nothing of ourselves other than to be able to raise the next generation in security.”

“Our game is a long game. We do not plan for the next year, or the next ten years, or the next budget cycle. We plan for eternity.”

“We do not indulge in casual violence. We do not engage in a War Against All. We fight in defense of our own security, and otherwise choose our targets with care.”

“If you are no threat to us, you have little to fear, unless you are weak- in that case, we may destroy you in order to prevent our rivals from profiting by your destruction.”

“The Grox are the greatest military challenge on our Horizon. The Grox are a race of machine warriors, armed with powerful weapons unknown to us. They have established a security zone surrounding the center of the galaxy and our intelligence has been unable to determine what goes on behind the blockade.”

“Though the Grox are formidable, machines are incapable of warrior spirit. In time, once the technology gap is narrowed, we will prove more than a match for them.”

Off Topic / Video Megathread
« on: October 26, 2011, 08:27:30 PM »
This has been done.
And done.

And done again.

But I have always felt we needed one.
Let's give it another whack, shall we?

Off Topic / I died inside
« on: October 25, 2011, 08:08:39 PM »
So, Kayla, any of you remember that name? Yeah, girl I like. Beside the point.
Her friend, Kathleen, just ripped out my heart, threw it on the ground, danced on it, set it ablaze and threw it into a paper shredder.

Kayla knows very well I like her.

She is, however, hung up on her ex-boyfriend. Kathleen just told me that a few minutes ago. She said Kayla told her she's not trying to lead me on, but she doesn't know how not to.

I feel like there's nothing left to live for... I've never felt this pain before...

My stomach feels like someone just sucker punched it.

I just need to know how to move on. Please.

Off Topic / 7k Get
« on: October 24, 2011, 05:48:32 PM »
7,000 posts since June 02, 2011.

How many records have been shattered.

Off Topic / Problem with Steam :/
« on: October 21, 2011, 04:24:00 PM »
So I started downloading TF2 a little while ago.

It got to 47% complete, and it suddenly stopped. I tried to get into Steam to see the progress, and Steam won't open. No error messages or anything, nothing is happening at all.

And the progress thing in the bottom right of my screen is stuck on 47%.


Drama / HDcamcorder - Oh look an adbot
« on: October 21, 2011, 09:45:56 AM »

Off Topic / I must vent about Sony/LucasArts' Blatant Bullstuff
« on: October 20, 2011, 05:52:24 PM »
So, as you may or may not know, the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies is shutting down, effective December 15th.

I loved this game. I played all the time. (I played F2P, but that's beside the point.)

You know how, when games are about to die, they give everything in the game free? I love when they do that. Everyone can do whatever, enjoy the rest of the game for what it is for one last great moment.


I went to play again for one last time before it shuts down. I wanted to say goodbye to what seemed like an old friend.

I needed to update the game, so I clicked the update button. Nothing happened.

I looked down, and it says, "You must be a paid subscriber to continue."


and you are trying to get MORE money!?
You want people to dump MORE money into something that is going to die in 2 months!?



Off Topic / Music Megathread V4
« on: October 20, 2011, 02:20:11 PM »
I'm making another music megathread.

I refuse to add lots of stuff to the OP.

Discuss music and its supreme rule over all humanity.

EDIT: Ohfine.

Man has been fascinated with music for thousands of years.

Today, we have branched out into several kinds of music - rock, hiphop, rap, classical, and others.

Off Topic / 6,000th Post Get
« on: October 13, 2011, 05:56:35 PM »
Whoo. I've hit 6,000 posts.

Hip hip hooray. Let us all eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.

Off Topic / Dancing With the Stars Thread
« on: October 13, 2011, 05:42:37 PM »
Yeah, Dancing With the Stars. You guys know this show, right? Maybe not all of you watch it, but you have to have heard of it.

I've been watching since Season 11. It makes me really want to become a dancer, personally.
This season has kind of been stuffty, but overall a nice show. Anyways,


Also I know this isn't a huge thread.

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