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Topics - Wrapperup

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(Server) (Credits) (Ideas) (Maps)

Lava Escape is a remade private gamemode where you climb a build to race against the lava rising below you (or above if you're too slow.)

The objective is simple: Make it to the end of the map before lava kills you.

This private gamemode contains a map cycler, which cycles the map after 4 rounds (may change)
Last round of the map will have the lava rise faster than it had in the previous rounds.
If more than one people survive, survivors get 5 points each.
If there is only one person alive, and they make it to the end alive, they get a bonus 3 points for being Last Man Standing.

The gamemode allows people to push each other. There may be a limit, which I think should be 3 pushes per round.

The gamemode also has 3 difficulty settings

Easy - The map is easy to beat, lava rises fast.
Medium - The map is kinda easy to beat, lava rises slower.
Hard - the map is hard to beat, lava rises slowest.

Beta application template removed, I have all the testers I need.

Credits (So far)


Map builders (incomplete list)
Agent Blue
(Kong123 pending)
(Ashes pending)

Beta Testers

Points buy perks that enchance your player (ex: higher jumps, faster player, weapons NOPE)

If you have a suggestion, just reply the suggestion.

Maps (So far)

By me

By me

By Pass

Do you want to make a map for the gamemode?

Heres how:
step 1: Build the map (obviously)
step 2: Name the brick at which the lava should stop under (ending the map) LEEnd
step 3: make a folder/zip and put your save in, and make 2 text files, one credits.txt and settings.txt
step 4: Rename the save to "save.bls".
step 5: in the settings.txt file, put the difficulty (listed above): 1 for easy, 2 for medium, 3 for hard.
step 6: in the credits.txt file, put in the names of people who made the map. (ex: "Wrapperup and a Blockhead").

PM me the zipped file and ill check it, fix it up (if it isn't correct) and put your map in the server.

Slow Motion Death V. 2

This add-on makes your deaths rly!
Comes with 2 RTB Prefs
Enabled: Enable or disable this add-on whenever you want.
Slow Motion Time: This sets how long (in seconds) you will stay in slow motion after you die and before you respawn.
(If you dont have RTB, the prefs are set to their defaults.(Enabled, and 2 seconds of slow motion))

Add-on now works in non-dedicated servers! The host's timescale will not be changed upon death if this script is ran on a non-dedicated server.


rtb link hopefully comming soon too! (Uploaded to RTB just now!)

Drama / Nasoa's Kart Racing - What a loving mess.
« on: January 02, 2013, 09:18:12 AM »
Today, I was bored and could not find a good server to go to, so i decided to go to Nasoa's server.

The whole server was a mess, people spamming, holding up the server, and just being a plain annoyance.

and worst of all: NO ADMINS!

Also, sorry for alot of pictures, alot of evidence makes a good drama doesn't it?

Xizor is some fanboy follow of tomtom who did exactly was he has done.

Xizor is holding up the round, aswell as TomTom (did not get a snap) and also shows that Xizor is a fanboy of TomTom

TomTom spamming the blue text at the top, saying "Whatd I do?"

The chat shown for Xizor and TomTom holding up the round again

Also spamming the light command.

Other things i did not get snaps of:
 People spamming right before I left.
 Me complaining about the horrible moderation (there was none there)
 TomTom trying to act like he did nothing

now discuss.

Add-Ons / Request Teleport
« on: November 03, 2012, 09:49:08 AM »
Request Teleport

Basically, you can teleport to anybody, if the target you specified accepts your request.

/RTP Target - Specify a target that you want to request teleport to. The target must type /rtp yes to allow you to

/RTP Yes - Accept the requester's request.

/RTP No - Deny the requester's request.

--> Download <--

Request Teleport

--> RTB Download <--

Its on RTB! Get it now!

Creativity / TV Static Effects in Avatars
« on: October 28, 2012, 06:35:23 PM »
Ive seen a handful of avatars that do a distortion or TV Static effect (seen in my avatar)

Post your avatar here, and ill put it in the op.

Okay, so i was playing on Armani's, when all of a sudden this idiot starts blocking the road, followed by Darkfire909 blocking roads just as mlockha was. They tried to "troll" us (even though they did a puny job of it) and started spamming the chat.

All pictures here:

/discuss now

General Discussion / nope
« on: October 17, 2012, 09:07:20 PM »
Ok, so when i was working on my Gui for a mod i was making, i saw in the list "AchGUI". I got curious and clicked it.
It didn't look correct, so i pushed it while in my main menu, and it said "Achievements" at the top. This sounds really intresting, and i would like to know more about it.



Off Topic / Scary Dreams
« on: October 15, 2012, 06:51:29 PM »
Post the scariest dream you have ever had

mine was when some girl from the Grudge was behind my computer tower. cant remember the rest.

Off Topic / Avatar action scene
« on: October 15, 2012, 04:16:43 PM »
Take your avatar and the person above's avatar and tell me what you did with it (love scene, murder, love scene, do this topic with the avatars, ect.)

General Discussion / Wrapperup's Lava Flood Escape!
« on: October 15, 2012, 07:27:04 AM »
Lava Flood Escape
(Info)  (Snapshots)  (Credits)  (Maps/Map Submission)   (Server)


Every 3 rounds, a map loads, in that map, you must run from the rising lava.
Once the timer runs out of time, the round ends.
If everyone ends up dead, no one gains points. Each round you live you gain one (1) point.


NOTE: The snapshots are not of every map.


Map Making

Maps/Map Submission

Maps that are on the server as of now
fld_TripToGoldIsland.bls - by Pass
fld_save.bls - by Wrapperup
fld_Bridge.bls - by Wrapperup
fld_volcano.bls - by Wrapperup
fld_Tower.bls - by Wrapperup
fld_Climb.bls - by Cuboid

To get your map on the server, use this form and reply to this topic:

Map name: fld_NAME.bls
Link: insert link to bls
If you have any problems, let me know with a reply or PM
When no one is on the server, the server will continuously say "There are no survivors" and restart.


The server is up
You can view the server here.

Music Voting 4.1



When you spawn, this message shows up.

I set up a music brick by looking at my music brick and typing /setVMBrick.

I type /voteMusic so I can vote on my music.

I press SEND and this message pops up, telling me I have succesfully started
a vote for my song.

I type /VM yes to vote for the song being voted on.

Sucess! the music brick is now set to the song I voted for!


V. 1 - 9-24-12
    -Published to forums

V. 2 - 9-25-12
    -Fixed a bug where people could change the music by pushing the music GUI after typing /voteMusic from their console (sets wrench data to nothing and changes wrenchbrick to nothing when the "You have waited too long" message appears.) and when they press SEND in music gui.

V. 3 - 9-26-12
    -Fixed a bug where $lastSong tried to define itself with %musicData when it didn't exist yet.
    -When the parent is called (If not voting for the music to be played), it now checks to see if it is a music brick before setting the $lastSong
to the %musicData variable.
    -Added a vote timeout, you can adjust it in the RTB prefs.

V. 4 - 9-28-12
    - Added a check to make sure if a vote is enabled if for an apparent reason someone typed /voteMusic while another player was starting a vote, allowing them both to make 2 votes, before pressing SEND.

V. 4.1 - 9-28-12
    - Fixed an exploit where you could bypass the actual voting process (thanks mold)


/VMHelp - List music voter commands.

/voteMusic - Opens up music GUI so you can pick a song to vote on.
   - Also has an RTB pref to let you change if everyone, admins, or superadmins can only use.

/VM Yes | /VM No - Vote on the music being voted on.

/VM stopvote - Admin only, stop a vote from finishing.

/setVMBrick - Admin only, Sets the music brick you are looking at to the music brick to be voted on.

RTB Prefs
Enabled (checkbox) - Enable or disable music voting.

Restrictions (Who can vote. List: Everyone, admins, superadmins) - Should everyone, admins, or superadmins be able to vote?


Coder: Wrapperup
Music Pack: Kalphiter

Music Voter v 4.1 download is below, RTB link hopefully comming soon too. (V. 4.1) (Still waiting for approval, will update to v. 4.1 when approved(if ever).)

Off Topic / What happened this afternoon...
« on: September 22, 2012, 09:55:26 PM »
Okay, so when I was walking outside, the i opened the door really fast and hit my head
really hard on it, No deal right?

Well, just a few minutes ago, i was reading around the forums, when i realized i feel something
weird about my head. IT HAD A DENT ON IT.

im scared for lief(playing)

But really, im scared.

Modification Help / Getting a server's player count cliently?
« on: September 20, 2012, 07:14:35 PM »
/title. I've been doing alot of search for a client command. I already know the server sided method, but
what i need is a client sided command. Im thinking of a method, but i want a simple way of grabbing the
server's player count cliently without having to use multiple lines of code.

Drama / Gamey - Bumping 3 old topics
« on: September 18, 2012, 07:13:27 PM »
As you know, Gamey has been bumping 3 old topics (refer to /title)

These are some things he said that have bumped the old topics.

First Bump:
I'm so glad you posted this.
The topic was august old, which was about a month old, Gamey should have been more careful.

Second bump - This one gets a little intresting:
Wtf? Such a bad reason for a ban.
He says, then tkepahama replies:
Nice bump.
Next, Gamey replies to tkepahama:
Thx,i have more bumps if you want to.
Not sure what to say about this, but it appears he is bumping topics on purpose, which leads
to bump #3:
Unless he was banned before,but i don't think that would happend.
This was his last bump, i PM'd him after the third bump that he shouldnt bump old ass topics,
and it may get him banned


Drama / Pickle AKA "Fluzz" - Threatens DoS/DDoS
« on: September 03, 2012, 02:22:26 PM »
I was playing on a server administrating it, when all of a sudden a guy named "Pickle" (Also known as Fluzz ID: 37382) repetitively slaps himself with a command on the server. He was then later banned by another admin.
The reason was reasonable and so when I came back, Pickle floods my RTB with messages saying "Unban me"
and so I proceed to un-ban him until the other admin tells me not to and we have a long talk about it.
Last night Fluzz was threatening me to un-ban him and re-admin him on Skype or he would get the host

and have Invictia(ID 27956) to DDoS me (Which never happened), so I ask him if he knew any of Pickles nonsense, he replies this

Invictia is telling me he will provide Info to Pickle (Fluzz) so they can get rid of me and have the dominate power in the server (Admin/SA obviously). And they use this info to keep themselves from being Banned from any server at all or threaten.

Note: Invictia hasn't done anything Pickle told him, Watch out for Pickle "Fluzz" though.
I've been holding this drama here for a while. I figured i would share this with you guys.


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