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Topics - jirue

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6
Off Topic / Top Ten Favorite songs
« on: August 03, 2008, 01:59:00 AM »
Well. I am kind of bored and.. well this thread is just where you post your top ten favorite songs.
I will start off.  And you can name bands if you want

Another Postcard, Idk
Proudest Monkey, Idk (last two songs were about monkeys  :cookieMonster: )
Heart Shaped Box, Nirvana
All Apologies, Nirvana
Smells like Teen Spirit, Nirvana
Man who Sold The world, Nirvana
Hey you, The Exies (i think that is how you spell it :P)
Killer Queen, Queen
Wanted Dead or Alive, Bon Jovi
Mad world, Gary Jules. (do not go ape on me because you like Tears for Fears better.)

K next person :D

Gallery / Alyx Vance decal
« on: July 29, 2008, 07:48:36 PM »
Hello, I made an Alyx decal and i wanted to show it before releasing it.
(Do not look at the face, it is just some color edit that was in packers decal pack that i kept for a variety.)

-Locking-  putting decals up to download.

Suggestions & Requests / Color shifting avatar parts
« on: July 03, 2008, 12:57:44 PM »
Hey I am just wondering, what mod is the one that lets you put on a rainbow thing on just certain parts of your avatar
I know what you are going to say...
"Try the Search button moron..."
And i did, all i got was the funkyshirt, and that just lets you change your shirt, and on the third page of that, someone made an edit that is your whole avatar
I just want the mod that lets you do like just your hands, or just your face.

I have seen it in my server, Mr.Cookie was wearing it on his hands and feet, and I asked him about it and he said "For lovey beasts only"....

So can someone give me a link?

Clan Discussion / United Blockland Building Clan [UBBC]
« on: June 29, 2008, 12:42:47 AM »
The clan to build anything from Castles to Deathmatches

- Be nice on clan servers
- Do not abuse admin
- Disrespect clan and get banned from All clan servers
- wear tags without being in UBBC and be banned from all clan servers

To apply
Make a build and post it here, or show it to me on my servers
- Not spammy (use bigger bricks)
- Detailed
- Creative (use bricks, emitters, lights, bots, and events in cool ways)
- Full (Don't just leave your interiors empty, but this does not mean clutter your build so it is hard to walk in)
Coming to my server and showing me is the best way because I have a server almost every day.  And it shows more than a picture.

Need at least 4 votes to get in.

Ban list
Vise Edge   BL_ID: 206

- Owners
    - Can vote
    - Super admin in all UBBC servers
- Members
    - Normal admin in all UBBC servers

- Jirue  (BL_ID: 212)
- Marcem  (BL_ID: 481)

- Kyle Brickalo  (BL_ID: 1009)
- Tony Sansony  (BL_ID: 1010)
- Mr. Cookie  (BL_ID: 5815)
- Khorde  (BL_ID: ????)
- Black Panther  (BL_ID: ????)
- Darkstride24  (BL_ID: 1695)
- Darth Volga  (BL_ID: ????)
- Reaper  (BL_ID: ????)
- xXMenenXx  (BL_ID: 1739)
- Angear  (BL_ID: ????)
- Jetpuff  (BL_ID: ????)
- CapTMeaT  (BL_ID: ????)
- Josh  (BL_ID: ????)
- Pnobio  (BL_ID: 208)
- Guy  (BL_ID: 919)
- Lime Ricky  (BL_ID: ????)
- Ocelot  (BL_ID: ????)
- Dr.Pain  (BL_ID: 4017)
- Paul_UK  (BL_ID: ????)
- Random Caps  (BL_ID: 1295)
- Starcraftman  (BL_ID: ????)
- Lord Tony  (BL_ID: 5146)
- The Sub  (BL_ID: ????)

We currently have 25 members in the United Blockland Building Clan
Currently, everyone is seen as a member, we are still figuring out ranks and who is where.

Thank you for reading, I hope you are interested in joining :D

« on: June 11, 2008, 06:43:33 PM »
OK!  really this guy his name is wallyjohn(bbs) ID 1781 said he was banning me from like 50 servers >.<

He had a tiny list with much more at the end and i know he is bluffing about a lot of them (Bones4?  Beachbum?  i could not believ just those two!)  The others i didnt know though and if he does have admin there im screwed!

I got him a little bit mad and he said i was on his "Blacklist" and if he coems into your server with admin baning ID 212 HE IS BANNING ME AND PLEASE DONT LET HIM!!!

PLEASE Listen to what i just said and dont let wallyjohn(bbs) ID 1781 ban me!!!    My blockland name and id are Jirue ID 212  do not let him ban me!


Help / Sound problems
« on: May 06, 2008, 08:12:46 PM »
Whenever i die or spawn or something (it is random)
I here the note it plays when i flip threw an option button

but when i hit an option button it plays a verity of Self Delete, hurt, glass breaking, water splashing, wrenches, and normal notes

Is there a crappy add-on or somthing that causes this?
Im willing to give any add on up to get rid of this D:

Suggestions & Requests / Half Life 2 Mod. (headcrab invation)
« on: May 03, 2008, 10:19:04 AM »
K, There are these things called "headcrabs" from half life 2, little alien crab things that latch onto your head

Have a team helping you and the headcrabs latch onto the players and it is shown as such,  then you must kill the "headcrab zombies" and the headcrabs.

If you have ever played half life 2 you know what this is and stuff.
There is a spawn that the headcrabs come from
The zombies walk pretty slow probably just a little slower than normal speed (If normal scale is 1.0, they probably go about 0.85)

To set up the game have a certain amount of bots on your side of the team, Then  headcrabs will spawn, and you have to kill all the headcrab zombies.  And you win!  But if everyone (the real players "humans" playing bl NOT Bots) has a headcrab aattached to them, then the humans loose D:

I have a picture below as sort of a reference, i might post what a headcrab looks like and a zombie.

Please make :D  (please dont think of this as the zombie mod and make them kill bricks, They dont kill bricks, they follow you and kill you D:)\

Ok i have a headcrab, i did not get the zombie because all the pictures would scare little kidos :P   They are pretty creepy when you get down to them with the rotting flesh and all...

So basicly this little guy just like sits on top of its host's head :D

Suggestions & Requests / Arcade Games
« on: April 26, 2008, 06:13:09 PM »
This is probably more of a dream than a request but it would be so pwn if you could have a "screen" brick and it had games like pacman!
Pacman could be like the screen is shown as a bunch of pixels and has that same old maze and different colored blocks go around as ghosts and pacman was yellow and so on.  And with that a control panel brick

So it could be like a 2x4 for control panel,  and like a 1x4x4 print brick for the screen.  That would be cool

Then you just build the case around it.

Gallery / Legend of Zelda!
« on: April 13, 2008, 12:30:53 AM »
Eh i was board, and in the zelda themed build competition server, so i made this
Didn't take me very long,  rate if you like, i dont care

UPDATED IT  Just added some things to make it look more finished

Suggestions & Requests / Hovor Craft
« on: April 12, 2008, 01:42:07 PM »
It would be pwn if there was a flying vehicle and it had two big propellers facing the ground, and it was extremely easy to handle  and it would go higher if you pressed something and lower if you pressed somthing else, and it just stayed straight and didnt tip and all that.

Just a cool hover craft, it would also pwn if it was just 2 seets and one be on the back and you could shoot a minigun at people >:D

Suggestions & Requests / New Map: BL Sunny Day
« on: April 02, 2008, 07:54:04 PM »
Just a map,  kind of like zors slate blocko,   But have the sky be like the bottom of bricks.   And a little lighter than slate,  Like bedroom lighting, or kitchen,  Not as bright as construct, but not as dark as slate

Nothing special but i think it would look nice and be fun to play in :P   

I would do it myself but i have no clue about map making period,  Could someone do this for me? lol it would not be very hard fro a decent map maker.

Help / Demo Recordings
« on: March 31, 2008, 02:21:03 PM »
The things that you press F3 and it says Saving/Base/Recordings/Demo#.rec
what program plays these .Rec files?

Drama / MotE Masters of the EVIL!!
« on: March 14, 2008, 08:05:31 PM »
I was surprised to come out of what i was building and see spam.  TONS AND TONS of spam.  all made by Adio  Member of MotE

The spam was mainly of 1x4x4 prints and a row read: "MOTE MYAHAHAHAHA...HA"   

I was extremely surprised that a good name like MotE would do that.    I alwaise thought mote were great builders and such.  and they are.  But to have a good member come and ruin the name with spam that is advertising mote is wrong for even a horrible clan.

I was going to try and keep applying for MotE, but after what i have just seen, i don't want anything to do with them.  I dont want to be part of a clan that will allow their players to go and ruin the name of the clan.

It was an impostor :o

Drama / Newbs/Noobs
« on: January 21, 2008, 07:48:50 PM »
Dose it seem to you that blockland is being overpowered by new people that:

A: Know nothing about the game and are askign really dumb questions

B:Think they are hot stuff and own blockland (morons that come into your server and say GIVE ME ADMIN NOW OR I WILL BAN YOU FROM THIS SERVER!!) and their ID is one of the highest you have seen.

C:Just plane idiots.

They are all everywhere, go join a server and tell me the average of IDs that you saw.  Mainly that average is going to be 3000 and up.

I am truly sick of them.  I can not go into a server without getting noob/newb crap!

It is ruining blockland, do you think so?

Modification Help / Force decal download
« on: January 19, 2008, 11:38:59 AM »
Is there a code of some kind that makes people who join your server, download the print decals?

Because I am making a siege DM and it is huge, so i want to make a map of where the takeover points are so newbies dont get mad at me :P

can somebody give me a link to this add-on if it exists, or make one?

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